Author: iz4wnp

Una panoramica sulla modellazione matematica dei veicoli elettrici
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Una panoramica sulla modellazione matematica dei veicoli elettrici

L’articolo presenta un’indagine sui modelli matematici esistenti di veicoli elettrici seguita da approcci all’avanguardia sulla modellizzazione dell’ibridazione delle fonti energetiche. Viene discussa in dettaglio la…

VP2V/NC3Z British Virgin Islands. From
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VP2V/NC3Z British Virgin Islands. From

Gary, VP2V/NC3Z will be active from British Virgin Islands, IOTA NA – 023, 3 – 14 June 2021., VP2V/NC3Z British Virgin Islands. From, ,

HF SDR Transceiver RS-918 mcHF
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HF SDR Transceiver RS-918 mcHF

Here we take a look at the RS-918 HF SDR Transceiver, a typical clone of the mcHF.  Specification: – HF QRP Transceiver,put battery 12v and…

To Choke or not to Choke?
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To Choke or not to Choke?

Damian, VA3CYC, is working on building a copper pipe VHF antenna, and wants to know how he should do the chokes? How many? Is one…

Autobilanciare le batterie LiPo
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Autobilanciare le batterie LiPo

Benvenuti a un nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload, dedicata ai più importanti temi dell’elettronica e alla loro storia. Le batterie ricaricabili al litio…

CDXC Virtual Convention. From
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CDXC Virtual Convention. From

CDXC VIRTUAL CONVENTION Held on 8 May 2021 via Zoom, the Chiltern DX Club Virtual Convention, CDXC Virtual Convention. From, ,

I cloni di Arduino convengono?
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I cloni di Arduino convengono?

Nel mercato mondiale abbiamo a nostra disposizione tantissimi cloni di Arduino in tutte le salse. Ti sarà sicuramente capitato almeno una volta di chiederti: ma…

CB Radio Skip – Channel 38 14/05/2021
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CB Radio Skip – Channel 38 14/05/2021

Some truly amazing conditions on the CB band with every channel full of stations coming in from around the UK and beyond. Here’s a sample…

Gestione intelligente della batteria e della ricarica per veicoli elettrici
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Gestione intelligente della batteria e della ricarica per veicoli elettrici

Con l’aumento di popolarità del movimento ecologico, sempre più veicoli elettrici (EV), dagli scooter alle auto, agli autobus e ai camion, affolleranno le strade. I…

Wooden Satellite to Launch by Year’s End
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Wooden Satellite to Launch by Year’s End

The WISA Woodsat project, being sponsored by plywood supplier WISA in an unconventional PR initiative, is poised to place a wooden satellite into orbit by…

AlexLoop HamPack
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AlexLoop HamPack

This is the AlexLoop HamPack system – the ultimate solution for the hampacker and the antenna restricted Ham. Antenna HF PORTABLE – CHOOSING THE RIGHT…

Wimo X-Quad Antenna for 144 MHz 18010
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Wimo X-Quad Antenna for 144 MHz 18010

The X-Quad antenna is a refinement of the well-known multi-element quads. Its special features, especially developed for amateur radio, are Switchable polarization plane (horizontal/vertical/circular right/circular…

NCDXF HF beacon monitoring station DL8LAS
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NCDXF HF beacon monitoring station DL8LAS

Location: JO54EF , Trent, Germany,   54°20′ N   10°36′ E RX: IC-7851 ANT: 7m   vertical  omnidirectional    homemade Example: See Updates and more : Antenna…

MicroPython: il nuovo linguaggio per il mondo embedded
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MicroPython: il nuovo linguaggio per il mondo embedded

MicroPython ha tante potenzialità e in un mondo come quello embedded potrà diventare il nuovo linguaggio di programmazione prediletto? Il mondo embedded è impossibile negarlo:…

Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 2
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Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 2

In questo articolo riprendiamo il progetto iniziato nel precedente articolo “Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 1” in cui abbiamo testato la…

TY5AB Benin. From
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TY5AB Benin. From

Ian, ZS6JSI is currently active as TY5AB from Benin., TY5AB Benin. From, ,

IARU: è importante l’opinione di tutti
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IARU: è importante l’opinione di tutti

IARU R-1 sta preparando un Workshop che riguarda lo status della radio nell’ottica di costruire il suo futuro in un mondo che cambia. Di seguito…

First Antenna Questions
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First Antenna Questions

Laurent Egli, soon to be HB9***, has some questions about what antenna would be a good first antenna for her. Antenna 20′ DX Flagpole Antenna…

The VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition is JIDXM 2020 DXpedition of the Year
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The VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition is JIDXM 2020 DXpedition of the Year

The Japan International DX Meeting (JIDXM) has designated the 2020 VP2VB Danny Weil Memorial DXpedition as the recipient of the 2020 DXpedition of the Year…

Over 50 km on 481 THz! Great news from SP
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Over 50 km on 481 THz! Great news from SP

On May 8, 2021, the group of Polish radio amateurs: Marek SP4ELF, Jurek SP2GUB, Adam SQ2DOL, Piotr SQ4MIK, and Jarek SQ4IOB realized optical communication (481…

Raspberry Pi vs Orange Pi vs Banana Pi: chi è meglio?
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Raspberry Pi vs Orange Pi vs Banana Pi: chi è meglio?

Raspberry Pi vs Orange Pi vs Banana Pi: chi è meglio? Il confronto fra le tre principali “schede” non è così scontato, al contrario. In…

R&S®M3SR Series4100 Software Defined Radios
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R&S®M3SR Series4100 Software Defined Radios

Key facts Frequency range: 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz (transmission), 10 kHz to 30 MHz (reception) Power classes of 150 W, 500 W, 1000 W and standalone receiver LINK‑11, LINK‑22, LINK‑Y support…

“Geomagnetic Storm Season” is Over
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“Geomagnetic Storm Season” is Over

June and July bring frequent 6-meter DX openings via long-distance sporadic-E propagation and persistent quiet geomagnetic conditions. These 2 months are well known to North…

Comparing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 with the Elecraft KX2. Which one should you choose?
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Comparing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 with the Elecraft KX2. Which one should you choose?

Comparing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 with the Elecraft KX2. Which one should you choose? Antenna Status QUAD: 4/12 StQ 50/144 , cubic 4 elements 50…

The last Morse code maritime radio station in North America | Bartell’s Backroads
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The last Morse code maritime radio station in North America | Bartell’s Backroads

1999 marked the last time a commercial Morse code message was supposedly transmitted to ships at sea. However, if you travel on the backroads to…