Author: iz4wnp

Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!
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Ham Radio – Icom 705 remote control with a cell phone app!

Antenna The Antenna SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters January 26, 2015 No comments       The SA-680HP covers 10 through 80 meters  with…

Shark HF Stick Mobile Hamstick Antenna Review
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Shark HF Stick Mobile Hamstick Antenna Review

Shark Antennas Hamsticks are mono band HF antennas that consist of a fiberglass mast with integrated coil and 48 inch stainless steel whip. In this…

Ham Radio Simple Accessories for Newcomers
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Ham Radio Simple Accessories for Newcomers

Peter Waters G3OJV, talks about five simple accessories that he uses and recommends, for new ham operators. He also explains why Antenna KT36XA – M2…

3,000 person passes Foundation exam via remote invigilation
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3,000 person passes Foundation exam via remote invigilation

“We’re delighted that the 3,000th person has just passed their Foundation licence via remote invigilation! Congratulations to them and welcome to everyone who has become…

Arduino: concetti di base
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Arduino: concetti di base

Nuovo appuntamento con la Rubrica Firmware Reload di Elettronica Open Source. In questo articolo per la Rubrica Firmware Reload parleremo della popolare piattaforma hardware, spiegata…

A25RU Botswana. From
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A25RU Botswana. From

A25RU Team will be active from Botswana, 14 – 26 March 2021., A25RU Botswana. From, ,

Raspberry Pi Pico e Unix: un sistema operativo per la nuova scheda con il lampone
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Raspberry Pi Pico e Unix: un sistema operativo per la nuova scheda con il lampone

Raspberry Pi Pico ci sta accompagnando in questo inizio 2021 con diverse novità: fra queste, c’è quella di poter eseguire un sistema operativo basato su…

C6AHA Bimini Islands The Bahamas. From
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C6AHA Bimini Islands The Bahamas. From

C6AHA Team will be active from Bimini Islands, IOTA NA – 048, The Bahamas, 14 – 21 July 2021., C6AHA Bimini Islands The Bahamas. From…

Realizzare un Amplificatore Differenziale BJT con LTspice
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Realizzare un Amplificatore Differenziale BJT con LTspice

LTspice è uno dei software di simulazione circuitale più diffuso al mondo grazie ai numerosi vantaggi che fornisce rispetto alle alternative simili, tra cui simulazioni…

Un semplicissimo Energy Meter con Arduino
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Un semplicissimo Energy Meter con Arduino

La maggior parte dei progetti di energy meter che si possono trovare in rete sembrano tutti un pò troppo complicati per una semplice applicazione domestica….

Thames Estuary DX Net
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Thames Estuary DX Net

  If you are in the South East of England you may wish to check out the Thames Estuary DX Net tomorrow night at 19:00…

Location, maps and awards
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Location, maps and awards

I talk about the various location standards are used in amateur radio. I show several maps and awards. Antenna Antenna MULTI BEAMING remote Controller by…

Approaches to Tackle Noise Problems Vary, Remedies Elusive
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Approaches to Tackle Noise Problems Vary, Remedies Elusive

RF noise is a frequent discussion topic among radio amateurs. A proliferation of electronics has cluttered and complicated the noise environment; it’s not just power…

ARISS, NASA, and ESA Continue to Probe Amateur Radio Problems on ISS
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ARISS, NASA, and ESA Continue to Probe Amateur Radio Problems on ISS

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) International Chair Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, reports that the ARISS team has been working closely with NASA and…

Yaesu FT-DX10 HF Transceiver – Is it Right for You?
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Yaesu FT-DX10 HF Transceiver – Is it Right for You?

We take a look at one of the most recent HF transceivers to come onto the ham radio market. Could this be the new FT-101E…

What is the Base Holding Up My Hexbeam?
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What is the Base Holding Up My Hexbeam?

William Noble asks about the base used to hold up my MFJ-1846 Hex Beam antenna. The actual base that allows for a fold-over mast was…

Arduino IDE 2.0 è disponibile!
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Arduino IDE 2.0 è disponibile!

Arduino IDE nella versione 2.0 beta è disponibile al download da oggi: dopo 15 anni, siamo pronti a una piccola grande rivoluzione nel mondo open…

Raspberry Pi Pico: sfruttiamo la sua memoria di massa!
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Raspberry Pi Pico: sfruttiamo la sua memoria di massa!

Raspberry Pi Pico l’abbiamo capito: è una scheda a micro controllore molto interessante, soprattutto se accompagnata all’uso di Micropython. Abbiamo scoperto assieme che si può…

Vibration energy harvesting systems
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Vibration energy harvesting systems

La progettazione di dispositivi sempre più integrati necessita l’adozione anche di tecniche di accumulo dell’energia elettrica (harvesting) dall’ambiente circostante. Mentre risorse come energia solare ed…

Proposed Changes To UK Amateur Radio Licenses
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Proposed Changes To UK Amateur Radio Licenses

  OFCOM have sent out an email to UK Amateur Radio operators in relation to proposed changes to the conditions of their license: Dear Licence…

Raspberry Pi Pico: salvataggio dati sulla memoria
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Raspberry Pi Pico: salvataggio dati sulla memoria

Nei precedenti articoli abbiamo visto che cos’è Raspberry Pi Pico e come sfruttare Micropython. In questo nuovo articolo scopriremo come sfruttare la memoria flash di…

8Q7MS Maldives. From
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8Q7MS Maldives. From

Mats, RM2D will be active as 8Q7MS from Ukulhas Island, Alifu Alifu Atoll, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013, 28 March – 10 April 2021.,…

ED8W Canary Islands. From
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ED8W Canary Islands. From

EA1BP will be active as ED8W from Canary Islands, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 6 – 7 March 2021., ED8W Canary Islands. From, ,

C7A 4Y1A Vienna. From
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C7A 4Y1A Vienna. From

4U1A members will be active as C7A from Vienna, Austria, 1 – 31 March 2021., C7A 4Y1A Vienna. From, ,

Baofeng UV-9R TP 18-watt Power Testing | UV9R Plus HT
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Baofeng UV-9R TP 18-watt Power Testing | UV9R Plus HT

Baofeng UV-9R TP 18-watt HT Ham Radio Unboxing and power testing – let’s see if this 18-watt HT does what it is advertised to do!…