Author: iz4wnp

FTDX10 – New Video
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FTDX10 – New Video

FTDX10 Hybrid SDR Configuration: Like the FTDX101 series, the new FTDX10 utilizes the Yaesu Hybrid SDR configuration – Narrow Band SDR and Direct Sampling SDR….

Turn a Cheap Ham Radio Into An APRS & WinLink Transceiver
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Turn a Cheap Ham Radio Into An APRS & WinLink Transceiver

“Today we take a look at the Mobilinkd TNC3. The TNC3 uses the KISS protocol to feed packet data to your phone or computer over…

QYT KT-780 Plus 100 Watts 2 meter Mobile Radio Review and Demo
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QYT KT-780 Plus 100 Watts 2 meter Mobile Radio Review and Demo

The QYT KT-780 Plus is a 100 watt mobile radio on the 2 meter Amateur Radio Band, and works on FM mode. Today we will…

Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the 2 Meter Ham Radio Band.
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Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the 2 Meter Ham Radio Band.

Build your own Roll Up Slim Jim Antenna for the 2 Meter Ham Radio Band. Antenna Comet mobile antenna of 430MHz band – ASF-430 April…

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MTR-4B V2 Photos COMING SOON “The Mountain Topper” The LnR Precision MTR transceivers are designed to be efficient portable CW rigs. Whether climbing a mountain…

L’evoluzione tecnologica dei sensori
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L’evoluzione tecnologica dei sensori

Digitalizzazione, industria 4.0, wearable, diagnostica elettromedicale, guida autonoma e IoT sono solo alcune delle tematiche che negli ultimi anni hanno spinto fortemente la ricerca e…

International Space Station Contact 07/12/2020
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International Space Station Contact 07/12/2020

A video from today’s school contact with the Space Station….

5Z4/LA9PF Kenya. From
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5Z4/LA9PF Kenya. From

Cato, 5Z4/LA9PF will be active from Kenya, January – May and October – December each year., 5Z4/LA9PF Kenya. From, ,

CP1XRM Bolivia. From
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CP1XRM Bolivia. From

Antonio, EA5RM will be active again as CP1XRM from Bolivia, 9 – 26 January 2021., CP1XRM Bolivia. From, ,

C7.4 solar flare
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C7.4 solar flare

Solar activity has been fairly boring during the past few days but a surprise solar flare woke us up. A long duration C7.41 solar flare peaked…

The AD-3446 is a new large, full-size antenna for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters
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The AD-3446 is a new large, full-size antenna for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters

The AD-3446 is a new large, full-size antenna for 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. 4 efficient monobenders per 1 traverse: 3 elements per 40m with…

New Antenna Physics Book from ARRL!
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New Antenna Physics Book from ARRL!

Written to bridge the gap between basic theory and graduate-level engineering texts, the second edition of Antenna Physics: An Introduction includes new material to help you better…

Valerie NV9L & Raisa R1BIG: to meet a future spouse in a Ham Contest?
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Valerie NV9L & Raisa R1BIG: to meet a future spouse in a Ham Contest?

Valerie NV9L & Raisa R1BIG: to meet a future spouse in a Ham Contest? Antenna SUPER VERTICAL 80/160 DX [ New Version 22 m Height]…

SuperAntenna: Oggie AC3EK’s Experience
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SuperAntenna: Oggie AC3EK’s Experience

SuperAntenna: Oggie AC3EK’s Experience Antenna Custom Antenna Insulator online .STL creator December 25, 2014 No comments Custom Antenna Insulator online .STL creator You can generate…

Controllo motore Brushless con Z8 Encore!
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Controllo motore Brushless con Z8 Encore!

In questo articolo analizzeremo gli Z8 Encore!, in particolare come pilotare i motori brushless attraverso questi microcontrollori. Introduzione Lo Zilog Z8 Encore! è un microcontrollore…

Croatia Gets 40MHz (8m Band)
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Croatia Gets 40MHz (8m Band)

  News over the weekend is that Croatia has become the latest in a very short list of countries allowed to use the 40MHz (8m)…

PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From
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PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From

Johannes, PJ4/PA5X will be active from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, 6 – 10 December 2020., PJ4/PA5X Bonaire. From, ,

Ham Radio Deluxe
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Ham Radio Deluxe

Read this BEFORE you download and install this software. Keys formatted like “ASDF-QWER-ZXCV-ASDF” will NOT work. That software license server was replaced in July 2019….

Nuova soluzione di sviluppo “Proof-of-Concept” LoRa per applicazioni IIoT
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Nuova soluzione di sviluppo “Proof-of-Concept” LoRa per applicazioni IIoT

Combinando una soluzione multi-sensore a bassa potenza e funzioni di connettività LoRaWAN e cloud, il kit miniPOC altamente scalabile, basato sull’hardware Renesas Synergy, permette di…

Midland GB1 PMR446 Overview & Test
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Midland GB1 PMR446 Overview & Test

Video:YouTube/UK CB radio servicing A couple of interesting videos from Richard at UK CB Radio Servicing about the only legal mobile PMR446 radio on the…

NEW CB Radio – MIDLAND 88 Arriving Soon!
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NEW CB Radio – MIDLAND 88 Arriving Soon!

  Nevada Radio here in the UK have announced they will have the new Midland 88 CB Radio available soon. Features: • CB DIN SIZE•…

Micro Python: arriva la Python board per sistemi embedded
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Micro Python: arriva la Python board per sistemi embedded

Pyboard e Micro Python, due termini che viaggiano insieme; infatti, non si può parlare della Pyboard se non introduciamo Micro Python. La Pyboard è una…

International Space Station Contact 04/12/2020
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International Space Station Contact 04/12/2020

A video of todays Space Station contact as heard from the North Of England….

Launch Window for AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E Opens on December 19
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Launch Window for AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E Opens on December 19

The launch that will carry AMSAT’s RadFxSat-2 / Fox-1E CubeSat into orbit will likely take place later this month. Virgin Orbit has announced that the…

ARRL to Award John Devoldere, ON4UN, Memorial Plaque for ARRL 160-Meter Contest
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ARRL to Award John Devoldere, ON4UN, Memorial Plaque for ARRL 160-Meter Contest

For the ARRL 160-Meter Contest taking place December 4 – 6 UTC, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee — on behalf of the ARRL Board of Directors…