Author: iz4wnp

A Filament Slingshots Towards Earth | Solar Storm Forecast 02.22.2021
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A Filament Slingshots Towards Earth | Solar Storm Forecast 02.22.2021

Antenna 4 x 5el Yagi 20m Stack March 04, 2020 No comments Read more A High Efficiency Extended Length Mobile Antenna May 08, 2016 No…

Raspberry Pi Pico: come si programma con VS Code?
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Raspberry Pi Pico: come si programma con VS Code?

Negli episodi precedenti abbiamo visto che cos’è Raspberry Pi Pico e come si utilizza. Abbiamo visto come poterla gestire in modi differenti, e in questo…

La moderna tecnologia QR nell’automazione industriale e commerciale
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La moderna tecnologia QR nell’automazione industriale e commerciale

Nel corso degli anni, molte tendenze tecnologiche si sono succedute. Tuttavia, alcune sono riuscite a resistere nonostante previsioni sulla loro imminente fine. Una di queste…

JW6VDA Svalbard. From
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JW6VDA Svalbard. From

Tom, LA6VDA will be active again from Svalbard Islands, IOTA EU – 026, 26 April – 9 May 2021, as JW6VDA., JW6VDA Svalbard. From,…

J68HZ Saint Lucia Island. From
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J68HZ Saint Lucia Island. From

J68HZ Team will be active from Saint Lucia Island, IOTA NA – 108, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 6 – 7 March 2021., J68HZ Saint…

SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 Now Available
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SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 Now Available

Marcus, DL8MRE announces that release of SmartSDR for iOS v3.9.12 is now available for download or update from the Apple App Store. SmartSDR is a…

A direct hit! The solarstorm our Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed!
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A direct hit! The solarstorm our Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed!

A direct hit! The #solarstorm our #Sun launched is confirmed to be Earth-directed! NASA prediction models show impact early February 23. Because Earth’s shield is…

Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More
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Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More

Radioddity Raddy RW3 Go-Kit-Type Radio AM/FM/WX, Phone Charger and More [Small Size But All-Purpose] Unlike other FM/AM/NOAA radios, the RW3 is a Bluetooth speaker with…

Generatori di CLOCK
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Generatori di CLOCK

Gli oscillatori sono impiegati per produrre segnali a frequenze audio o radio, per una grande varietà di applicazioni. Ad esempio, semplici oscillatori a frequenze audio…

Paper Logging and Using Fast Log Entry for POTA – Ham Radio Q&A
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Paper Logging and Using Fast Log Entry for POTA – Ham Radio Q&A

“I typically paper log my Parks on the Air contacts during an activation. After I get home I will transcribe and edit the log with…

PANADAPTER For Any Radio DC – 160 MHz SDR Antenna Switch
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PANADAPTER For Any Radio DC – 160 MHz SDR Antenna Switch

PANADAPTER For Any Radio DC – 160 MHz SDR Antenna Switch Antenna New! Vertical Loop Yagi ( 6 to 40m ) – Ultra Beam March…

German radio hams tackling RF noise pollution
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German radio hams tackling RF noise pollution

DARC reports 35 Electrical Noise Area Monitoring Systems (ENAMS) have been delivered and another 20 locations are sought as part of the effort to monitor…

Raspberry Pi Pico: programmazione con Visual Studio Code
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Raspberry Pi Pico: programmazione con Visual Studio Code

Negli articoli precedenti, abbiamo fatto un’introduzione approfondita a Raspberry Pi Pico. Abbiamo parlato di questa nuova scheda a microcontrollore offerta dal Lampone Britannico e abbiamo…

P29MM Papua New Guinea Nicholas Miklouho Maclay. From
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P29MM Papua New Guinea Nicholas Miklouho Maclay. From

P29MM Team will be active from Papua New Guinea, in honor of 175th anniversary of the birth Nicholas Miklouho-Maclay., P29MM Papua New Guinea Nicholas Miklouho…

Permission granted for 60 foot ham radio masts
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Permission granted for 60 foot ham radio masts

Joel Banner Baird Burlington Free Press SHELBURNE – One-on-one talks with fellow amateur radio operators as far away as Moscow are now firmly on the horizon…

L’ESP32 nell’Industria 4.0
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L’ESP32 nell’Industria 4.0

Esperti dell’economia internazionale affermano che entro il 2022 nel mercato globale per l’IoT si spenderanno 264 miliardi di dollari, mentre per l’Industria 4.0 152 miliardi…

5V7DE Togo. From
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5V7DE Togo. From

Daniel, HB9EHD is active as 5V7DE from Togo, not 5VDE as announced earlier., 5V7DE Togo. From, ,

Yaesu M-70 | Desktop Microphone
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Yaesu M-70 | Desktop Microphone

The Yaesu M-70 is a new desk  top microphone from Yaesu, it is ideal for the new FT-DX10 model but will function with other Yaesu…

Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Tentatively on for 2021
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Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen, Germany, Tentatively on for 2021

Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen, Germany, was canceled last year because of the pandemic. Organizers for Europe’s International Amateur Radio Exhibition this week expressed optimism that the…

Smart Pot Sensor: IoT applicato all’agricoltura (Parte 1)
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Smart Pot Sensor: IoT applicato all’agricoltura (Parte 1)

La filosofia dell’Internet delle Cose (IoT) sta da un decennio rivoluzionando ogni ambito, introducendo tecnologia e digitalizzazione anche in quei settori che sono sempre stati…

VK9CE Cocos Keeling. From
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VK9CE Cocos Keeling. From

VK9CE Team will be active from Cocos Keeling Islands, IOTA OC – 003, 16 – 23 March 2021., VK9CE Cocos Keeling. From, ,

PJ2T Curacao Island. From
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PJ2T Curacao Island. From

PJ2T Team will be active from Curacao Island, IOTA SA – 099, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 6 – 7 March 2021., PJ2T Curacao Island….

PJ4G Bonaire Island. From
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PJ4G Bonaire Island. From

W1MD will be active as PJ4G from Bonaire Island, SA – 006, in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 6 – 7 March 2021., PJ4G Bonaire Island….

“I Don’t Need a Ham Radio License In An Emergency!”
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“I Don’t Need a Ham Radio License In An Emergency!”

“I Don’t Need a Ham Radio License In An Emergency!” Antenna Discone Antenna December 19, 2014 No comments     A discone antenna is a version of…

Former Argentine President Carlos Menem, ex-LU1SM, SK
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Former Argentine President Carlos Menem, ex-LU1SM, SK

The former president of Argentina, Carlos Menem, ex-LU1SM, died on February 14. He was 90. Menem took office in 1989, serving for 10 years. Menem…