Author: iz4wnp

La segmentazione delle immagini nella visione artificiale
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La segmentazione delle immagini nella visione artificiale

La segmentazione delle immagini è uno dei passaggi più importanti per l’analisi e per l’elaborazione delle immagini digitali. Permette di semplificare l’immagine dividendola in parti…

E51AAO Cook Islands. From
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E51AAO Cook Islands. From

Bruce, ZL1AAO will be active as E51AAO from South Cook Islands, 7 – 19 August 2021., E51AAO Cook Islands. From, ,

OY/DF8AN Faroe Islands. From
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OY/DF8AN Faroe Islands. From

Michael, OY/DF8AN will be active from Faroe Islands, IOTA EU – 018, 31 July – 8 August 2021., OY/DF8AN Faroe Islands. From, ,

Mechanical Issues with EFHW Antenna
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Mechanical Issues with EFHW Antenna

“Rolf, KE1Y, has a EFHW 80 – 10 and it’s wire has broken near the loading coil. He wants to know if there is a…

I nuovi micro Tiva C
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I nuovi micro Tiva C

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload parleremo di un nuovo prodotto della Texas Instruments, la quale ha lanciato sul mercato la nuova generazione di…

Dipoloma Pavia Storica
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Dipoloma Pavia Storica

La Sezione A.R.I. di Pavia IQ2PV, istituisce in occasione del 70° anno dalla ricostruzione del “Ponte Coperto” questo Diploma di carattere culturale, seguendo le orme…

JA1TOKYO – Olympic Games
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JA1TOKYO – Olympic Games

Olympic Games – JA1TOKYOOn July 16 JARL opened the special commemorative station ‘JA1 TOKYO‘ in Nishitokyo City, Tokyo, to commemorate the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and…

Da OMRON relè efficiente per impianti a energia rinnovabile
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Da OMRON relè efficiente per impianti a energia rinnovabile

OMRON Electronic Components Europe, leader nei relè elettromeccanici per circuiti stampati e principale fornitore di componenti quali microinterruttori, relè MOSFET, DIP switch, fotomicrosensori e connettori,…

United States gets FM CB Radio (After 63 Years!)
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United States gets FM CB Radio (After 63 Years!)

  It’s only taken 63 years but it looks like Frequency Modulation is coming the USA! Currently AM and SSB modes are legal on the…

Rilevazione del tocco per R8C/33T
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Rilevazione del tocco per R8C/33T

Questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload parla della tecnica di rilevazione del tocco per il microcomputer R8C/33T. Questo chip integra una periferica hardware denominata SCU:…

Artificial Intelligence al servizio della sicurezza nei luoghi affollati
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Artificial Intelligence al servizio della sicurezza nei luoghi affollati

Occhio che non vede, cuore che non duole. Un vecchio proverbio che non trova più applicazione nel mondo contemporaneo perché siamo ormai circondati da innumerevoli…

Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error
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Massachusetts Court Okays Amateur Radio Tower, Citing Board of Appeals’ Error

A judge in the Massachusetts Land Court has ruled that the Zoning Board of Appeals in the City of Framingham “erred” in revoking a building…

RG8X No-Name Coax, You Need To Be Careful, Jim W6LG Shows What Happened To 100 Feet Of Gray Coax
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RG8X No-Name Coax, You Need To Be Careful, Jim W6LG Shows What Happened To 100 Feet Of Gray Coax

Jim Heath W6LG shows what happened to RG8X that had 1500 applied. Watch the subsequent episodes for more information about coax. Review How To Program…

FCC Investigating Alleged “Jamming” on 40 Meters
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FCC Investigating Alleged “Jamming” on 40 Meters

Reports suggest that jamming stations have been deployed on the lower portion of 40 meters. The jamming appears to be coming from Cuba. The signals,…

Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH
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Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH

Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH Audio and visual of Cuba jamming 40M, making it to OH. #hamradio —…

To Resonate or Not to Resonate?
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To Resonate or Not to Resonate?

Ben, K0ABR, simply asks Is resonate better than non resonate antenna? Antenna Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay June 29, 2021 No comments What…

Riconoscimento gestuale ad infrarossi
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Riconoscimento gestuale ad infrarossi

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Relaod viene affrontato un tema di grande attualità, ovvero il percorso evolutivo che porterà, con ogni probabilità, al progressivo…

Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods
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Volunteer radio operators to the rescue in Belgian floods

July 2021: Brabant Wallon’s Emergency Radio Network volunteers stepped in when the Police building in Wavre, Belgium – including its Tetra antenna and computers –…

FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio
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FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

by Matthew Gault The federal government is investigating mysterious signals coming from Havana that are jamming popular frequencies. HAM radio operators in Florida have said…

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“ On January 1, 2022 I will be retiring. I’ll be nearly 76 and want to spend more time at other things. EZNEC is and…

AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) Open for Amateur Use
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AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) Open for Amateur Use

AMSAT’s Engineering and Operations Teams have announced that AO-109 (RadFxSat-2/AMSAT Fox-1E) is now open for amateur use. AMSAT advises operators to use efficient modes for…

Attaching Coax to a Dipole
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Attaching Coax to a Dipole

Gordon, KO4OCO, in reference to Dave’s 40 meter dipole video, he asks how the actual connection between the coupler and the antenna wire was made?…

PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 1
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PRAM, il tuo Primo Robot Autonomo Mobile – Parte 1

La maggior parte della nostra percezione del robot è basata su film Hollywoodiani come i famosi robot 3CPO e R2D2 di Star Wars fino al…

One Four Wednesdays – CB 40th Anniversary
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One Four Wednesdays – CB 40th Anniversary

  As part of the 40th Anniversary of legal CB Radio in the UK, people are being invited to shout “One-Four A Copy” once again…

9X2AW Rwanda. From
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9X2AW Rwanda. From

Harold, DF2WO will be active again as 9X2AW from Rwanda, 13 – 28 September 2021., 9X2AW Rwanda. From, ,