Author: iz4wnp

My Ham Radio Go Box Wiring And Setup
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My Ham Radio Go Box Wiring And Setup

“Today I’m putting together my ham radio go box. It featutes an ICOM IC-7300 and Alinco DR-135. The box also includes a West Mountain Radio…

Pluto Plus SDR – An Adalm Pluto Upgrade?
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Pluto Plus SDR – An Adalm Pluto Upgrade?

Here we take a look at the Pluto+ which has all the features the original Adalm Pluto should of had. Description: Pluto+ is a software-defined…

Bleb: come dare vita alla tua app e integrare componenti esterni con i Blebricks
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Bleb: come dare vita alla tua app e integrare componenti esterni con i Blebricks

Bleb ti permette di dare vita alla tua app Android e di integrare componenti esterni con i Blebricks. Tutto questo è possibile senza saper programmare…

W1AW/KL7 Alaska. From
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W1AW/KL7 Alaska. From

W1AW/KL7 Team will be active from Alaska, 9 – 13 July 2021., W1AW/KL7 Alaska. From, ,

5Z4/AK0SK Kenya. From
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5Z4/AK0SK Kenya. From

Sila, 5Z4/AK0SK is active again from Kenya. He does not know how long he will be there this time., 5Z4/AK0SK Kenya. From, ,

How to Attach Radials to a Radial Plate
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How to Attach Radials to a Radial Plate

“Jeff, AC2AU has a straight-forward question, How exactly do I attach radials to a commercial vertical antenna? Dave will answer this question along with demonstrate…

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In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload analizzeremo caratteristiche e prestazioni del nuovo strumento di misura proposto da Spectrum Instrumentation. Introduzione Sempre più applicazioni nel…

XIEGU X6100 – HF/50MHz Full-mode Ultra-portable Transceiver
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XIEGU X6100 – HF/50MHz Full-mode Ultra-portable Transceiver

X6100 inherits the compact and high performance characteristics of the X series.As a new generation flagship ultra-portable transceiver, it still achieves a powerful integration to…

3Y0J Bouvet 2023 [ CANCELED ]
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3Y0J Bouvet 2023 [ CANCELED ]

“To the global DX community. We regret to inform you of the following news.The global pandemic has impacted the expedition charter vessel business very hard;…

Arduino o Raspberry Pi per l’IoT?
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Arduino o Raspberry Pi per l’IoT?

Quale dei due è meglio? Arduino o Raspberry Pi per il mondo dell’IoT? Questa domanda non ha una sola risposta: per questo ho il piacere…

Raspbian: il sistema operativo di Raspberry Pi
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Raspbian: il sistema operativo di Raspberry Pi

Stai cercando un sistema operativo per il tuo Raspberry Pi? Raspbian è la soluzione che fa per te e ne parliamo in questo articolo. Raspberry…

UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From
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UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From

In this article I describe few construction ideas for 80 meter spitfires and provide the MMANA files for your own evaluation., UA9BA 80 meter Band…

Tutto ciò che ti serve per cominciare con blockchain
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Tutto ciò che ti serve per cominciare con blockchain

In questo articolo si descrive la struttura, le caratteristiche e il potenziale della tecnologia blockchain. Come funziona e quali sono gli aspetti chiave che la…

A44M A43MI Masirah Island. From
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A44M A43MI Masirah Island. From

A44M. A43MI Team will be active from Masirah Island, IOTA AS – 014, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 24 – 25 July 2021 as A44M., A44M…

WSJT-X version 2.4.0 Now Generally Available, Version 2.5.0 on the Horizon
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WSJT-X version 2.4.0 Now Generally Available, Version 2.5.0 on the Horizon

WSJT-X version 2.4.0 now is available in general release. According to co-developer Joe Taylor, K1JT, WSJT-X version 2.4.0, includes a new digital mode, Q65. This protocol is designed…

International Space Station to be in Cross-Band Repeater Mode for Field Day
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International Space Station to be in Cross-Band Repeater Mode for Field Day

The Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) cross-band repeater will be available for ARRL Field Day, June 26 – 27. Contacts will count toward…

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 7 (Short-wave Audion)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 7 (Short-wave Audion)

Oltre al condensatore di tuning, il ricevitore short-wave a tre stadi qui descritto (Figura 1) ha un regolatore aggiuntivo per il feedback. In linea di…

J5T J5HKT Bubaque Island Guinea Bissau. From
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J5T J5HKT Bubaque Island Guinea Bissau. From

J5T Team will be active as J5T and J5HKT from Bubaque Island, IOTA AF – 020, Guinea Bissau, 7 – 19 October 2021., J5T J5HKT…

Solar Storms Amid a Solar Eclipse | Space Weather News 06.09.2021
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Solar Storms Amid a Solar Eclipse | Space Weather News 06.09.2021

Solar Storms Amid a Solar Eclipse | Space Weather News 06.09.2021 Antenna SDR Receiver with a Slinky Antenna November 18, 2015 No comments For years…

Why We don’t look at Single Side Band in the Time Domain
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Why We don’t look at Single Side Band in the Time Domain

Dave Casler here to help show and explain why we don’t look at the Time Domain when using Single Side Bands. Antenna Bushcomm Ranger HF-2…

Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio – First Look!
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Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio – First Look!

Today I go over the features and do some power testing on the Baofeng UV-10R Dual Band HT Ham Radio Specification: Brand Baofeng Power 10W…

ISS repeater remaining on until after Field Day
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ISS repeater remaining on until after Field Day

The International Space Station crossband FM repeater should remain active until after the Field Day weekend of June 26-27. Amateur Radio on the International Space…

Raspberry Pi come NAS: si può fare!
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Raspberry Pi come NAS: si può fare!

Network attached storage: è un sistema molto utile che ci permette di avere un sistema di archiviazione in rete. Raspberry Pi può essere usato in…

OJ0C Market Reef. From
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OJ0C Market Reef. From

OJ0C Team will be active from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 12 – 21 June 2021., OJ0C Market Reef. From, ,

L’Internet delle Cose Industriale (IIoT) e i Sistemi di Controllo dell’Automazione
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L’Internet delle Cose Industriale (IIoT) e i Sistemi di Controllo dell’Automazione

Storicamente, i sistemi di controllo e automazione industriale erano ampiamente isolati dalle reti digitali convenzionali, come negli ambienti aziendali. L’adozione e l’implementazione delle tecnologie “Internet…