Author: iz4wnp

Radioddity GM-30 GMRS HT Walkie Talkie | Best GMRS Handheld Radio?
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Radioddity GM-30 GMRS HT Walkie Talkie | Best GMRS Handheld Radio?

Radioddity has a new GMRS HT Walkie Talkie and today we’re going to take a look at what comes in the box and the menu…

3-Band 6m DX, 2m DX, 2m FM Yagi Antenna PA50-144HV-17-3-3CB
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3-Band 6m DX, 2m DX, 2m FM Yagi Antenna PA50-144HV-17-3-3CB

Three band antennas in one. PA50-144HV-17-3-3CB. – 6m Horizontal antenna – 2m Horizontal antenna – 2m Vertical antenna 3 band VHF antenna PA50-144HV-17-3-3CB is perfect for small…

Grounding should be done on the Ground
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Grounding should be done on the Ground

KN4ZBK, has a grounding set up that needs some adjustment in order to have the highest chance to protect his home and equipment. Antenna “Big…

La gestione dei trasporti nelle Smart City
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La gestione dei trasporti nelle Smart City

Vita frenetica, ritmi veloci, necessità di spostarsi velocemente senza sprechi di tempo: le grandi città si stanno trasformando per cercare di soddisfare tutte queste esigenze,…

OJ0MR Market Reef. From
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OJ0MR Market Reef. From

Pertti, OG2M will be active as OJ0MR from Market Reef, IOTA EU – 053, 27 June – 4 July 2021., OJ0MR Market Reef. From,…

Generatori di segnale
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Generatori di segnale

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload vedremo come generare i segnali giusti per il vostro collaudo, un compito non sempre facile. Introduzione Le attività…

PMR446 England to France 500mW (119km)
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PMR446 England to France 500mW (119km)

Video:YouTube/26-CT-842 We’ve had some amazing conditions on the CB and HF bands this past few weeks but it’s always a good idea to check out…

Servomotori e Raspberry Pi: come usarli con il computer single board
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Servomotori e Raspberry Pi: come usarli con il computer single board

Servomotori e Raspberry Pi: come usarli con il computer single board più famoso al mondo? In questo articolo ho il piacere di mostrarti sia a…

Servomotori e Arduino: come usarli con la scheda a micro-controllore
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Servomotori e Arduino: come usarli con la scheda a micro-controllore

I servomotori sono utili per tanti progetti e se ti stai chiedendo come usarli con Arduino, la scheda a micro-controllore più famosa al mondo, sei…

Video – Mid Wales Vintage UK FM Net
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Video – Mid Wales Vintage UK FM Net

Video:YouTube/AlBarst 26TC101 The Mid Wales Vintage UK FM Net took place on Thursday 27th May and here we have a video from Allan 26TC101….

Servomotori: che cosa sono e come funzionano
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Servomotori: che cosa sono e come funzionano

Che cosa sono e come funzionano i servomotori? Come mai sono così famosi? Non c’è nessun segreto, solo tanta genialità di cui ho il piacere…

WA3RNC TR-25 CW Transceiver Kit
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WA3RNC TR-25 CW Transceiver Kit

Here is a compact but powerful 2-band CW transceiver kit that uses no tiny pushbuttons, and without those seemingly endless and hard-to-remember back menus. There…

Radio Amateurs of Canada Invites Participation in the RAC Canada Day Contest
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Radio Amateurs of Canada Invites Participation in the RAC Canada Day Contest

Here’s a chance to enjoy an operating event that is not on a weekend. Help Canada celebrate its birthday on the air during the RAC Canada Day Contest on…

Monitoring HF Aviation Voice Communications with your SDR Radio or a WebSDR
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Monitoring HF Aviation Voice Communications with your SDR Radio or a WebSDR

There is still plenty of activity on the HF Aeronautical bands. You can listen to civil and military aircraft every day with just some frugal…

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There are sellers of fake RSPs on the internet. They are selling counterfeit devices some of which appear cosmetically the same as the genuine SDRplay®  devices. …

German regulator acts against solar unit causing RF pollution
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German regulator acts against solar unit causing RF pollution

The German Federal Network Agency has taken action against a make of solar panel optimizer that has been causing radio interference A translation of the…

Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 2
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Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 2

Nel precedente articolo “Progetto di un sistema di controllo di servomotori con web server – Parte 1”, abbiamo fatto una panoramica sui servomotori e introdotto…

Radio Amateur’s Vintage Home Movie Film Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster
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Radio Amateur’s Vintage Home Movie Film Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster

Vintage home movie film provided by New Jersey radio amateur Bob Schenck, N2OO, was the highlight of a PBS documentary about the Hindenburg disaster. The film, shot…

SunSDR2DX + 5MContest + SDC in ARI-2021 Contest
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SunSDR2DX + 5MContest + SDC in ARI-2021 Contest

Mix CW + RTTY in ARI-2021 Contest. SDC: Telnet Server + SKM Server (CW & RTTY Skimmers) + DIGI Server (RTTY) Antenna Buddistick Antenna –…

Keep Antennas in the Clea
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Keep Antennas in the Clea

Dan Evander, KJ7YBK, lives in a duplex condo and wants to set up a dipole on his roof, but asks Dave for his thoughts on…

Raspberry Pi vs mini PC: cosa è meglio?
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Raspberry Pi vs mini PC: cosa è meglio?

Da tempo Raspberry Pi offre parecchia potenza e se facessimo un “Raspberry vs mini PC” non sarebbe scontato dirti cosa è meglio. Per questo ho…

Mid Wales DX Group Vintage Evening
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Mid Wales DX Group Vintage Evening

This year we celebrate 40 years of legal UK CB radio…. A special event is taking place on Thursday 27th May – The Mid Wales…

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The Radioddity QR20 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio with a reception from 100kHz to 2GHz and transmit from 160m to 70cm. The operation…

Bleb: come realizzare il tuo primo progetto IoT con i mattoncini made in Italy
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Bleb: come realizzare il tuo primo progetto IoT con i mattoncini made in Italy

Se succede questo, fai quello: grazie alla logica IFTTT ed ai mattoncini di Bleb è possibile dare vita al tuo progetto IoT in meno di…

Rapid Fire Solar Storms Headed Earth’s Way | Solar Storm Forecast 05.25.20201
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Rapid Fire Solar Storms Headed Earth’s Way | Solar Storm Forecast 05.25.20201

Rapid Fire Solar Storms Headed Earth’s Way Antenna Rotatable 160 Meter Receiving Loop – WB6RSE Wins July QST Cover Plaque Award July 22, 2015 No…