Author: iz4wnp

Dayton Hamvention Announces Hamvention Weekend Activities
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Dayton Hamvention Announces Hamvention Weekend Activities

Following its decision earlier this year to cancel the in-person Dayton Hamvention® in May, Hamvention has announced a series of 2021 Hamvention weekend activities, both virtual and on…

Cosa puoi fare con Raspberry Pi
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Cosa puoi fare con Raspberry Pi

Che cosa puoi fare con Raspberry Pi? Devi sapere che il computer con il lampone permette di realizzare tanti progetti e idee: in questo articolo…

LDG Z-100PLUS/IC-705
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LDG Z-100PLUS/IC-705

Auto Ant Tuner with 2000 Memories Pkgd For IC-705 The Package is IC-705 Ready and Includes The Following: 8 Heavy Duty AA Batteries Icom IC-705 Interface…

Letter To The ARRL: Ham Radio Is More Than A Great Hobby And You Should Know That.
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Letter To The ARRL: Ham Radio Is More Than A Great Hobby And You Should Know That.

“Please watch to the end. I will add again that I am not angry. I just wanted to make a few points to the ARRL…

Wouxun REVEALS the KG-1000G
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Wouxun REVEALS the KG-1000G

“Today we get to look at a brand new Mobile GMRS Radio from Wouxun, the KG-1000G. This Mobile radio has some nice features that make…

Can I Use My HT From a Tornado Safe Room?
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Can I Use My HT From a Tornado Safe Room?

“Steven Robertson, KEØJLG, asks if he can use his HT from a tornado/storm safe room. The question is simple, but the answer is a bit…

DIY LiPo Supercharger Bundle – LiPo Charger, Booster e Protector di GreatScott ed Elektor
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DIY LiPo Supercharger Bundle – LiPo Charger, Booster e Protector di GreatScott ed Elektor

Hai bisogno di un alimentatore LiPo ricaricabile per l’uscita a 5 e 12 V? Vuoi esercitarti nella saldatura SMD? Puoi farlo con un piccolo aiuto…

Gli esoneri (parziali) pe la nostra patente
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Gli esoneri (parziali) pe la nostra patente

Aggiornamento al D.M. 01-03-2021 A richiesta, sono esonerati dal sostenere l’esame sugli argomenti indicati nella parte A (QUESTIONI DI NATURA TECNICA) del programma di esame…

tinySA Spectrum Analyzer review
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tinySA Spectrum Analyzer review

Tinysa 100kHz-350MHz 2.8 Inch Handheld Two Inputs Tiny Spectrum Analyzer Touch Screen Spectrum Analyzer 100 KHz-350MHz Input Frequency Features: Display resolution 320 * 240 pixels…

FT8 and the 6m band [ Club Log ]
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FT8 and the 6m band [ Club Log ]

by Michael Wells “DXers have adopted FT8 to catch openings on the 6m band in the last year in even greater numbers than on HF. With…

FT800 motore video per sistemi embedded
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FT800 motore video per sistemi embedded

Nuovo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload dedicata a professionisti del settore e appassionati, che vogliono fare un salto nella storia dell’elettronica e delle grandi tecnologie…

Arduino Day 2021: un progetto, un chatbot Telegram, un mini-corso per tutti voi!
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Arduino Day 2021: un progetto, un chatbot Telegram, un mini-corso per tutti voi!

Per quest’anno, per questo Arduino Day, questo sedicesimo Arduino Day, ho voluto realizzare per tutti voi qualcosa di particolare! Questo è il sedicesimo anniversario di Arduino:…

Renesas Synergy Microcontrollers and ThreadX – binomio vincente in termini di innovazione e potenza
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Renesas Synergy Microcontrollers and ThreadX – binomio vincente in termini di innovazione e potenza

Renesas Synergy è una famiglia innovativa di microcontrollori, che grazie ad un nuovo approccio permette agli sviluppatori embedded di realizzare progetti a basso time to…

Wouxun REVEALS the KG-UV8H Dual Band 8-watt HT Radio
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Wouxun REVEALS the KG-UV8H Dual Band 8-watt HT Radio

Brand new from Wouxun is the KG-UV8H Handheld, which features a different screen than earlier models, an 8-watt output power, and a 3200mAH battery. Let’s…

Introduction for Icom AH-705 Automatic Antenna Tuner
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Introduction for Icom AH-705 Automatic Antenna Tuner

JH1CBX Masaco introduces AH-705 designed for IC-705. Descriptions ・Covers the 1.8 MHz to 50 MHz bands 30 m, 98.4 ft or longer antenna: 1.8 –…

How to use a manual antenna tuner – Ham Radio Q&A
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How to use a manual antenna tuner – Ham Radio Q&A

“Antenna tuners are a vital, yet slightly misunderstood ham radio station accessory. In this video we talk about what an antenna tuner does and doesn’t…

Internet of Things vs Data Science: due materie a confronto
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Internet of Things vs Data Science: due materie a confronto

Internet of Things vs Data Science: che differenze ci sono fra queste due materie? In questo articolo ho il piacere di mostrartele in un confronto…

Thailand E2E. From
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Thailand E2E. From

E2E Team will be active from Thailand in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 27 – 28 March 2021., Thailand E2E. From, ,

Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas LOOP-20
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Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas LOOP-20

Antenna, Loop, Magnetic, 20-10M, 125 W PEP, Each Magnetic- loop antennas have existed almost since radio began. The recent resurgence of interest in them is…

Chameleon EmComm II Amateur Ham Radio Antenna Review
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Chameleon EmComm II Amateur Ham Radio Antenna Review

A slightly different form of hybrid is the Chameleon Emcomm II.The Emcomm II is a portable antenna, which can also be very good to use…

Raccolta di energia in radiofrequenza: che fine ha fatto la rectenna?
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Raccolta di energia in radiofrequenza: che fine ha fatto la rectenna?

La raccolta di energia proveniente da fonti alternative può avvenire sfruttando diversi tipi di sorgenti quali l’energia termica, chimica, solare, etc. di cui sicuramente avrete…

Dal MISE novità importanti!
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Dal MISE novità importanti!

E’ molto importante per noi radioamatori prendere nota di quanto è stato pubblicato dalla Gazzetta Ufficiale CLICCA QUI PER SCARICARE  

Dual Band Moxon Antenna 10m/6m
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Dual Band Moxon Antenna 10m/6m

Dual band Moxon antenna (2 + 3 elements) for 10m and 6m, ideal for Sporadic-E or DX. Dualband Moxon Antenna for 10 and 6m Not…

Finger Morse CW Straight Key / Finger mounted PTT switch
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Finger Morse CW Straight Key / Finger mounted PTT switch

The Finger Morse CW Straight Key is a very simple product that allows you to easily continue operating your Morse Code QRP Ham Radio while…

CompacTenna VHF/UHF Stealth But EFFECTIVE antenna, Review and On-Air Test
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CompacTenna VHF/UHF Stealth But EFFECTIVE antenna, Review and On-Air Test

Check out this CompacTenna dual band ham antenna, only 7.5″ tall and can be used for mobile OR base applications. I also have the CompacTenna…