Author: iz4wnp

Schede SIM per IoT: quali usare?
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Schede SIM per IoT: quali usare?

Ti stai chiedendo quali SIM per l’IoT usare? Ci sono diverse opzioni offerte dal mercato attuale e in questo articolo andremo a scoprire assieme quali…

Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay
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Best Ham Radio HF Antenna on eBay

What is the Best Ham Radio Antenna you can get on eBay? Antenna MFJ-226 1-230 MHZ ANTENNA EXPECT TIMES GRAPHIC ANALYZER April 02, 2015 No…

Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive available
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Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive available

Spain’s URE makes amateur radio magazine archive availableSpain’s national amateur radio society URE has digitized their old magazines from 1949 to 2020 and made the PDF’s available…

Come semplificare il Design for Manufacturing
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Come semplificare il Design for Manufacturing

Il Design for Manufacturing (DFM) offre vantaggi decisivi: riduce i costi nella prototipazione e nella produzione in serie, aumenta la qualità e l’affidabilità degli assemblaggi…

COMET CAA 500 Antenna Analyser Review
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COMET CAA 500 Antenna Analyser Review

This is a high performance Antenna Analyser, designed particularly for ham radio. The Japanese quality shows through. We will have it back in stock shortly….

New Field Day van! Winter Field Day 2021
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New Field Day van! Winter Field Day 2021

“Whilst everyone in the USA enjoys summer field day, us here in VK have battled through our VHF/UHF winter field day! We have a new…

E-FIELD Lighting Controller
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E-FIELD Lighting Controller

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload vi parlerò delle proposte innovative di Freescale per il dimming. Introduzione Citando la presentazione dell’E-Field Lighting Controller sul…

CB Radio Anniversary Events TODAY!
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CB Radio Anniversary Events TODAY!

  There should be plenty of activity on the CB today as the stations throughout the UK celebrate the 7th Anniversary of the legalisation of AM…

Partnership tra EBV Elektronik e Infineon per la fornitura di tecnologie innovative al carburo di silicio
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Partnership tra EBV Elektronik e Infineon per la fornitura di tecnologie innovative al carburo di silicio

EBV Elektronik, il principale distributore europeo di semiconduttori facente parte del gruppo Avnet, che opera in 65 sedi dislocate in ben 29 paesi dell’area EMEA…

Bitcoin to the Moon: LABRE write to ANATEL
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Bitcoin to the Moon: LABRE write to ANATEL

Brazil’s national amateur radio society LABRE has written to the communications regulator ANATEL regarding the alleged sending of Bitcoin via amateur radio Moonbounce (EME) LABRE…

Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 3
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Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 3

Il precedente articolo “Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 2” è stato orientato alla trattazione della scheda di…

Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021
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Safety for ARRL ham radio Field Day 2021

“Today we talk about Field Day safety, going through the ARRL field day safety checklist” Antenna Easily Check Your Antennas Tuning – VNA N1201SA /…

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]
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In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators [ VIDEO ]

In recognition of Amateur Radio Operators Antenna QST Announces 2017 Antenna Design Competition Winners September 13, 2017 No comments QST has announced the winners of its…

Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna
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Setup & Tune Shark Ham Sticks on The Chameleon Spider and Quad Dipole Ham Radio Antenna

Pairing the Chameleon Spider or Quad with Shark Ham Sticks is a great way to get a simple multiple band antenna on the air Antenna…

Che cosa è una time series e perchè è importante per l’IoT?
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Che cosa è una time series e perchè è importante per l’IoT?

Che cosa è una time series? Perchè è importante per l’IoT? In questo articolo ho il piacere di affrontare assieme a te questo piccolo ma…

Video – ZL8R – Kermadec Islands. From
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Video – ZL8R – Kermadec Islands. From

Video ZL8R Kermadec Islands DX Pedition 2006. Author – James Brooks, 9V1YC., Video – ZL8R – Kermadec Islands. From, ,

La radio, una rete sociale al femminile in Cile
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La radio, una rete sociale al femminile in Cile

In un angolo del Cile, Leticia San Martín Corrial accende la sua radio per potersi mettere in contatto con il mondo intero. Si connette a una frequenza…

ARCO Smart Antenna Rotator Controller [ microHam ]
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ARCO Smart Antenna Rotator Controller [ microHam ]

The ARCO is a modern rotator controller designed for reliable operation with virtually any rotator ever made, commercial or home brew.ARCO provides a lot of unique present day functions, not yet…

FCC Seeks Comments in Proceeding Involving 70 and 5 Centimeters
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FCC Seeks Comments in Proceeding Involving 70 and 5 Centimeters

The FCC is soliciting a second round of comments on whether to authorize commercial space entities to obtain licenses for frequencies used exclusively during space…

TinkerCAD Circuit: come usare componenti passivi con Arduino
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TinkerCAD Circuit: come usare componenti passivi con Arduino

TinkerCAD Circuit: come usare componenti passivi con Arduino. In questo articolo ti guiderò all’utilizzo di TinkerCAD Circuit e alla realizzazione di circuiti con componenti elettrici…

Morse Code : Keys and Keyers
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Morse Code : Keys and Keyers

Garry Ursenbach, VE6MU / NB7T, wants to know Dave’s suggestions on morse code keys. Dave will also teach about keyers. Antenna 2-Element- DK7ZB – Quad…

3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition Team Hasn’t Given Up the Ship
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3Y0J Bouvet Island DXpedition Team Hasn’t Given Up the Ship

The Daily DX has reported that the 3Y0J DXpedition team is still hoping to have a go at the island in 2023. The DXpedition team had planned to…

A Filament Poised to Launch with Noctilucent Clouds & Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 06.22.2021
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A Filament Poised to Launch with Noctilucent Clouds & Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 06.22.2021

A Filament Poised to Launch with Noctilucent Clouds & Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 06.22.2021 Antenna Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas LOOP-20 March 25, 2021…

Ham Radio and Linux – Using QSSTV to decode from captured audio files
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Ham Radio and Linux – Using QSSTV to decode from captured audio files

“June 22nd 2021, I.S.S. is transmitting SSTV through the 26th. Using the method from the previous video to automatically capture every pass, I show how…

Blockchain tra scienza e salute
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Blockchain tra scienza e salute

Già da un pò di tempo si sente parlare di blockchain, soprattutto con la gran volata del Bitcoin degli ultimi anni, la cui piattaforma è…