NanoVNA SAA2 Version 2 Vector Network Analyzer – Ham Radio Antenna Analyzer Antenna Momobeam MB17 10/15/20/40 m – Yagi Antenna January 05, 2017 No comments…
The miniature version of our popular QCX 5W CW transceiver, with special portable-friendly features for SOTA and other portable operators: – Small size: 95 x…
I sistemi IoT consentono agli utenti di ottenere automazione, analisi e integrazione più approfondite all’interno di un sistema. Migliorano la portata di queste aree e…
ARISS contact with school in Ireland: An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Shannon Walker KD5DXB with students at Athlone Community College,…
YAESU FTDX10 Antenna New Antenna Uses Saltwater and Plastic to Steer Radio Beams September 21, 2019 No comments Liquid-based antennas offer unique advantages over metal…
La forte crescita delle vendite di microcontrollori negli ultimi anni è stata in gran parte guidata dall’IoT. I microcontrollori sono poco costosi, ma il loro…
Hiroyuki, JG7PSJ will be active again as JD1BMH from Chichi Jima Island, IOTA AS-031, Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, 14 December 2020 – 9 January 2021., JD1BMH…
Amateur radio licensees and candidates will have to provide the FCC with an email address on applications, effective sometime in mid-2021. If no email address…
The month of December has been designated as YOTA month. The annual initiative sponsored by Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) initially focused on International Amateur…
Vi presentiamo oggi l’ultimo numero della rivista tecnica Firmware 2.0 per l’anno 2020. Il topic di questo mese è dedicato all’ambito Embedded Design/Makers Boards. In…
The preliminary crew schedule shows a Moscow Aviation Institute SSTV activity planned for December 1 and 2. This is a limited time experiment primarily targeting…
Questo articolo vuole introdurre un microcontrollore di recente arrivo sul mercato, basato su un core 8051 ma con assorbimenti di corrente veramente ridotti, tanto da…
RadioShack® is back as an online retailer of electronics, offering some parts in its inventory that largely consists of radios, batteries, telephone gear, drones, computer…
Today, Earth-orbiting satellites detected the biggest solar flare in more than 3 years. The M4.4-category eruption produced a shortwave radio blackout over some parts of…
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