Author: iz4wnp

Delta Romeo DX Group Special Event
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Delta Romeo DX Group Special Event

The Delta Romeo DX Group here in the UK, are celebrating their 6th Anniversary with a special event starting 11th June until 13th June inclusive. …

VP5/W3QP Turks and Caicos Islands. From
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VP5/W3QP Turks and Caicos Islands. From

Tim, VP5/W3QP will be active from Turks and Caicos Islands, 26 June – 2 July 2021., VP5/W3QP Turks and Caicos Islands. From, ,

E-Coder 2 Controller
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E-Coder 2 Controller

The E-Coder 2 panel was designed to control Expert Electronics SDR devices with a focus on remote operation. It has a high quality low latency…

Fan Dipoles
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Fan Dipoles

Bob Carver, KB0XT, wants to know how close he can put his dipoles or if he can even combine them? Yes! He can. Watch to…

New IARU-R1 HF band plan released
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New IARU-R1 HF band plan released

The HF band plan in its version of 16 October 2020 (Virtual General Conference “Novisad”) including the annex has been revised. The band plan comprises…

Commutazione dei segnali video
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Commutazione dei segnali video

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload nella quale potrete leggere gli articoli della storica rivista Firmware. In applicazioni di citofonia o…

TO11A Guadeloupe Island. From
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TO11A Guadeloupe Island. From

TO11A. FG/F6GWV and FG/F6HMQ will be active as TO11A from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA – 102, 12 June – 5 July 2021., TO11A Guadeloupe Island. From…

How close can Antennas be?
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How close can Antennas be?

Bpb, KC1MOF, is setting up his second antenna, a mfj 1846 hex beam, and wants to know if his hustler 4btv may be too close,…

Raspberry Pi come Chromecast: un’alternativa di facile realizzazione
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Raspberry Pi come Chromecast: un’alternativa di facile realizzazione

Raspberry Pi può essere utilizzato a tutti gli effetti come Chromecast: non è nemmeno troppo difficile, anzi, è un’alternativa facile da implementare che scopriremo assieme…

Where to Tap the Icom 7300 for your SDR Radio
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Where to Tap the Icom 7300 for your SDR Radio

Bill Whittaker, KO4IOE, asks where, when, and how Dave tapped his Icom 7300 to his SDR Radio, and how he should tap his. Antenna Cushcraft…

How to Build Cheap Wire Delta Loop Antenna
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How to Build Cheap Wire Delta Loop Antenna

How to Build Cheap Wire Delta Loop Antenna – Love them or Hate them! Antenna Q52 Relay-switched 20-17-15-12-10 meter Yagi April 30, 2015 No comments…

SDR Receiver for IOS version 1.2.1 has been released
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SDR Receiver for IOS version 1.2.1 has been released

SDR Receiver demodulates and plays AM and FM signals received by an RTL-SDR, Airspy HF+ or SDRplay radio. Requires a radio and a host computer  with SDR…

Raspberry Pi pinout: un comando per scoprire la GPIO
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Raspberry Pi pinout: un comando per scoprire la GPIO

Raspberry Pi mette a disposizione un comando molto semplice ed immediato per scoprire come è strutturata la GPIO: il suo nome è “pinout” e te…

La nuova scheda Arduino Edge Control automatizza l’agricoltura intelligente
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La nuova scheda Arduino Edge Control automatizza l’agricoltura intelligente

Arduino Edge Control è il nuovo dispositivo della serie Arduino PRO, di facile implementazione, adatto per applicazioni di monitoraggio in tempo reale e controllo remoto,…

ISS SSTV 145.800 FM June 9-10
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ISS SSTV 145.800 FM June 9-10

Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are planning to transmit Slow Scan TV images on 145.800 MHz FM using the SSTV mode PD-120….

A Closer Look at the DX Engineering RXSHARE Audio Switch
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A Closer Look at the DX Engineering RXSHARE Audio Switch

“Noted ham radio author, Ward Silver, N0AX, reviews the DX Engineering RXSHARE Audio Splitter—a contesting device that gives two operators complete control of the specific…

Misura di distanza con sensore ad ultrasuoni con STM32
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Misura di distanza con sensore ad ultrasuoni con STM32

L’uso di sensori ad ultrasuoni è molto diffuso specie con l’impiego di dispositivi economici tipo HC-SR04 numerosi sono anche gli esempi. Pertanto, in questo articolo…

Hexarchia: la Blockchain applicata ai videogiochi
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Hexarchia: la Blockchain applicata ai videogiochi

La tecnologia blockchain è ormai fondamentale per tutti i settori fortemente in espansione, come IoT e AI. Le principali applicazioni sono per i servizi finanziari,…

Analyzing Analyzers
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Analyzing Analyzers

Robert P Brady, K5RPB, asks “Is an analyzer a primary purchase for building antennas or should I rely on engineering practices?” What analyzer would you…

Blynk: come creare un progetto IoT in 5 minuti
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Blynk: come creare un progetto IoT in 5 minuti

Blynk è la più popolare piattaforma per connettere i dispositivi IoT al cloud, progettare app per controllarli, analizzare i dati di telemetria e gestire prodotti…

Ailunce HS2 All Band All Mode SDR Transceiver – First Look [ VIDEO ]
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Ailunce HS2 All Band All Mode SDR Transceiver – First Look [ VIDEO ]

Here we take a first look at the new Ailunce HS2 All Band All Mode SDR Transceiver. HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio….

A Light Graze and the First Radiation Storm of Cycle 25 | Space Weather News 06.02.2021
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A Light Graze and the First Radiation Storm of Cycle 25 | Space Weather News 06.02.2021

“As if Solar Cycle 25 had not already started last week off with a band, we get more excitement this week! We had a large…

Firmware 2.0 #14 – Automotive/Smart Mobility
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Firmware 2.0 #14 – Automotive/Smart Mobility

Oggi presentiamo a tutti i nostri lettori il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica digitale Firmware 2.0. Il topic di questo mese è dedicato all’ambito Automotive/Smart…

Hermes Lite 2 HF SDR Construction And Receive Test
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Hermes Lite 2 HF SDR Construction And Receive Test

Here we build the Hermes Lite 2 HF SDR and test it’s receive capabilities. Antenna Light Beam Plus Antenna – LBP-20M February 10, 2015 No…

Frank Donovan, W3LPL, Wins the May 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award
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Frank Donovan, W3LPL, Wins the May 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the May 2021 QST Cover Plaque award is “What to Expect During the Rising Years of Solar Cycle 25,” by Frank Donovan, W3LPL. The QST Cover…