Author: iz4wnp

AN 1384 – Libreria applicativa per caricabatterie Ni-MH
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AN 1384 – Libreria applicativa per caricabatterie Ni-MH

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload. Il controllo del processo di carica degli elementi Ni-MH è di fondamentale importanza per garantir loro una lunga…

ARRL Now Provides Free RF Exposure Calculator
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ARRL Now Provides Free RF Exposure Calculator

The FCC has adopted guidelines and procedures for evaluating environmental effects of RF emissions. Under the new FCC rules, some amateurs need to perform routine…

Virtual PC
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Virtual PC

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizziamo che cosa è la virtualizzazione e quali sono i suoi utilizzi. Introduzione Un esempio molto semplice di…

Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, is Amateur Radio Newsline 2021 Young Ham of the Year
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Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, is Amateur Radio Newsline 2021 Young Ham of the Year

Faith Hannah Lea, KD3Z, of Palm Coast, Florida, has been selected as the 2021 Bill Pasternak WA6ITF Memorial Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. Faith…

Just Released: More Arduino for Ham Radio
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Just Released: More Arduino for Ham Radio

The new book More Arduino for Ham Radio by popular author and experimenter Glen Popiel, KW5GP, builds on the success of his two previous titles, Arduino for Ham…

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 9 (Un semplice interruttore crepuscolare)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 9 (Un semplice interruttore crepuscolare)

Un interruttore crepuscolare è uno switch elettronico che accende una lampada, o cose simili, quando cala l’oscurità con, tra le altre cose, l’intenzione di scoraggiare…

OA7/DL1CW Urubamba Peru. From
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OA7/DL1CW Urubamba Peru. From

Arno, DL1CW will be active from Peru, 5 August – 1 September 2021, as OA7/DL1CW., OA7/DL1CW Urubamba Peru. From, ,

Best DMR Handheld Ham Radio for 2021 | Top 10 DMR HT Radios
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Best DMR Handheld Ham Radio for 2021 | Top 10 DMR HT Radios

What is the best DMR Handheld Ham Radio you can get in 2021, and why? Today I take you through my Top 10 choices for…

Woody White, KZ4AK, Wins the July 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award
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Woody White, KZ4AK, Wins the July 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the July 2021 QST Cover Plaque award is “A Sensitive Field Strength Meter for Foxhunting,” by Woody White, KZ4AK. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

SSTV Transmissions Scheduled from ISS [ August 6 – 7 ]
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SSTV Transmissions Scheduled from ISS [ August 6 – 7 ]

Friday and Saturday, August 6 – 7, Russian cosmonauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) will transmit slow-scan television (SSTV) images from the station on…

Elecraft K4 Hands-on   (UK Sample)
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Elecraft K4 Hands-on (UK Sample)

Elecraft K4 Peter Waters G3OJV, takes a trip around the features he used when evaluating the first production sample K4 to arrive int the UK….

Pl-259 vs N-Connectors is similar to Ford vs Chevy
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Pl-259 vs N-Connectors is similar to Ford vs Chevy

Michael, KI7QIB, is asking a simple question “Should I replace PL-259 connectors in a feedline with N-type connectors? Antenna Buddipole vs AlexLoop Walkham November 03,…

Note tecniche USB
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Note tecniche USB

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizziamo alcune note tecniche di approfondimento sul protocollo USB. Introduzione Il protocollo di comunicazione USB, che gestisce lo…

Delay/Block debouncer
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Delay/Block debouncer

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload descrive come implementare via software un blocco che effettua un ritardo su PIC10F322 e utilizzarlo come anti-rimbalzo per interruttori….

I principali trend del 2021 nella sicurezza per l’IoT
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I principali trend del 2021 nella sicurezza per l’IoT

Quali sono i principali trend del 2021 nel campo della sicurezza IoT?, community di Avnet – fornitore globale di soluzioni tecnologiche con un vasto…

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 8 (Candela Elettronica)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 8 (Candela Elettronica)

La candela qui presentata non utilizza cera di candela, stoppino o una fiamma tremolante, ma piuttosto una piccola lampada a incandescenza a bassa tensione. Tuttavia:…

Internet of Things: i rischi
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Internet of Things: i rischi

I rischi dell’Internet of Things sono di diversa natura ed entità: alcuni sono più pericolosi, altri di meno. In questo articolo scoprirai quali sono e…

Anytone AT-779 70MHz Amateur Radio Review
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Anytone AT-779 70MHz Amateur Radio Review

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Dave, M0OGY takes a look at the Anytone AT-779 and makes a few contacts on the 4m band…

8-Meter Experimental Station on the Air from the US
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8-Meter Experimental Station on the Air from the US

WL2XUP is an FCC Part 5 Experimental station operated by Lin Holcomb, NI4Y, in Georgia. It’s licensed to operate with up to 400 W effective radiated…

Quirky APRS, HG-UV98 Lanch NLH Ham Radio Handheld Review
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Quirky APRS, HG-UV98 Lanch NLH Ham Radio Handheld Review

“Chinese radios have come a long way, many have impressive feature lists, but those features seem to be stuck behind programming or poorly implemented design….

Product Discontinuation: IC-7851 HF All Band Transceiver
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Product Discontinuation: IC-7851 HF All Band Transceiver

“We are sorry to announce that Icom has discontinued the IC-7851 HF All Band Transceiver. Since its launch six years ago, the IC-7851 has been…

I campi di applicazione dell’Internet of Things
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I campi di applicazione dell’Internet of Things

I campi di applicazione dell’Internet of Things spaziano dalla domotica all’agricoltura, per passare all’automazione industriale e tutto ciò che concerne l’uso medicale e hobbystico. All’interno…

A che punto siamo con l’Intelligenza Artificiale?
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A che punto siamo con l’Intelligenza Artificiale?

L’Intelligenza Artificiale negli ultimi anni è stata molto sviluppata: strumenti di analisi per grandi set di dati aiutano gli scienziati ad identificare le popolazioni che…

ISS SSTV Aug 6-7 145.800 MHz FM
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ISS SSTV Aug 6-7 145.800 MHz FM

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit Slow Scan TV images on 145.800 MHz FM using the SSTV mode PD-120….

Antennas and Connectors!
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Antennas and Connectors!

Dave, KB2UBO, has two questions… One about Whether a ZS6BKW could/should be used in an inverted V? Another about Wheather to crimp or solder connectors?…