Author: iz4wnp

La scheda di sviluppo EasyPIC PRO v7
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La scheda di sviluppo EasyPIC PRO v7

EasyPIC PRO v7 è una scheda di sviluppo per applicazioni embedded basate su microcontrollori PIC di Microchip della famiglia 18F. L’integrazione on-board di programmatore, debugger,…

Modulo ToF per il rilevamento della distanza in 3D
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Modulo ToF per il rilevamento della distanza in 3D

Il nuovo modulo ToF (Time-of-Flight) di Omron Electronic Components Europe per il rilevamento della distanza in 3D, è caratterizzato da elevati livelli di precisione, flessibilità…

PoE – Power-over-Ethernet
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PoE – Power-over-Ethernet

Questo articolo introduce il componente Si3402 della Silicon Labs, si tratta di un regolatore a commutazione in grado di implementare per un dispositivo la funzionalità…

Yaesu FTDX10 Official Brochure
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Yaesu FTDX10 Official Brochure

       (Click images to enlarge)

Upcoming Space Station Contact 04/12/2020
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Upcoming Space Station Contact 04/12/2020

  “An ARISS educational school contact is planned for Victor Glover KI5BKC with students at Scuola Secondaria di I grado “Anna Frank”, Pistoia, Italy. The…

Retevis RT95 Budget Dual Band Mobile Transceiver
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Retevis RT95 Budget Dual Band Mobile Transceiver

Specifications GENERAL Frequency Range VHF:144-148MHz UHF: 430~440MHz Number of Channels 200 channels Channel Spacing 25K (Wide Band) 20K(Middle Band) 12.5K (Narrow band) Phase-locked Step 2.5KHz,…

DXCommander Expedition Build & Review! Impressive Ham Radio Antenna!
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DXCommander Expedition Build & Review! Impressive Ham Radio Antenna!

Callum has created quite an impressive line of antennas that fit various ham radio use cases. Today we look at his portable offering The Expedition…

Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020
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Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020

Solar Flux Hits New High & Big Flares Possible Now | Space Weather News 11.26.2020 Antenna Jim W6LG Uses A Short Dipole To Demonstrate How…

Rilevamento interruzioni con Atmel ATA6870
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Rilevamento interruzioni con Atmel ATA6870

L’integrato ATA6870 di Atmel, utilizzato nel settore auto per la misura e il monitoraggio dello stato batterie nei veicoli ibridi ed elettrici, dispone di un’importante…

ARRL Asks FCC to Allow 3.4-GHz Operation until Spectrum is Occupied
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ARRL Asks FCC to Allow 3.4-GHz Operation until Spectrum is Occupied

In comments to the FCC, ARRL has argued that radio amateurs be allowed to continue shared operation in the 3.4 GHz band until 5G licensees…

2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide
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2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide

2020 Amateur Radio Holiday Gift Guide Antenna Ground Plane Antennas [ “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast ] December 20, 2018 No comments Ground Plane…

Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705
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Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705

Connecting the MX-P50 amplifier and LDG Z11 pro tuner to the IC-705. Antenna JK Antennas JK65 6 Meter Yagi May 27, 2015 No comments  …

Implementazione degli algoritmi SHA-3 nei sistemi embedded
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Implementazione degli algoritmi SHA-3 nei sistemi embedded

SHA-3, la versione più recente del Secure Hash Algorithm le cui specifiche sono state ufficialmente rilasciate nel 2015, si differenzia in modo significativo rispetto alle…

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  Thunderpole, here in the UK, have launched a selection of deals in their “Black Friday Event” You can take a look by following this…

5T3WW Mauritania. From
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5T3WW Mauritania. From

5T3WW will be active from Mauritania in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., 5T3WW Mauritania. From, ,

ZF2MJ ZF1A Cayman Islands. From
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ZF2MJ ZF1A Cayman Islands. From

Dan, N6MJ will be active as ZF1A, from Cayman Islands, IOTA NA – 016, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020.,…

JW7GIA Svalbard. From
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JW7GIA Svalbard. From

Ken, LA7GIA will be active as JW7GIA from Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., JW7GIA…

Coast Guard Proposes to Discontinue HF Voice Watchkeeping
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Coast Guard Proposes to Discontinue HF Voice Watchkeeping

The US Coast Guard has invited comments by January 21, 2021, on a proposal to discontinue HF voice watchkeeping. The proposal appeared on November 20 in the…

Video demonstrating 3D propagation simulation
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Video demonstrating 3D propagation simulation

Chris from our Development Team gives an overview of Over-The-Horizon (OTH) High Frequency (HF) Analysis in Systems Tool Kit (STK) that is new in version…

Tips on Operating Linear Amateur Radio Satellites (Part 2)
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Tips on Operating Linear Amateur Radio Satellites (Part 2)

Tips on Operating Linear Amateur Radio Satellites (Part 2) Antenna Resonant Antennas, HF Mobile, MFJ-1668 Screwdriver January 29, 2019 No comments HF Mobile Antenna Covers…

RadioShack to be reborn
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RadioShack to be reborn

RadioShack The good news is that as of today RadioShack has officially been purchased by Retail Ecommerce Ventures (REV), giving the troubled company a new…

Conoscere i “Barcode” e “QR Code”
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Conoscere i “Barcode” e “QR Code”

È sufficiente andare in giro per negozi, magari in un supermercato o una biblioteca, per renderci conto che la quantità di informazioni che dobbiamo essere…

Mid-Wales DX Group Christmas DX and FREE Prize Draw
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Mid-Wales DX Group Christmas DX and FREE Prize Draw

Here we have a self-explanatory notice from the guys in the Mid-Wales DX Group with your chance to win a Radio, mag-mount and antenna. So…

Icom IC-705 on CB and PMR446
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Icom IC-705 on CB and PMR446

Video:YouTube/F8DSN An interesting video showing the Icom IC-705 operating on CB and PMR446 frequencies.  This really is a very versatile radio. 

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  Here we have the first ‘Real Life’ photos of the new Yaesu FTDX10 which are currently circulating on Facebook. It’s a nice looking radio,…