Author: iz4wnp

Andromeda  SDR -Apache Labs
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Andromeda SDR -Apache Labs

Andromeda SDR -Apache Labs Review Ham radio HF Go-Kit QRP contacts FT-817 emcomm SHTF doomsday December 18, 2016 No comments Here is a video about…

Ultimate Motorcycling’s Ham on a Hog 3 Review of the Icom IC-705 Amateur Radio Transceiver and more
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Ultimate Motorcycling’s Ham on a Hog 3 Review of the Icom IC-705 Amateur Radio Transceiver and more

“We take Icom’s IC-705 transceiver on a ride with the Harley-Davidson Road King Limited and review it along with Icom’s AL-705 Magnetic Loop antenna and…

Baofeng UV-9R Model Comparison and Power Testing
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Baofeng UV-9R Model Comparison and Power Testing

Today I compare and test 3 different models of the Baofeng UV9R. Antenna Coil-loaded 40/80 Meter Inverted V Dipole Antenna by KG0ZZ September 11, 2015…

Introducing the BP-307 High Capacity Li-Ion battery pack
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Introducing the BP-307 High Capacity Li-Ion battery pack

Short overview of the BP-307, a new high capacity 7.2V / 3350mAh (typ.) Li-Ion battery pack designed for Icom’s latest range of IP, LTE radio…

Disturbo locale in banda adiacente a quella dei 10 metri
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Disturbo locale in banda adiacente a quella dei 10 metri

Ho notato da un po’ la presenza di un forte disturbo a RF fortunatamente in banda adiacente a quella dei 10 metri. Tuttavia, la cosa…

Raspberry Pi con Arduino: come usarli assieme
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Raspberry Pi con Arduino: come usarli assieme

Raspberry Pi con Arduino: ti stai chiedendo come puoi usarli assieme? In questo articolo ti spiego differenti metodi con cui puoi utilizzare assieme le due…

ZP5AA Paraguay. From
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ZP5AA Paraguay. From

N2TTA will be active as ZP5AA from Paraguay in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 29 – 30 May 2021., ZP5AA Paraguay. From, ,

Metal Ham Shack – Issues and Improvements
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Metal Ham Shack – Issues and Improvements

Art, W9SOL, wants to know if his steel building will cause issues with his radio’s performance or improve its performance? Antenna KT36XA – M2 Antenna…

55° Alessandro Volta RTTY DX Contest
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55° Alessandro Volta RTTY DX Contest

Il “SSB and RTTY Club di COMO e l’A.R.I. – Sezione di Como, sono lieti di annunciare il 55° “Alessandro VOLTA RTTY DX CONTEST”. Questo…

Mobility Data Specification (MDS): la piattaforma open-source per la mobilità nelle Smart City
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Mobility Data Specification (MDS): la piattaforma open-source per la mobilità nelle Smart City

Tra i pilastri fondamentali della Smart City troviamo sicuramente la mobilità. Si, perché una città intelligente lo è solo se ci si può muovere in…

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The SSB and RTTY Club of COMO and the A.R.I. (Associazione Radioamatori Italiani) arepleased to announce the details of the 55th “Alessandro VOLTA RTTY DX…

Chameleon CHA-RXL Stealth Receive Loop Antenna
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Chameleon CHA-RXL Stealth Receive Loop Antenna

Chameleon is releasing a new receive only loop, the CHA-RXL. Lets get it on the roof, test it out and talk about why receive loops…

Grounding and Bonding, Band Pass Filter and Field Day
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Grounding and Bonding, Band Pass Filter and Field Day

On todays episode of Tuesdays with Tim, K3LR and Jeff, KB8ZWT we will discuss bonding and grounding and Band Pass Filters for Field Day! Antenna…

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MagicSDR makes it possible to interactively explore RF spectrum using panadapter and waterfall visualization, demodulate and play AM, SSB, CW, NFM, WFM signals, collect frequencies….

Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club to Activate NSS for Armed Forces Day
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Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club to Activate NSS for Armed Forces Day

Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) will activate the historic NSS call sign on Saturday, May 8, during the 2021 Armed Forces Day Cross-Band…

Raspberry Pi controllo ventola: come implementarlo da zero
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Raspberry Pi controllo ventola: come implementarlo da zero

Come implementare da zero un controllo ventola per Raspberry Pi? In questo articolo scopriamo come realizzarne uno da zero grazie al potere di Python! Raspberry…

La coesistenza tra V2X e Wi-Fi nell’automotive
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La coesistenza tra V2X e Wi-Fi nell’automotive

Wi-Fi e 5G sono riconosciute come tecnologie abilitanti per i veicoli autonomi. La sfida sta nel modo in cui queste tecnologie operano insieme e coesistono,…

Video 9J2LA Zambia. From
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Video 9J2LA Zambia. From

Video 9J2LA Zambia DX Pedition. Press Release “The 9J2LA Story – Zambia 2020”, Video 9J2LA Zambia. From, ,

RadioRivista sfogliabile (ma solo ai Soci)
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RadioRivista sfogliabile (ma solo ai Soci)

Cari Soci, come promesso anche per questo mese RadioRivista si presenta a Voi con una marcia in più: la versione digitale da sfogliare on-line nell’area…

Review of Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna
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Review of Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna

More than one Oggie has suggested I review the Bilal Isotron 20m Single Band Antenna Solve Virtually Any Restricted Space Problem – 40 Meter Isotron only 22…

Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021
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Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021

Goodbye Trio of Sunspots Hello Fast Solar Wind | Solar Storm Forecast 05.02.2021 Antenna How to make a 4:1 balun cheap and easy January 14,…

Bouvet Island Dxpedition – 3Y0J
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Bouvet Island Dxpedition – 3Y0J

Bouvet Island DxpeditionBouvet is like the Mount Everest of DXCC entities. It is among the most challenging entities to activate due to significant transportation costs…

21° W.C.I. Contest
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21° W.C.I. Contest

La Sezione A.R.I. Fidenza (PR), in collaborazione con la Sezione A.R.I. di Mondovì (CN), organizza il 21° W.C.I. Contest “Weekend Diploma Castelli d’Italia” sabato 15…

Code Composer Studio: il ruolo degli script nello sviluppo del codice
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Code Composer Studio: il ruolo degli script nello sviluppo del codice

Le nuove tecnologie rendono sempre più necessario il ricorso a strumenti che ci permettano di acquisire, da un lato, una perfetta padronanza dei flussi di…

Unboxing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP transceiver!
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Unboxing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP transceiver!

Unboxing the lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP transceiver! Antenna Home Brew Lightning Disconnector [ Video ] November 19, 2016 No comments Read more G3TXQ 6 Band…