Author: iz4wnp

Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season
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Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season

The Atlantic Hurricane Season, which starts on June 1, promises to be a busy time for radio amateurs who volunteer on the Hurricane Watch Net…

Weekend Solar Flare Frenzy Could Spark Geomagnetic Storms
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Weekend Solar Flare Frenzy Could Spark Geomagnetic Storms

The Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has issued a G1 (minor) geomagnetic storm watch for May 25 and a G2 (moderate) geomagnetic storm watch for May…

Is Ham Radio Dead? Is Ham Radio Doomed?
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Is Ham Radio Dead? Is Ham Radio Doomed?

“Lots of speculation and knee-jerk reactions exist on social media about whether or not Ham Radio is Dead. I wonder what the statistics say? Let’s…

My Favorite Mobile Ham Radio Setup VHF/UHF/HF
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My Favorite Mobile Ham Radio Setup VHF/UHF/HF

This rig is a few years in the making. Running a Yaesu FT-891 and FTM-400 lets me cover VHF/UHF and 6 through 40 meters on…

Internet of Things vs Machine Learning
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Internet of Things vs Machine Learning

Internet of Things vs Machine Learning: che differenze ci sono? È giusto fare un confronto fra le due? In questo articolo ho il piacere di…

Receiving NOAA weather sats without a radio
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Receiving NOAA weather sats without a radio

Using just a browser and a decode program, NOAA-APT, I receive images from a weather satellite as it passes over Europe. Antenna Wideband Antennas for…

CQ World-Wide WPX Contest 2021
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CQ World-Wide WPX Contest 2021

2021 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest SSB: March 27-28, 2021 CW: May 29-30, 2021 Starts: 0000 UTC Saturday Ends: 2359 UTC Sunday I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs…

PICsim-PIC microcontroller simulator
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PICsim-PIC microcontroller simulator

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload trattiamo un software per la simulazione dei microcontrollori PIC. Tra le varie soluzioni software per simulare ed emulare…

Arduino può mantenere salvati i dati?
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Arduino può mantenere salvati i dati?

Arduino può mantenere salvati i dati? Può fare una “store” dei dati in modo persistente? In questo articolo ho il piacere di rispondere a questa…

Annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test Set for Saturday, May 29
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Annual WX4NHC On-the-Air Station Test Set for Saturday, May 29

The annual WX4NHC station on-the-air test will be held on Saturday, May 29, 1300 – 2100 UTC. The WX4NHC operators plan to be working remotely again this…

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The Xiegu GSOC is a universal controller product used for external control of Xiegu G90 radio. The GSOC is designed with expandability in mind. With…

MOSFET ultracompatti per applicazioni automobilistiche – Fornire una maggiore affidabilità di montaggio
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MOSFET ultracompatti per applicazioni automobilistiche – Fornire una maggiore affidabilità di montaggio

Con la serie RV4xxx, ROHM offre MOSFET ultracompatti di dimensioni 1,6 x 1,6 mm. I componenti certificati AEC Q101 sono caratterizzati da un’elevata affidabilità durante…

Presentazione di CT1BOH "There is nothing magic about propagation"
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Presentazione di CT1BOH "There is nothing magic about propagation"

A questo link trovate le relazioni presentate alla virtual contest university 2021 tenutasi online ieri. Tra queste, in argomento con questo canale del forum,…

TinkerCAD Circuit: come creare circuiti con Arduino e simularli direttamente da browser
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TinkerCAD Circuit: come creare circuiti con Arduino e simularli direttamente da browser

TinkerCAD Circuit: come creare circuiti con Arduino e simularli direttamente da browser. Hai sempre voluto testare i tuoi circuiti e i tuoi sketch, ma non…

Un sistema di diagnostica a bordo basato su Raspberry Pi
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Un sistema di diagnostica a bordo basato su Raspberry Pi

Esistono oggi in commercio diversi dispositivi che permettono di compiere una diagnostica della propria auto in modo autonomo. Ognuno ha le proprie funzionalità e possibilità…

Changes to the RSGB 50MHz awards
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Changes to the RSGB 50MHz awards

The RSGB Awards Manager has reviewed the current 50MHz awards offered by the Society and concluded that the existing 50MHz 2-Way Countries and 50MHz DX Countries awards…

Ionopheric Propagation of Dipoles
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Ionopheric Propagation of Dipoles

Edwin Anderson, asks what is the proper orientation and angle for a dipole if he plans to use it for ionospheric propagation? Antenna MFJ 8-Band…

IARU engagement in the 23cm band protection in ITU‑R continues
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IARU engagement in the 23cm band protection in ITU‑R continues

Over the period 28th April until 11th May 2021, the preparatory work for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1b continued in ITU‑R Working Party 5A (WP5A). An ITU‑R report is under development detailing the technical and…

Amateur Radio Operators are still in high demand
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Amateur Radio Operators are still in high demand

Amateur radio operators are still in high demand Antenna R7AB’s 12 el 14 Mhz band yagi. Boom lenght 40m. Selfsupported tower 42 m high November…

Receive Antennas, Contest University and Field Day
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Receive Antennas, Contest University and Field Day

Contest University, Clubs, Field Day the DX Engineering catalog and receive antennas on this weeks episode of Tuesdays with Tim and Jeff! Antenna Alinco EDX-2…

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 6 (Un timer watchdog NE555)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 6 (Un timer watchdog NE555)

Praticamente ogni microcontrollore moderno ha un watchdog integrato. Previene il blocco del microcontrollore, che può essere il risultato di un errore di programmazione o di…

S79LA Seychelles. From
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S79LA Seychelles. From

Ros, 4Z5LA will be active as S79LA from Seychells, IOTA AF – 024, 20 – 27 May 2021., S79LA Seychelles. From, ,

Raspberry Pi: come eseguire il boot da USB
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Raspberry Pi: come eseguire il boot da USB

Come si può eseguire il boot da USB per Raspberry Pi? Non esiste una procedura unica e dipende anche da quale scheda vuoi utilizzare: scopriamolo…

UK CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2021
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UK CB Radio Anniversary 27th June 2021

  It’s almost that time of year again… On 27th June 2021 we will celebrate the 7th anniversary of the legalisation of AM and SSB…

Yaesu FTDX10 Tuning and Receiver Deep Dive
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Yaesu FTDX10 Tuning and Receiver Deep Dive

Today I welcome Doug, N4HNH, from the YouTube channel N4HNH Radio, and we discuss the best receiver tuning practices for the new Yaesu FTDX10 HF…