Author: iz4wnp

Yaesu FTDX-10 Menu and Feature Overview with W9FFF Ham Radio Dude
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Yaesu FTDX-10 Menu and Feature Overview with W9FFF Ham Radio Dude

New from Yaesu, the FTDX-10 HF Transceiver – today I’ve invited Sean, W9FFF, from the Ham Radio Dude channel to go though all of the…

The RSGB is delighted to launch a new Award
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The RSGB is delighted to launch a new Award

Friendship on the Air Award The Friendship on the Air Award is designed to celebrate the friendship of amateur radio over the airwaves. The main…

Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 1
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Riconoscimento facciale per la domotica con l’ESP32-CAM – Parte 1

Negli ultimi anni è diventato necessario disporre di un sistema di sicurezza affidabile in grado di proteggere i nostri beni nel modo migliore e più…

Upcoming Space Station Contact 06/04/2021
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Upcoming Space Station Contact 06/04/2021

   An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Shannon Walker KD5DXB with students at the School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences, Southern Hemisphere…

KL7RRC/P Adak Island Alaska. From
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KL7RRC/P Adak Island Alaska. From

KL7RRC Team will be active from Adak Island, IOTA NA – 039, Alaska, 14 – 16 July 2021., KL7RRC/P Adak Island Alaska. From, ,

Renewing Your Amateur Radio License thru FCC Universal Licensing System
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Renewing Your Amateur Radio License thru FCC Universal Licensing System

Renewing Your Amateur Radio License thru FCC Universal Licensing System Review Icom ID-51E PLUS2 Unboxing April 26, 2017 No comments The D-STAR Evolution continues with…

Wideband Antennas for SDR Radios
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Wideband Antennas for SDR Radios

Flip, W4FLP, asked about options for wideband antennas for the popular RSP-DX software defined radio from SDRPlay. We cover three that should work fine. One…

A New Sunspot & More Aurora while A Mars Helicopter Preps for Flight | Space Weather News 04.05.2021
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A New Sunspot & More Aurora while A Mars Helicopter Preps for Flight | Space Weather News 04.05.2021

A New Sunspot & More Aurora while A Mars Helicopter Preps for Flight | Space Weather News 04.05.2021 Review Ailunce HS1 HF SDR QRP Review…

Raspberry Pi per bloccare gli ADS
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Raspberry Pi per bloccare gli ADS

Raspberry Pi, fra tutte le sue potenzialità, include quella per bloccare gli ADS. In questo articolo ho il piacere di mostrarti due diverse strade per…

3Y0J Bouvet Island. From
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3Y0J Bouvet Island. From

3Y0J Team planning to be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN – 002, in January – February 2023., 3Y0J Bouvet Island. From, ,

OA4DX Peru. From
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OA4DX Peru. From

Tony, OA4DX will be active from Peru in CQ MM Contest, 17 – 18 April 2021., OA4DX Peru. From, ,

Contests on QO-100 allowed
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Contests on QO-100 allowed

Updated band plan valid: from 4 April 2021 Contest Zone (CW and SSB) Uplink area 2400.370 – 2400.490 MHz Downlink area 10489.870 – 10489.990 MHz…

NanoVNA-H4 Network Analyzer,  Antenna Analyzer Review/Demo
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NanoVNA-H4 Network Analyzer, $86 Antenna Analyzer Review/Demo

Today we are checking out the NanoVNA-H4 analyzer. This little gem does a lot more than just SWR, so check out this video and other…

Getting the Sidebands Mixed Up Creates Audio Garbage
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Getting the Sidebands Mixed Up Creates Audio Garbage

Roger Nielsen, K7PUG, is having trouble with his Elecraft K3 after a factory reset. Everything sounds garbled and won’t tune in. Let’s troubleshoot together. Antenna…

KN-990 SDR All Mode HF Transceiver With IF DSP 0.1 – 30 MHz
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KN-990 SDR All Mode HF Transceiver With IF DSP 0.1 – 30 MHz

Here we take a look and test the KN-990 SDR All mode HF Transceiver. This radio is well built and includes an IF DSP for…

Quale sistema operativo usare con Raspberry Pi
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Quale sistema operativo usare con Raspberry Pi

Quale sistema operativo è meglio usare con Raspberry Pi? Nonostante ci siano varie opzioni per le schede, in questo articolo avrò il piacere di guidarti…

A35JP Tongatapu Island. From
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A35JP Tongatapu Island. From

Masa, JA0RQV will be active again as A35JP from Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC – 049, from the end of May to October 2021., A35JP Tongatapu…

How to use an automatic antenna tuner with a Yaesu FT-891 (LDG Z11 Pro II)
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How to use an automatic antenna tuner with a Yaesu FT-891 (LDG Z11 Pro II)

How to use an automatic antenna tuner with the Yaesu FT-891. In this video I show you the steps to set up and configure the…

La libreria ArduinoBLE per Arduino Nano 33 Sense
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La libreria ArduinoBLE per Arduino Nano 33 Sense

L’emergenza sanitaria che il mondo intero sta vivendo ha imposto all’attenzione di tutti l’utilizzo di strumenti tecnologici in grado di monitorare i contatti quotidiani. Tali…

Firmware 2.0 #12 – Energy Management/Energy Harvesting
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Firmware 2.0 #12 – Energy Management/Energy Harvesting

Siamo felici di presentarvi oggi il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica Firmware 2.0. Il topic di questo mese è dedicato all’ambito EnergyManagement/Energy Harvesting. In questo…

C92RU Mozambique. From
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C92RU Mozambique. From

C92RU Team will be active from Mozambique, 4 – 13 April 2021., C92RU Mozambique. From, ,

YB0ECT Indonesia. From
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YB0ECT Indonesia. From

YB0ECT will be active from Jakarta, Indonesia in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 29 – 30 May 2021., YB0ECT Indonesia. From, ,

Online Comm Academy 2021 is set for April 10 – 11
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Online Comm Academy 2021 is set for April 10 – 11

The 2021 Comm Academy April 10 – 11 is 2 days of training, talks, and information on emergency communications and amateur radio. This year’s theme is Disasters…

Tecnologie per la fabbricazione di circuiti integrati
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Tecnologie per la fabbricazione di circuiti integrati

Tanti anni sono passati dall’invenzione del primo transistor a semiconduttore, nonché dalla famosa legge di Moore. Questa invenzione ha condizionato il mercato e l’intera era…

World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) 2021 is Sunday, April 18
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World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) 2021 is Sunday, April 18

World Amateur Radio Day (WARD) 2021 is Sunday, April 18. On that day in 1925, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) was formed in Paris….