Author: iz4wnp

Una vita più sana con il rilevamento remoto
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Una vita più sana con il rilevamento remoto

Smartwatch, braccialetti fitness e altri dispositivi personali dotati di sensori per monitorare i parametri che determinano lo stato di salute di una persona. Miliardi di…

ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio
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ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio

For over 100 years amateur radio and ARRL — the National Association for Amateur Radio® — have stood for the development of the science and art of…

FCC Warns Amateur Radio Operators To Not Commit Crimes [ VIDEO]
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FCC Warns Amateur Radio Operators To Not Commit Crimes [ VIDEO]

“In a bizzare warning issued by the FCC and followed by a warning from the Association for Amateur Radio, The ARRL, ham are warned on…

Amateur & Personal Radio Users Reminded Not to Use Radios in Crimes
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Amateur & Personal Radio Users Reminded Not to Use Radios in Crimes

Full Title: Warning: Amateur and Personal Radio Services Licensees and Operators May Not Use Radio Equipment to Commit or Facilitate Criminal Acts Document Type(s): Public Notice Bureau(s): Enforcement…

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E’ sempre più attuale la battaglia nel settore delle tecnologie a radio frequenza, scaturita dall’esigenza di ottenere prestazioni sempre più spinte e al contempo dimensioni sempre più ridotte.  …

Il nuovo ESP32-S3 di Espressif
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Il nuovo ESP32-S3 di Espressif

La serie di MCU Espressif si arricchisce di un nuovo componente, ovvero il più recente prodotto ESP 32-S3. Stiamo parlando, nello specifico, di un dispositivo…

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Nonostante abbia oltre vent’anni, il bus I2C è ancora molto utilizzato nell’interfaccia con i microcontrollori. Ecco come funziona. In molti progetti d’elettronica, anche afferenti ad…

CB Radio – Roger Bleeps and Echo
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CB Radio – Roger Bleeps and Echo

Video:YouTube/104’s World For me echo is a definite no, but short roger beeps certainly have their place especially on SSB….

SL8SUB – 1st Submarine Flotillas official military amateur radio call sign
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SL8SUB – 1st Submarine Flotillas official military amateur radio call sign

Here is a brief information release regarding Radio SL8SUB, the 1st Submarine Flotillas official military amateur radio call sign: The 1st Submarine Flotilla, within The…

Smoother FT8 Mode Operation with Constantly Evolving Firmware (IC-705/IC-7300/IC-9700)
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Smoother FT8 Mode Operation with Constantly Evolving Firmware (IC-705/IC-7300/IC-9700)

Firmware update for the IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700* offers smoother FT8 operation. One touch FT8 mode preset, Scroll mode and other updates for each model…

My Wife Bought More Radio Gear On Wish and Ali Express
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My Wife Bought More Radio Gear On Wish and Ali Express

My wife surprised me at the end of 2020 with a new random box of goodies from Wish and AliExpress. Today we unbox some of…

FTdx10 vs IC-7300 Comparison
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FTdx10 vs IC-7300 Comparison

This week Jonathan compares the new Yaesu FTdx10 and the Icom IC-7300. What are your comments on either? Antenna RigExpert AA-55 ZOOM Option Bluetooth is…

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Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito ad una vera e propria rivoluzione tecnologica incentrata principalmente sulla mobilità, che ha portato alla nascita e allo sviluppo di…

5VDE Togo. From
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5VDE Togo. From

Daniel, HB9EHD planning to be active as 5VDE from Togo., 5VDE Togo. From, ,

ICOM IC-705 Review and Full Walk Through
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ICOM IC-705 Review and Full Walk Through

Here’s the complete and detailed review of the ICOM IC-705. If you are already an owner of this unit, this video covers the essentials of…

Accesso e controllo remoto RF
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Accesso e controllo remoto RF

In questo articolo parliamo di un’applicazione particolare per l’accesso e il controllo remoto a radiofrequenza. Prodotti di questo tipo sul mercato si stanno sempre più…

Radials, Radials, Radials! Learn about radials!
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Radials, Radials, Radials! Learn about radials!

In response to an Oggie question, we talk about radials for vertical antennas. Antenna Icom Mobile Antennas AH-760 and AH-740 (1.6MHz–29.999MHz ) January 05, 2015…

Hamvention 2021 is Officially Cancelled
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Hamvention 2021 is Officially Cancelled

Much like last year, Hamvention 2021 has announced their cancellation of the Hamfest for 2021. Lots of us are disappointed, but I wanted to share…

Il ruolo dello storage a livello industriale per trainare l’IIOT e i settori dell’automotive
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Il ruolo dello storage a livello industriale per trainare l’IIOT e i settori dell’automotive

La Trasformazione Digitale è in corso a livello globale e in quasi tutti i settori. Le aziende cercano di impiegare le proprie risorse nel migliore…

Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show
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Dayton Hamvention Cancels 2021 Show

Dayton Hamvention® will not take place for the second year. “Unfortunately, several setbacks in the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic make necessary the difficult decision…

AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox 1E Set to Launch
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AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox 1E Set to Launch

Virgin Orbit’s LauncherOne is a go for launch on Wednesday, January 13, at 1500 UTC, carrying the AMSAT/Vanderbilt RadFXSat-2/Fox-1E CubeSat into space. The LauncherOne vehicle…

New Amateur VLF Transatlantic Record Set
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New Amateur VLF Transatlantic Record Set

Very low frequency (VLF) enthusiast Joe Craig, VO1NA, reports that Stefan Schaefer, DK7FC, copied his 50-character message transmitted from Newfoundland on 8.271 kHz, with a…

Giant Magnetoresistance: storia, teoria e applicazioni
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Giant Magnetoresistance: storia, teoria e applicazioni

Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR), in italiano magnetoresistenza gigante, è un effetto fisico di tipo magnetoresistivo che oggigiorno viene utilizzato in una vasta gamma di applicazioni. Pensate…

3W9OK Vietnam. From
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3W9OK Vietnam. From

Brian, AA5H will be active as 3W9OK from Vietnam in March – April 2021., 3W9OK Vietnam. From, ,

3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From
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3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From

Patrice 3A/F5RBB and his wife Mireille 3A/F4FRL will be active from Monaco, 24 January – 2 March 2021., 3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco. From, ,