Author: iz4wnp

FCC Hits Rugged Radios with Citation over Illegal Radios
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FCC Hits Rugged Radios with Citation over Illegal Radios

FCC Hits Rugged Radios with Citation over Illegal Radios Antenna InLogis RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antennas RF-PRO-1B October 01, 2015 No comments Loop Antennas HF…

Got Amplifier. Do I Need Bigger Coax?
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Got Amplifier. Do I Need Bigger Coax?

Got Amplifier. Do I Need Bigger Coax?  Antenna Emergency Antenna Platform System (E-APS) – WC2FD November 02, 2015 No comments   A system to facilitate…

Best HF Ham Radio Under 00 – 4 Best HF Transceivers 2021
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Best HF Ham Radio Under $2000 – 4 Best HF Transceivers 2021

Best HF Ham Radio Under $2000 – 4 Best HF Transceivers 2021 Antenna 80m or 160m Reduced Half Sloper Antenna by W8AMZ January 28, 2015…

Tester IoT di temperatura e umidità con sensore DHT11, ESP8266 e ThingSpeak
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Tester IoT di temperatura e umidità con sensore DHT11, ESP8266 e ThingSpeak

In questo articolo viene descritto il progetto di un semplice sistema di monitoraggio di temperatura e umidità via web. In sostanza, sarà descritto come interfacciare…

FTDX10 [ Video  12/14 ]
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FTDX10 [ Video 12/14 ]

FTDX10 [ Video ] Antenna Vertical Dipole Array by OH1TV January 13, 2017 No comments An easy to build antenna for seaside locations 17m and…

How to Find Online Ham Radio Exams
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How to Find Online Ham Radio Exams

How to Find Online Ham Radio Exams Antenna Stringing Up Antennas – ARRL’s The Doctor Is In June 06, 2019 No comments “Trees make handy…

Measure length of coax, etc. with your scope, a battery and a resistor – simple TDR
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Measure length of coax, etc. with your scope, a battery and a resistor – simple TDR

Measure length of coax, etc. with your scope, a battery and a resistor – simple TDR Antenna Force 12 FPA-20-OCF Vertical running through 8 to…

Certificates and other changes [ CQ WW ]
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Certificates and other changes [ CQ WW ]

“ Certificates and other changes We have made some changes to the CQ WW Contest online score reporting to support requests we have received from…

ARISS: Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS
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ARISS: Celebrating 20 Years of Continuous Operations on ISS

Twenty years ago – November 13, 2020 – the Expedition-1 crew turned on the ARISS Ericsson radio for the first time and completed several contacts…

LED MR16 e i trasformatori
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LED MR16 e i trasformatori

Utilizzando un driver LED HB ottimizzato per le lampade MR16 e altre lampade a 12 VAC, è possibile rendere i LED MR16 compatibili con i…

Stateside Skip – 3000m Contact
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Stateside Skip – 3000m Contact

Video:YouTube/Farpoint Farms Some recent CB Radio action from across the pond….

President Adams FCC CB Radio
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President Adams FCC CB Radio

Video:YouTube/Bells CB Bells CB take a look at the new President Adams FCC CB Radio. – 40 channels AM – Up/down channel selector – Volume adjustment…

9V1YC Singapore. From
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9V1YC Singapore. From

9V1YC will be active from Singapore in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., 9V1YC Singapore. From, ,

Metriful MS430: la soluzione domotica ideale per il monitoraggio ambientale
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Metriful MS430: la soluzione domotica ideale per il monitoraggio ambientale

Metriful MS430 è un sistema intelligente di monitoraggio per ambienti interni, dotato di interfaccia compatibile con I2C. Il dispositivo si presenta come una scheda con…

Sensore PWM di prossimità e luce ambiente
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Sensore PWM di prossimità e luce ambiente

Quando la tecnologia viene impiegata per migliorare le nostre condizioni di vita non smette mai di sorprenderci! In questo articolo si descrive un rivoluzionario sensore…

Oggi primo DX della Storia!
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Oggi primo DX della Storia!

12 DICEMBRE 1901: MARCONI INVIA PRIMO SEGNALE RADIO TRANSOCEANICO – L’invenzione della radio è tra quelle che hanno cambiato la storia dell’umanità. Marconi realizza la…

Si7005: Sensore di Temperatura e Umidità I2C
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Si7005: Sensore di Temperatura e Umidità I2C

Si7005 è un sensore digitale di temperatura e umidità relativa presentato da Silicon Labs. La sua compattezza, precisione ed elevato grado di affidabilità lo rendono…

KN-990 HF 0.1~30MHz SSB/CW/AM/FM/DIGITAL IF-DSP Amateur Ham Shortwave Radio Transceiver Spectrum
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KN-990 HF 0.1~30MHz SSB/CW/AM/FM/DIGITAL IF-DSP Amateur Ham Shortwave Radio Transceiver Spectrum

KN-990 Features: 3.5 inch LCD, without touch fuctionFrequency range: Reception: 0.1~30MHztransmitting : Amateur shortwave bandWorking mode: SSB/CW/AM/FM/DIGITALReceiving sensitivity: 0.2uVMinimum frequency step: 10HzWorking voltage: 12~15V DCCurrent parameter: RX …

File System in soluzione embedded: la proposta di Renesas
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File System in soluzione embedded: la proposta di Renesas

Renesas propone per le proprie soluzioni il suo Open Source FAT File System M3S-TFAT-Tiny SH-2A, anche meglio conosciuto come TFAT library, in grado di supportare…

mAT-705 Tuner Introduction
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mAT-705 Tuner Introduction

mAT-705 Tuner Introduction The MAT-705 is a very small and powerful tuner for portable shortwave devices, especially designed for the Icom IC-705. The MAT-705 tunes…

Geomagnetic Storm Watches Are in Effect through December 11
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Geomagnetic Storm Watches Are in Effect through December 11

NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) reports that geomagnetic storm watches are in effect through December 11, due to the effects of a direct coronal mass ejection (CME) collision…

A One-Two Direct Punch from the Sun | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 12-08-2020
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A One-Two Direct Punch from the Sun | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 12-08-2020

A One-Two Direct Punch from the Sun | Informal Solar Storm Forecast 12-08-2020 Antenna MAX6 -Antenna Analyzers December 03, 2015 No comments Antenna Analyzers  …

Iceland: 1850 kHz authorization renewed
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Iceland: 1850 kHz authorization renewed

Iceland’s IRA received a positive response from the Post and Telecom Administration (PTA), December 4, to their request to renewal the authorization to use 1850-1900…

Edge impulse: un intuitivo SDK per il TinyML – parte II
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Edge impulse: un intuitivo SDK per il TinyML – parte II

Con questo articolo andremo a terminare la presentazione delle caratteristiche dell’SDK denominato Edge Impulse. Edge Impulse permette di realizzare modelli di apprendimento automatico e facilita…

Wouxun KG-UV8G 4m/2m Handheld
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Wouxun KG-UV8G 4m/2m Handheld

Video:YouTube/Stephen Legg Many thanks to Stephen who dropped me a line telling me about his latest video which features the new Wouxun KG-UK8G handheld. This…