Author: iz4wnp

Cooperative Effort Under Way to Resolve Potential 70-Centimeter Interference Issue
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Cooperative Effort Under Way to Resolve Potential 70-Centimeter Interference Issue

ARRL, the FCC, and the US Department of Defense are cooperating in an effort to eliminate the possibility of amateur radio interference on 70 centimeters…

Quale Raspberry Pi comprare
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Quale Raspberry Pi comprare

Di Raspberry Pi ne abbiamo a disposizione differenti modelli. È opportuno chiedersi: quale di questi dovrei comprare? In questo articolo ho il piacere di guidarti…

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The Tactical Delta Loop antenna (CHA TDL), is a portable High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for transportability, quick setup, and a small footprint. This antenna is…

Sneak Preview of the AH-705 HF/50 MHz Automatic Antenna Tuner
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Sneak Preview of the AH-705 HF/50 MHz Automatic Antenna Tuner

Icom AH-705 automatic antenna tuner for the IC-705 is now available from Icom UK dealers. The AH-705 is a small portable antenna tuner that has…

France Announces Ham Radio Exam Changes
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France Announces Ham Radio Exam Changes

After an 8-year wait, a new amateur radio decree has been published in the French government’s Official Journal. The most significant change involves the way amateur radio exams…

Amateur Radio Gets a Partial Reprieve on 3.5 GHz
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Amateur Radio Gets a Partial Reprieve on 3.5 GHz

Pending future FCC action, amateur radio secondary use of the 3.3 – 3.45 GHz band segment may continue indefinitely. The FCC, as part of a…

Smart Pot Sensor: IoT applicato all’agricoltura (Parte 2)
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Smart Pot Sensor: IoT applicato all’agricoltura (Parte 2)

Anche il settore agroalimentare è interessato dall’evoluzione tecnologica dell’Internet delle Cose (IoT), con innovazioni di tecnologie produttive, processi e filiera in generale. Nel precedente articolo…

Inverclyde Net – TONIGHT
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Inverclyde Net – TONIGHT

  Covering large parts of South West Scotland is the Inverclyde Net which takes place tonight and every Monday night from 20:00 hours (UK time)…

S21DX Manpura Island Bangladesh. From
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S21DX Manpura Island Bangladesh. From

S21DX Team will be active from Manpura Island, IOTA AS – 140, Bangladesh, 16 – 22 December 2021., S21DX Manpura Island Bangladesh. From, ,

FCC Not Yet Collecting  Application Fee
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FCC Not Yet Collecting $35 Application Fee

The FCC Part 97 rules establishing a new $35 amateur radio application fee go on the books on April 19, but the FCC won’t start collecting the…

CQ WPX SSB/CW 2021 Online Scoring Trophy program
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CQ WPX SSB/CW 2021 Online Scoring Trophy program and our sponsor Icom America Inc.  are establishing a special award program to encourage the use of scoreboards during international contests. We are currently announcing four…

Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away
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Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away

Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air Antennas, opening up repeaters 23 miles away Inflating The Dual Band 2m/70cm version of the Air…

Win4Icom Lets You Control Your Icom from Your Computer
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Win4Icom Lets You Control Your Icom from Your Computer

Win4IcomSuite is a windows control program for the Icom IC-7100,  IC-7300, IC-7600, IC-7610, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7850/51 and IC-9700 transceivers supporting Icom’s built in spectrum scopes, the IQ spectrum on…

Little Tarheel II | Mobile HF 80-6 Meter Ham Radio Antenna
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Little Tarheel II | Mobile HF 80-6 Meter Ham Radio Antenna

The Little Tarheel (TH-1L), when properly installed on your vehicle, will provide continuous coverage from 7.0 to 54 MHz with the supplied whip. The Little…

Atmel Transceiver AT86RF233
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Atmel Transceiver AT86RF233

Vi presentiamo oggi un nuovo articolo della Rubrica Firmware Reload. Durante la Embedded World Conference 2013 tenutasi a Norimberga, il leader mondiale nella produzione dei…

CB RADIO – Homebrew Starduster Antenna
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CB RADIO – Homebrew Starduster Antenna

Video:YouTube/Mike-M0MSN Making your own antennas can be fun and in this video you will see Mike making his own version of the good old Starduster…

Video 3Y0Z Bouvet Island EY8MM. From
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Video 3Y0Z Bouvet Island EY8MM. From

Video 3Y0Z Bouvet Island DX Pedition. Author – Nodir Tursun Zade, EY8MM., Video 3Y0Z Bouvet Island EY8MM. From, ,

 Amateur Radio Application Fee Published in the Federal Register
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$35 Amateur Radio Application Fee Published in the Federal Register

The FCC has published their final change in the National Register concerning the license application fee for the amateur radio service. The rule was published…

Weird Ham Radio Gear! Belcom LS-702 433 MHz SSB&FM
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Weird Ham Radio Gear! Belcom LS-702 433 MHz SSB&FM

The Belcom LS-702 is a really cool 433MHz FM and SSB transciever. It is surprising how well it still fuctions and sounds today. Lets take…

Dump the UV-5R and Get the GT-5R
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Dump the UV-5R and Get the GT-5R

“For years the Baofeng UV-5R has been maligned as non-compliant with FCC regulations and a real spreader of spurious emissions. Further, it would easily transmit…

Veicolo OBD MQTT
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Veicolo OBD MQTT

L’IoT (termine che sta per Internet of Things) sta cambiando la vita di tutti noi. Il numero di dispositivi connessi alla rete cresce esponenzialmente, rendendo…

Yaesu FTdx10 “MARS” MOD
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Yaesu FTdx10 “MARS” MOD

Videos:YouTube/ZEB CLARK A couple of videos explaining how to wideband your shiny new Yaesu FTdx10… Of course you do so at your own risk!

Bleb: il mondo dell’IoT fatto a mattoncini made in Italy
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Bleb: il mondo dell’IoT fatto a mattoncini made in Italy

Immagina di creare il tuo progetto IoT con una struttura modulare, applicazioni mobile e interfacce web per gestirlo e dargli vita istantaneamente. Fantascienza? No: Bleb….

80 Meter Dipole Install via Drone
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80 Meter Dipole Install via Drone

Installing my 80 Meter Dipole with my DJI Mavic was probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done but hey, it’s me we’re talking about….

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PY1AHD ALEX the ALEXLOOP Portable Magnetic Loop creator working on his home factory. AlexLoop HamPack design has been inspired by one of my homebrew QRP…