Author: iz4wnp

The First Thing To Upgrade On Your Handheld Ham Radio
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The First Thing To Upgrade On Your Handheld Ham Radio

It’s true that the best thing to upgrade on your ham radio handheld is its antenna. However, there is something you should do before making…

Survey of Less-Expensive Vertical Antennas
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Survey of Less-Expensive Vertical Antennas

Oggie Mike, KB7HFS, asks for a recommendation for a new vertical antenna. He already has a radial field and a mount; his prior antenna was…

Motori Brushless DC
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Motori Brushless DC

Eccoci giunti a un nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. Oggetto di questo articolo sono una categoria di motori molto utilizzati in svariate applicazioni….

FG4KH Guadeloupe. From
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FG4KH Guadeloupe. From

Philippe, F1DUZ will be active again as FG4KH from Guadeloupe, IOTA NA-102, 16 March – 1 April 2021., FG4KH Guadeloupe. From, ,

Learning Morse Code, Straight Key or Paddles?
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Learning Morse Code, Straight Key or Paddles?

“The eternal question and a sure way to start trouble at your next Ham radio club! Is the straight key a better learning tool or…

Una soluzione ZigBee a singolo chip
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Una soluzione ZigBee a singolo chip

Questo articolo della rubrica Firmware Reload introduce la famiglia EM35x di Silicon Labs, ideata per realizzare soluzioni ZigBee a singolo chip. LA FAMIGLIA EM35X La…

Raspberry Pi Pico: la prima scheda a microcontrollore del lampone britannico
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Raspberry Pi Pico: la prima scheda a microcontrollore del lampone britannico

Raspberry Pi Pico: l’azienda del lampone più famoso nel mondo maker ha deciso di entrare nel mondo delle schede a microcontrollore all’inizio di questo 2021….

Icom IC-705 with the mAT-705 Portable Tuner
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Icom IC-705 with the mAT-705 Portable Tuner

“Today I operate the Icom IC-705 at my hunting lease as a portable radio with an End Fed Random Wire antenna from Nelson Antennas, and…

Termocamera professionale per principianti e professionisti
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Termocamera professionale per principianti e professionisti

PeakTech offre due nuove termocamere con funzionalità di foto termica e software di analisi, che creano anche report di prova generati automaticamente. Diamo quindi un’occhiata…

Voltage Monitor MAX8212
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Voltage Monitor MAX8212

Analizziamo un semplice e versatile IC per il monitoraggio della tensione di alimentazione in circuiti con architettura a microprocessore e non solo. L’integrato che andiamo…

Capture the MAGIC of Six Meters — eBook
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Capture the MAGIC of Six Meters — eBook

Have you ever wondered about the “Magic” of Six Meters? After all, you’ve probably pressed the six meter button on your rig and failed to…

Eastern Iowans Rely On Ham Radio When Severe Weather Strikes
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Eastern Iowans Rely On Ham Radio When Severe Weather Strikes

A derecho with winds of 80 to 100 MPH struck eastern Iowa last August, disrupting power and telecommunications for some 400,000 residents. But, as ARRL member…

David A. Duncan, K7DUN, Wins the January 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award
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David A. Duncan, K7DUN, Wins the January 2021 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the January 2021 QST Cover Plaque award is “CW-ELMER – An Advanced Morse Code Learning System,” by David A. Duncan, K7DUN. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

Progettare un sensore touch capacitivo
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Progettare un sensore touch capacitivo

L’obiettivo di questo articolo è introdurre le tecniche che permettono di realizzare un’applicazione touch di tipo capacitivo, che risulti robusta e il più possibile insensibile…

NEW – President Randy FCC
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NEW – President Randy FCC

  It looks like President have a new CB handheld in the pipeline for radio users in the United States – The President Randy FCC…

Video Presentation 6O7O Somalia DX Pedition. From
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Video Presentation 6O7O Somalia DX Pedition. From

Central Arizona DX Association : LA7GIA – 6O7O DXpedition to Somalia video presentation., Video Presentation 6O7O Somalia DX Pedition. From, ,

Video Mount Athos NE8Z. From
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Video Mount Athos NE8Z. From

Video. Rick NE8Z/HC1MD Pilgrimage to Mount Athos., Video Mount Athos NE8Z. From, ,

Contest University to Host Propagation Summit on January 23
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Contest University to Host Propagation Summit on January 23

Contest University (CTU) is holding a Virtual Propagation Summit on Saturday, January 23. The Zoom-platform event will get under way with introductory remarks from Tim…

FCC Notice: What You CAN And CANNOT Do With Ham Radio
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FCC Notice: What You CAN And CANNOT Do With Ham Radio

FCC Notice: What You CAN And CANNOT Do With Ham Radio Antenna K8XS – JK Antennas Stack [ Video ] September 07, 2016 No comments…

How Your Radio’s Final Amp Class Affects Efficiency
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How Your Radio’s Final Amp Class Affects Efficiency

An Oggie asks why his radio draws so much more power than the 100 watts it puts out. The answer lies in using linear final…

Testing My Mini 64:1 Half-Wave End-Fed Antenna Transformer.
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Testing My Mini 64:1 Half-Wave End-Fed Antenna Transformer.

Testing My Mini 64:1 Half-Wave End-Fed Antenna Transformer. Antenna AG6IF BUILT 3DFL, 2 METER FULL WAVE HAM RADIO ANTENNA, WORKS ON 440 70CM ALSO September…

HamCation QSO Party Set
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HamCation QSO Party Set

Orlando HamCation has announced it will sponsor the HamCation QSO Party over the February 13 – 14 weekend (UTC), “to create a fun way for amateurs to…

Criteri di selezione dei riferimenti di tensione
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Criteri di selezione dei riferimenti di tensione

Il riferimento di tensione è uno dei blocchi fondamentali di molti sistemi elettronici. Generalmente associato con i convertitori A/D e D/A, in realtà è presente…

Upcoming Space Station Contact 21/01/2021
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Upcoming Space Station Contact 21/01/2021

  An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Mike Hopkins KF5LJG with students at Maine Regional School Unit 21, Kennebunk, ME, USA. The contact…

Video 9LY1JM Banana Island. From
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Video 9LY1JM Banana Island. From

January 2019 DXpedition 9LY1JM to Banana Island, IOTA AF – 037, Sierra Leone, by F6KOP team., Video 9LY1JM Banana Island. From, ,