Author: iz4wnp

Internet of Things: qual è il miglior protocollo di comunicazione? Un video-riassunto
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Internet of Things: qual è il miglior protocollo di comunicazione? Un video-riassunto

Internet of Things: qual è il miglior protocollo di comunicazione? In base al tuo progetto, quello che vuoi realizzare e ciò che hai a disposizione…

Nice presentation of Power Genius XL by Dan, N7HQ [ VIDEO ]
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Nice presentation of Power Genius XL by Dan, N7HQ [ VIDEO ]

QSO Today Expo March 2021 – Dan N7HQ gives us an overview of the PGXL and its features. Antenna JK2040-Hawk – Yagi antenna of 5…

What”s a Transponder, Anyway?
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What”s a Transponder, Anyway?

A question from an Oggie prompted this look at the use of transponders in amateur radio. Antenna The 40/80/160 Meter Coil-loaded Inverted V Dipole Antenna…

Protocolli IoT [1/2]: wireless a lungo raggio
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Protocolli IoT [1/2]: wireless a lungo raggio

L’Internet of Things (IoT) è divenuto ormai una delle aree più importanti di sviluppo tecnologico per il futuro, coinvolgendo con la sua filosofia innumerevoli settori…

YN1YN Nicaragua. From
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YN1YN Nicaragua. From

YN1YN Team will be active from Nicaragua in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 27 – 28 March 2021., YN1YN Nicaragua. From, ,

HT Antenna Comparison – Signal Stick, Diamond SRH770S and Abbree
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HT Antenna Comparison – Signal Stick, Diamond SRH770S and Abbree

“In this video I compare three antennas to see which one, if any, out performs the others. I will be comparing the Signal Stick from…

Ultimate Raspberry Pi for your Ham Radio
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Ultimate Raspberry Pi for your Ham Radio

“The ultimate raspberry pi for ham radio is here! This raspberry pi for ham radio has read/write speed ~10 times faster than a micro SD…

New vertical  SV5  for  (80-60-40-20-15-10)
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New vertical SV5 for (80-60-40-20-15-10)

SV 5 Plus Antenna for HF bands (80-60-40-20-15-10)Antenna for HF bands (80-60-40-30-20-12) Same features as the SV 5 but with the 60m band. OPTIONAL Switch…

WAIT! Don’t Buy The Baofeng UV-5X GMRS Radio
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WAIT! Don’t Buy The Baofeng UV-5X GMRS Radio

“The new Baofeng UV-5X is FCC approved HOWEVER, it ships locked to a specific CTCS tone for receive and transmit and locked to narrow FM.”…

Energie alternative: l’energia di torsione nella Stazione Spaziale Internazionale
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Energie alternative: l’energia di torsione nella Stazione Spaziale Internazionale

Al giorno d’oggi si parla molto di energie alternative. I sistemi di accumulo delle energie più conosciute sono pale eoliche e pannelli fotovoltaici. Anche nella…

CQ3W Madeira Island. From
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CQ3W Madeira Island. From

DF7EE will be active as CQ3W from Madeira Island, IOTA AF – 014, in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 27 – 28 March 2021., CQ3W…

P40A Aruba. From
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P40A Aruba. From

John, KK9A will be active again as P40A from Aruba, IOTA SA – 036, 24 – 28 March 2021., P40A Aruba. From, ,

Best Handheld Ham Radio Under 0 – 2021
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Best Handheld Ham Radio Under $150 – 2021

“In early 2021, these are my recommendations of the Best Handheld Ham Radios under $150.” Antenna 10-40 Meter Coaxial Loop Rated IP54 for Base, Mobile,…

Sears Roebuck 1940 Radio Amateur Test Equipment Sound Systems Catalog
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Sears Roebuck 1940 Radio Amateur Test Equipment Sound Systems Catalog

Click below to Read : Antenna Log Periodic Dipole Array 13 element 10MHz – 54MHz High Performance LPD January 08, 2018 No comments Log Periodic…

Friedrichshafen June 25-27
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Friedrichshafen June 25-27

The DARC say:The unfortunately still ongoing Covid-19 pandemic makes the planning of any in-person event exceedingly difficult. This also applies to the 45th HAM RADIO…

Small Circuits Revival – Parte 4 (Automatic Gain Control)
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Small Circuits Revival – Parte 4 (Automatic Gain Control)

Un Automatic Gain Control Circuit (AGC) è molto utile in molte applicazioni; un esempio è il rilevamento di segnali deboli. Un’applicazione alla quale potresti pensare…

ARISS Ham Station in Columbus Module Is Once Again Operational
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ARISS Ham Station in Columbus Module Is Once Again Operational

Some 6 weeks after going silent following a spacewalk that installed new antenna cabling, the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) ham station…

Elecraft K4 Presentation at QSO Virtual Ham EXPO 2021
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Elecraft K4 Presentation at QSO Virtual Ham EXPO 2021

Eric demos the K4 with latest features at the QSO Today Virtual Ham EXPO 3_2021 Antenna UHF VHF Antenna 08-ANT-0861 December 27, 2019 No comments…

Antenna Construction and the Optimized Wideband Antenna
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Antenna Construction and the Optimized Wideband Antenna

Antenna Handy 5 Elements 1200 Mhz Twin Loop Portable Antenna February 15, 2019 No comments Description Overview It will be 5 elements twin loop antenna…

ANYTONE AT-779UV – Dual Band Mini Mobile Radio
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ANYTONE AT-779UV – Dual Band Mini Mobile Radio

The Anytone AT-779UV Dual band Mobile radio is a compact rugged 25 watt mobile radio Factory pre-programmed with the Moonraker code plug including all UK…

Solar Flux Rises as Coronal Holes Bring Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 03.14.21
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Solar Flux Rises as Coronal Holes Bring Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 03.14.21

Solar Flux Rises as Coronal Holes Bring Aurora | Solar Storm Forecast 03.14.21 Antenna 2m Yagi Beam Antenna | 144 MHz 10 Element Super-Light High…

PCI Express con la tecnologia TCP/IP
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PCI Express con la tecnologia TCP/IP

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload. Il protocollo TCP/IP è ormai un aspetto consolidato e utilizzato nelle sue varianti più disparate, in differenti contesti…

Sunday CB Radio Nets
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Sunday CB Radio Nets

  CB radio nets to listen out for today… Firstly the Delta Romeo DX Group have their net on 27.365 USB from 11:00 hours. They are…

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1. Contest sponsorsThe “Soyuz Radioljubitelej Rossii” (Union of Radioamateurs of Russia), SRR is pleased to announce 28 International “Russian DX Contest” 2. Contest dates, bands,…

How to set up Compression on your HF radio
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How to set up Compression on your HF radio

*Photo : K2FX “Oggie Harry Rundall, AC3EK, wrote to me about an experience he had setting compression on his Icom IC-7300. That prompted me to…