Author: iz4wnp

OA7/DD5ZZ Peru. From
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OA7/DD5ZZ Peru. From

Alex, DD5ZZ will be active as OA7/DD5ZZ from Cusco region, Peru, 30 July – 17 September 2021., OA7/DD5ZZ Peru. From, ,

TinkerCAD Circuit: come usare i sensori con Arduino
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TinkerCAD Circuit: come usare i sensori con Arduino

Ti stai chiedendo come usare i sensori con Arduino all’interno di TinkerCAD Circuit? Devi sapere che puoi non solo usarli, ma anche simularne in tempo…

SAQ in Sweden to Conduct Annual Alexanderson Day Transmission
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SAQ in Sweden to Conduct Annual Alexanderson Day Transmission

SAQ, the call sign of the vintage Alexanderson alternator transmitter in Grimeton, Sweden, will conduct its annual Alexanderson Day transmission on Sunday, July 4. The…

MIR-SAT1 CubeSat Expected to Deploy from the ISS on June 22
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MIR-SAT1 CubeSat Expected to Deploy from the ISS on June 22

MIR-SAT1(Mauritius Imagery and Radiotelecommunication Satellite 1), the first amateur radio CubeSat from the Indian Ocean island nation of Mauritius, is expected to be deployed from the…

Best Antenna Practices
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Best Antenna Practices

“Donald Clark, KB6QEW, is having some trouble with his SWR. But because of some issues in understanding his situation Dave will answer the best he…

SDRplay SDRuno update and preview of new scheduler function coming soon
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SDRplay SDRuno update and preview of new scheduler function coming soon

This video starts with a roundup of popular features of SDRuno and then shows a sneak preview of the new scheduler function planned for release…

All about the Grayline!
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All about the Grayline!

“I, Dave, have been asked a lot about the Grayline in my recent livestreams, What is it? Why does it matter? How does it Happen?…

GestIC basta un gesto
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GestIC basta un gesto

La nuova tecnologia Microchip permetterà di interagire con i sistemi mobile attraverso i gesti. In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload vediamo in dettaglio come…

JA8COE/8 Yagishiri Island. From
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JA8COE/8 Yagishiri Island. From

Taka, JA8COE/8 will be active again from Yagishiri Island, IOTA AS – 147, 25 – 27 June 2021., JA8COE/8 Yagishiri Island. From, ,

Nuova piattaforma interattiva per #MWC21 da Anritsu
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Nuova piattaforma interattiva per #MWC21 da Anritsu

E’ stata inaugurata una nuova era di fiere ed eventi. L’evento virtuale sulla tecnologia wireless #MWC21 di Anritsu garantisce un ambiente totalmente immersivo e crea…

3DA0RU Eswatini. From
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3DA0RU Eswatini. From

3DA0RU Team will be active from Eswatini, 22 October – 8 November 2021., 3DA0RU Eswatini. From, ,

TinkerCAD Circuit: Buzzer con Arduino
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TinkerCAD Circuit: Buzzer con Arduino

Usare un buzzer con Arduino e TinkerCAD Circuit? Si può! Il software di simulazione gratuito e accessibile a tutti, permette non solo di simulare i…

Monitoraggio IoT con i sistemi SCADA open source
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Monitoraggio IoT con i sistemi SCADA open source

In questo articolo viene descritto un esempio di implementazione di un sistema SCADA open source basato sull’Internet of Things (IoT). In questo esempio, il sistema…

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X6100 is an ultra-portable shortwave transceiver. It adopts the SDR software radio platform architecture of excellent performance, which carries powerful baseband and RF unit, integrating…

Minimum Age Novice- and Full-License in The Netherlands abolished
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Minimum Age Novice- and Full-License in The Netherlands abolished

Today is an important day regarding youth and amateur radio in The Netherlands. To gain more young active radio hams, it is a must that this…

Cos’è l’Internet of Musical Things
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Cos’è l’Internet of Musical Things

L’Internet of Musical Things è un campo di ricerca emergente che studia i dispositivi IoT dedicati all’esecuzione di performance musicali e che possono permettere un…

J20EE Djibouti. From
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J20EE Djibouti. From

Jeje, F8FKJ will be active as J20EE from Djibouti, during June – July 2021., J20EE Djibouti. From, ,

FX700 Vector Network Analyzer
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FX700 Vector Network Analyzer

Metropwr FX700 is a vector network analyzer 0.1/700 MHz used to measure all the parameters of an antenna. It has a large 4.3 “touch screen display…

Can RG8X Really Handle 1500 Watts?
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Can RG8X Really Handle 1500 Watts?

Using a linear amplifier Jim W6LG tests a 100 foot length of RG8X to see if it can handle 1500 watts by measuring the temperature…

The 62nd ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST – 2021
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The 62nd ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST – 2021

Operation in All Asian DX Contest (CW)  All Asian DX Contest (CW) will be held according to the current rules.  However, the Novel Coronal Virus…

Un sistema IoT di controllo remoto degli attuatori con l’ESP32
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Un sistema IoT di controllo remoto degli attuatori con l’ESP32

Con questo articolo proponiamo a titolo dimostrativo, il progetto di un sistema IoT di home automation per il controllo di attuatori lineari o di motori…

S9OK Sao Tome Island Sao Tome and Principe. From
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S9OK Sao Tome Island Sao Tome and Principe. From

S9OK Team will be active from Sao Tome Island, IOTA AF – 023, Sao Tome and Principe, 2 – 16 October 2021., S9OK Sao Tome…

VP9EE Bermuda Islands. From
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VP9EE Bermuda Islands. From

VP9EE. Henning, OZ2I will be active from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA – 005, 11 – 16 August 2021, as VP9EE., VP9EE Bermuda Islands. From,…

Family Comes First during Hurricane Preparation for Home and Station
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Family Comes First during Hurricane Preparation for Home and Station

The Atlantic hurricane season began on June 1 and continues through November 30, and two named storms have already shown up, although neither threatened the…

RigExpert AA-2000 | Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer?
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RigExpert AA-2000 | Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer?

“Today I get to tell you about the AA-2000 Antenna Analyzer from RigExpert in the Ukraine. This is the Best Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer that…