Author: iz4wnp

ARRL Monitoring as Tropical Storm Elsa Nears Florida Peninsula
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ARRL Monitoring as Tropical Storm Elsa Nears Florida Peninsula

Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) volunteers are preparing to act, if needed, as Tropical Storm Elsa approaches the Florida Keys. The National Weather Service (NWS)…

EL/AZ 3D Printed Antenna Rotator – Testing !
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EL/AZ 3D Printed Antenna Rotator – Testing !

“One of the Youtube viewers made a comment a few weeks ago asking about my rotator project. Their comment inspired me to finish it. This…

Noise Canceling Methods
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Noise Canceling Methods

Dave Mitchell, AJ5F, asks about the MFJ-1025/1026 Noise Canceling Signal Enhancer to help remove the noise created by his well pump. Dave will help show…

Antenna Traps You Can Make – Simple Construction Project
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Antenna Traps You Can Make – Simple Construction Project

Here is a simple construction project that you can carry out. Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments  …

ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?
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ICOM IC 7300 Ham Radio Go Box, It’s Final Form?

“The go box is portable operation ready. How did I do on the wire mangement? What is its final config? Check it out and tell…

Creiamo il nostro sistema di videosorveglianza con Android e Raspberry Pi
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Creiamo il nostro sistema di videosorveglianza con Android e Raspberry Pi

Il nostro fido Raspberry Pi è uno strumento estremamente versatile, che può essere utilizzato per creare qualsiasi tipo di applicazione. In questo articolo vedremo come,…

I nuovi integrati ClockWorks
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I nuovi integrati ClockWorks

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizzeremo MX85xxx e SM803xxx, due famiglie di integrati ClockWorksTM della Micrel, come soluzioni clock/timing. Introduzione La Micrel Inc….

FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From
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FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From

Yan, FO/F1SMB will be active from French Polynesia, 2 – 23 August 2021., FO/F1SMB French Polynesia. From, ,

RV VHF Antenna Tips | Diamond X30N
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RV VHF Antenna Tips | Diamond X30N

I show how I erect a simple VHF antenna on my RV. Antenna End-Fed Antennas – The Doctor Will See You Now! ARRL April 27,…

Raspberry Pi: come iniziare
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Raspberry Pi: come iniziare

Ti piacerebbe usare Raspberry Pi, ma parti da zero. In questo articolo ho il piacere di guidarti nei tuoi primi passi con Raspberry Pi e…

CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air
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CB Radio Anniversary – Kent On The Air

Video:YouTube/British CB Radio Highlights from a special activation celebrating 7 years of legal AM and SSB from the Kent On The Air team….   

Che cos’è un segnale PWM
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Che cos’è un segnale PWM

Che cos’è un segnale PWM? Per quale motivo sono così utilizzati e amati? In questo articolo scopriremo un passo per volta assieme ad un esempio…

D4SAL Sal Island Cabo Verde. From
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D4SAL Sal Island Cabo Verde. From

Paco, EA7KNT will be active as D4SAL from Porto Antiguo, Santa Maria, Sal Island, IOTA AF – 086, Cape Verde, Cabo Verde, 23 August –…

Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From
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Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From

Video RI0Q IOTA DX Pedition to Bolshoi Begichev Island, IOTA AS – 152, 2021., Video RI0Q Bolshoi Begichev Island. From, ,

Bob Heil, K9EID – Manufacturers Showcase
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Bob Heil, K9EID – Manufacturers Showcase

“We are with Bob Heil, K9EID with Heil Sound on this weeks episode of the Manufacturers Showcase” Antenna SIGMA GT3: SUPER STEALTHY 20M / 15M…

BTECH GMRS-V1 Review, Power Output Test | GMRS Repeater Capable Handheld Radio
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BTECH GMRS-V1 Review, Power Output Test | GMRS Repeater Capable Handheld Radio

Today I get to talk to you about the GMRS-V1 HT (handie talkie) handheld radio for the GMRS band and GMRS users. Some people have…

Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricane Elsa
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Hurricane Watch Net Activates for Hurricane Elsa

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) is currently active on 14.325 MHz for Hurricane Elsa. “Elsa surprised us all by strengthening overnight into a Category 1…

Firmware 2.0 #15 – Open Source IoT/Blockchain
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Firmware 2.0 #15 – Open Source IoT/Blockchain

Cari lettori, vi presentiamo oggi il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica digitale Firmware 2.0. Il topic di questo mese è dedicato all’ambito Open Source IoT/Blockchain….

20M Vertical Dipole – Amazing Performance – T2LT Design
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20M Vertical Dipole – Amazing Performance – T2LT Design

Here we take a look at building a simple 20M Vertical Dipole purely from RG58 Coax. Antenna Why dipole antennas are a half wave long…

Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 3
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Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 3

Come abbiamo visto nel precedente articolo “Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 2”, il codice dello sketch “CameraWebServerPermanent” registra i volti permanentemente…

VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From
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VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From

Mario, VP5MA ex VP5VMA will be active from Providenciales Island, IOTA NA – 002, Turks and Caicos Islands., VP5MA Providenciales Island Turks and Caicos. From…

FCC Reaffirms Nearly  Million Fine for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters
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FCC Reaffirms Nearly $3 Million Fine for Marketing Unauthorized Drone Transmitters

In a Memorandum Opinion and Order (MO&O) released June 17, the FCC denied a Petition for Reconsideration filed by HobbyKing of a $2,861,128 fine for marketing noncompliant RF equipment…

A Visit to the World’s Largest Heathkit Collection
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A Visit to the World’s Largest Heathkit Collection

“Through my own collecting efforts involving and restoring vintage Heathkit test equipment, I first heard about, and then made contact with, a gentleman who had…

InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering
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InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering

InnovAntennas announce DX Engineering to be the exclusive North American reseller. Not long now and you will be able to buy our LFA-Qs direct! Antenna…

DISCOVERY TX-500 Arrives in UK. HF-6m 10W Transceiver
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DISCOVERY TX-500 Arrives in UK. HF-6m 10W Transceiver

“It’s an exciting new HF radio that packs a lot into a very small space and also packs a punch on the air. Peter G3OJV,…