Author: iz4wnp

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Hello! Thanks to my friendship with Paul Ewing N6PSE, I can offer you this exclusive interview for the readers of Ham Radio Web, on the…

Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare?
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Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare?

Raspberry Pi senza ventola: si può usare? In questo articolo scopriremo assieme in base al modello e alle varie situazioni se una ventola è necessaria…

NEW North East CB SSB Net – 14/04/2021
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NEW North East CB SSB Net – 14/04/2021

  Information from Facebook about a new ‘North East SSB Net’ here in the UK which will take place for the first time on Wednesday…

Three Nets – One Rig!
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Three Nets – One Rig!

Video:YouTube/AlBarst 26TC101 A very interesting video from Allan, 26TC101 from Thursday 8th April where he attempts to chat with the guys on the Mid Wales…

Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3
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Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3

The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. The…

Lab599 Discovery TX-500
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Lab599 Discovery TX-500

Today i’m bringing you an update on a very exciting qrp ham radio from Lab599. It’s called the Discovery TX-500. The TX500 is a HF…

RTL-SDR BLOG L-BAND Patch Antenna Version 2 – Inmarsat – Iridium – GPS
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RTL-SDR BLOG L-BAND Patch Antenna Version 2 – Inmarsat – Iridium – GPS

Here we take a look at the brand new L-Band Patch antenna from RTL-SDR Blog. This antenna is designed to work with Inmarsat, Iridium and…

The Malahit DSP portable SDR receive
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The Malahit DSP portable SDR receive

A nifty little portable SDR receiver. I still have lots to explore with it, but here’s an overview. 【Frequency Range】50 kHz~2.0GHz (Registered version 1.10a);【Demodulation Mode】AM,…

Silicon Labs Si106x-108x: MCU con Wireless Sub-Giga ad alte prestazioni
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Silicon Labs Si106x-108x: MCU con Wireless Sub-Giga ad alte prestazioni

In questo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload incontreremo un System on Chip dalle caratteristiche veramente stupefacenti, sviluppato e prodotto da Silicon Labs. Insieme al componente…

T5/IT9HRK Somalia. From
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T5/IT9HRK Somalia. From

Alex, T5/IT9HRK will be active from Mogadishu, Somalia, starting 11 April 2021., T5/IT9HRK Somalia. From, ,

Comparing the Elecraft KX2 and the Icom IC-705. Which should I buy?
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Comparing the Elecraft KX2 and the Icom IC-705. Which should I buy?

Comparing the Elecraft KX2 and the Icom IC-705. Which should I buy? Antenna Cushcraft R9 covers 6,10,12,15,17,20,30,40,80 Meters November 09, 2015 No comments   This…

Come usare Raspberry Pi senza monitor
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Come usare Raspberry Pi senza monitor

Come si può usare Raspberry Pi senza avere un monitor? È possibile? In questo articolo ho il piacere di spiegarti diverse soluzioni. Raspberry Pi è…

Channel 38 Net Today
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Channel 38 Net Today

Covering London and the South East (Possibly further) the channel 38 CB radio group have their net today at 11:00am UK time on 38 midband,…

JI3DST/5 JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island. From
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JI3DST/5 JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island. From

JI3DST/5 and JR8YLY/5 will be active from Shodo Island, IOTA AS – 200, 29 April – 5 May 2021., JI3DST/5 JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island. From,…

Video 3Y0J Bouvet Island. From
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Video 3Y0J Bouvet Island. From

Video 3Y0J Bouvet Island DX Pedition N6PSE and K3LR. Interview., Video 3Y0J Bouvet Island. From, ,

80M Antenna with HOA Constraints
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80M Antenna with HOA Constraints

Welcome to the 400th Ask Dave video! Ken, VE7ZY, is having trouble with an 80m dipole mounted very closely to the roof flashing. He is…

Dentro un computer quantistico: il teletrasporto quantistico
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Dentro un computer quantistico: il teletrasporto quantistico

Si, lo so, la prima cosa che avete pensato leggendo il titolo di questo articolo è “Star Trek”. È comprensibile. Al di là di come…

Come usare Raspberry Pi senza tastiera
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Come usare Raspberry Pi senza tastiera

Come usare Raspberry Pi senza tastiera? Si può? In questo articolo ti mostrerò diversi modi per utilizzare Raspberry Pi senza avere una tastiera sotto le…

Traditional Amateur Radio Contesting Faces a Demographic Cliff
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Traditional Amateur Radio Contesting Faces a Demographic Cliff

Frank Howell, K4FMH, followed up his two-part National Contest Journal (NCJ) series, “The Demographics of Contesting,” with a post to his Social Circuits blog, called “Lemmings over a Demographic…

ARISS USA Gets IRS 501(c)(3) Recognition
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ARISS USA Gets IRS 501(c)(3) Recognition

ARISS-USA, a Maryland nonprofit corporation, has earned recognition from the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a Section 501(c)(3) charitable, scientific, and educational organization. ARISS-USA…

Can I Put One End of a Dipole Next to my VHF Antenna?
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Can I Put One End of a Dipole Next to my VHF Antenna?

Nick, KC3PWJ, has a flagpole and also a pole that holds up his VHF/UHF discone. He’d like to string a 20m dipole between the two…

5G: un rischio per la salute?
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5G: un rischio per la salute?

Il 5G costituisce l’insieme delle tecnologie di telefonia mobile di quinta generazione; la nuova rete vuole garantire velocità di 20 Gbps in download e 10…

YOTA Contest 2021
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YOTA Contest 2021

Team YOTA has been working hard over the last few months to establish one whole new project for the ham radio community. Everyone can take…

Amateur Radio Community Invited to Take Part in MARS Exercise on 60 Meters
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Amateur Radio Community Invited to Take Part in MARS Exercise on 60 Meters

Radio amateurs are invited to take part in the MARS exercise now under way until April 10 in support of the US Department of Defense….

Reti di sensori wireless come strumento per l’IoT
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Reti di sensori wireless come strumento per l’IoT

Le reti di sensori wireless o Wireless Sensors Networks (WSN) rappresentano il più diffuso esempio di sistema di misura digitale, basti pensare ai moderni smartphone….