Author: iz4wnp

60 Meters Again Available to New Zealand Radio Amateurs
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60 Meters Again Available to New Zealand Radio Amateurs

The New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters (NZART) announced recently that negotiations with regulator RSM were successful in accommodating 60-meter operation for New Zealand radio…

I primi elaboratori elettronici italiani: gli albori dell’informatica italiana.
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I primi elaboratori elettronici italiani: gli albori dell’informatica italiana.

Premessa È importante ricordare come l’Italia ha iniziato il suo percorso nell’uso e nella realizzazione dei primi elaboratori elettronici. In merito non mancano libri e…

PETER 1 3Y0X la storia ..2006
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PETER 1 3Y0X la storia ..2006

Cari Dxers, in questo tempo di estrema povertà di spedizioni, recentemente l’INDEXA (International DX Association) nel suo bollettino primaverile ha pubblicato un reportage sulla spedizione…

Prototipazione rapida con il Grove Beginner Kit
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Prototipazione rapida con il Grove Beginner Kit

In questo articolo ho il piacere di parlarvi di uno dei più attraenti kit Arduino per principianti, il Grove Beginner Kit di Seeed Studio. Un…

Workshop for Attorneys Under Consideration for 2022 ARRL National Convention in Orlando
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Workshop for Attorneys Under Consideration for 2022 ARRL National Convention in Orlando

The Amateur Radio Legal Defense and Assistance Committee (ARLDAC) is considering hosting a half-day workshop for attorneys at the ARRL 2022 National Convention in Orlando….

Tri-band 6 element HF Upper Bands and CB Radio Yagi Antenna 3B-222
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Tri-band 6 element HF Upper Bands and CB Radio Yagi Antenna 3B-222

HF 3-Band antenna 3B-222 for 20m, 15m and 10m that covers also 11m CB through the power of full 3-D optimization! Perfect optimized tri-bander with…

RETEVIS Finger PTT Motorcycle Helmet Microphone
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RETEVIS Finger PTT Motorcycle Helmet Microphone

“Because this is the only thing that makes it possible to talk to other riders over an intercom and talking over the phone without stopping…

Radio Set up on a Pickup Truck
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Radio Set up on a Pickup Truck

James Hollen, D25Y31, has a radio and antenna set up in the bed of his pickup truck and wants to know if his truck will…

TN07 SFP-102 32′ Flagpole HF Ham Radio Antenna for POTA
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TN07 SFP-102 32′ Flagpole HF Ham Radio Antenna for POTA

“One of the Ham Radio Antennas that I have used most often for POTA – Parks on the Air – is the TN07 SFP-102 32′…

Lunghezza elementi (e taratura) Spiderbeam 5 bande HD
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Lunghezza elementi (e taratura) Spiderbeam 5 bande HD

Causa ritardo nella preparazione del supporto per il traliccio carellato ho pensato di installare un’antenna 5 bande provvisoria per tirar avanti un pò di mesi;…

L’elettrificazione dei trasporti commerciali e per l’industria
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L’elettrificazione dei trasporti commerciali e per l’industria

L’attenzione per l’ambiente non è più ormai solo uno slogan per pochi attivisti. Da tempo si cercano alternative più pulite e silenziose ai tradizionali motori…

Big Flares Return with Solar Storms Headed for Earth & Mars
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Big Flares Return with Solar Storms Headed for Earth & Mars

Big Flares Return with Solar Storms Headed for Earth & Mars Antenna MAX6 -Antenna Analyzers December 03, 2015 No comments Antenna Analyzers   MAX6 antenna…

OpenWebRX 1.0.0 released!
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OpenWebRX 1.0.0 released!

Hello radio enthusiasts, today we’d like to announce the release of the next version of OpenWebRX, your SDR web server that just got a little…

His Majesty The King of Spain  Contest Rules
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His Majesty The King of Spain Contest Rules

Sponsored by: Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles (URE). To participate in this contest, the specific bases of the competition must be complied with, as well as the General…

URE satellite telecommand station automated
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URE satellite telecommand station automated

Spain’s national amateur radio society URE has announced their satellite ground station has been automated and is ready for the launch of GENESIS, EASAT-2 and Hades satellites….

STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio App for Android now available!
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STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio App for Android now available!

The STARWAVES DRM SoftRadio allows you to conveniently enjoy any DRM live radio broadcast on your Android smartphone or tablet. No Internet connection required. All…

Energie rinnovabili per un nodo sensore
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Energie rinnovabili per un nodo sensore

L’obiettivo di questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload è fornire le basi progettuali per un nodo sensore wireless in grado di alimentarsi sfruttando le energie…

Sunspots May 8th, 2021
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Sunspots May 8th, 2021

Active Region 2822

Raspberry Pi: quanto consuma? Che batterie servono?
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Raspberry Pi: quanto consuma? Che batterie servono?

Raspberry Pi: hai sempre voluto capire quanto consuma? Ti sei chiesto più volte che batterie servono? In questo articolo ho il piacere di risponderti a…

CB Radio Skip 08/05/2021 (President McKinley EU)
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CB Radio Skip 08/05/2021 (President McKinley EU)

Some good short skip conditions today… It was a bit mad on UK Channel 19!

Un Marconi Party da raccontare
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Un Marconi Party da raccontare

Il 16 gennaio 2021 si è svolta la terza edizione mondiale del MARCONI CLUB QSO PARTY DAY. L’obiettivo, come per le due edizioni precedenti, oltre…

PST RD1524T dipole unboxing
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PST RD1524T dipole unboxing

Bene, pacco appena arrivato. Iniziamo l’unboxing del dipolo rotativo ProSisTel 10, 15, 20 e 40m Il seguito ai prossimi replies

Quali database usare per l’IoT?
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Quali database usare per l’IoT?

Quali sono i database migliori o quale fra i tanti sul mercato è meglio usare per l’IoT? Esistono diverse soluzioni al mondo e le variabili…

Video C92RU A25RU. From
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Video C92RU A25RU. From

Video C92RU A25RU DX Peditions Mozambique, Botswana 2021. Published by UA9JMS., Video C92RU A25RU. From, ,

WiMo takes over the manufacture and distribution of the well-known products of InnovAntennas Europe worldwide
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WiMo takes over the manufacture and distribution of the well-known products of InnovAntennas Europe worldwide

“InnovAntennas Ltd. and WiMo Antennas and Elektronik GmbH, Herxheim / Germany, enter into closer cooperationIn 2018, UK production of all short wave and a selection…