Author: iz4wnp

LZ DX Contest
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LZ DX Contest

Organized ByBulgarian Federation of Radio Amateurs Date and periodThe weekend before the last full weekend of November (the weekend before CQWW CW contest weekend) from…

CQ WPX Contests Add New “Multi-Transmitter Distributed” Category, Remove Single-Op Unassisted Categories
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CQ WPX Contests Add New “Multi-Transmitter Distributed” Category, Remove Single-Op Unassisted Categories

Sayville, NY – November 16, 2020) – A new “Multi-Transmitter Distributed” category is being added to the CQ World Wide WPX Contests to better accommodate…

YAESU FT-DX10 Update and SDR Chat
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YAESU FT-DX10 Update and SDR Chat

Here are some great photos of the new FT-DX10 plus a chat about SDR. ESTIMATED DECEMBER 2020 The New Yaesu Ftdx10   UK VERSION COVERS 4m…

OH2BC installs large InnovAntennas 50MHz array
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OH2BC installs large InnovAntennas 50MHz array

Every now and then, a really special antenna system gets installed and usually it is a result of desire, commitment and dedication of the station…

Android per sistemi embedded Real-Time (Seconda parte)
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Android per sistemi embedded Real-Time (Seconda parte)

Android è un sistema operativo open source che, fin dalla nascita, è stato utilizzato nel mondo mobile tanto da rappresentarne la sua più tipica applicazione. In…

PJ4A PJ4/K4BAI PJ4/KU8E PJ4/W4EF Bonaire Island. From
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PJ4A PJ4/K4BAI PJ4/KU8E PJ4/W4EF Bonaire Island. From

Jeff, KU8E will be active as PJ4/KU8E from Bonaire Island, IOTA SA – 006, in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020.,…

V31AZ Belize. From
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V31AZ Belize. From

Jeff, N1SNB will be active as V31AZ from Belize in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., V31AZ Belize. From, ,

Tatakoto Atoll TX0T Story. From
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Tatakoto Atoll TX0T Story. From

Tatakoto was first sighted in 1774 by two Spanish navigators who independently landed there on Oct 29, the same day I reached it in 2020.,…

Hurricane Watch Net to Activate for Hurricane Iota
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Hurricane Watch Net to Activate for Hurricane Iota

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) will activate on Monday, November 16, at 1300 UTC, for Hurricane Iota, now a strong Category 1 storm. The HWN…

Activity Ups with Storms, Flares & Fast Wind | Solar Storm Forecast
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Activity Ups with Storms, Flares & Fast Wind | Solar Storm Forecast

Activity Ups with Storms, Flares & Fast Wind | Solar Storm Forecast  Antenna RigExpert Stick 230 Antenna Analyzer Review & Operation September 10, 2020 No…

Costruiamo un condensatore con carta d’alluminio da cucina
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Costruiamo un condensatore con carta d’alluminio da cucina

Il condensatore è uno dei più semplici componenti elettronici che si possono realizzare a casa. Ovviamente i tipi commerciali sono trattati con tecniche industriali e…

Newly released pictures of the new FTDX10 SDR
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Newly released pictures of the new FTDX10 SDR

Newly released pictures of the new FTDX10 SDR Review Synchronising VFO Frequency for Multiple tuners – SDRPLAY February 05, 2019 No comments “When using the…

OS Writing [4]: Regolare il traffico
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OS Writing [4]: Regolare il traffico

Al centro della strada c’è uno degli oggetti più odiati dall’umanità, soprattutto se si è di fretta e lo si trova rosso: il semaforo. Per…

Videomessaggio del Presidente dell’ARI
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Videomessaggio del Presidente dell’ARI

Come sfruttare MicroPython per la realizzazione di applicazioni embedded con XBee3
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Come sfruttare MicroPython per la realizzazione di applicazioni embedded con XBee3

Il connubio tra hardware a basso livello e linguaggio di programmazione ad alto livello potrebbe rivelarsi una delle mosse vincenti per lo sviluppo di sistemi…

American Legion’s K9TAL and Others Marking Veterans Day with Special Events
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American Legion’s K9TAL and Others Marking Veterans Day with Special Events

The American Legion national headquarters station K9TAL and several other American Legion Radio Club (TALARC) stations around the country will be on the air with special event…

Eta isn’t Done Yet; Florida ARES Group Asked to Staff Shelters
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Eta isn’t Done Yet; Florida ARES Group Asked to Staff Shelters

Tropical storm Eta, lingering off the west coast of Florida, was upgraded to a Category 1 hurricane at 1235 UTC today, before weakening to a…

Acquisizione dati di scarica per celle Li-Poli con Arduino e display VFD
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Acquisizione dati di scarica per celle Li-Poli con Arduino e display VFD

Imparare cose nuove è sempre interessante, divertente ed utile. Spesso è necessaria una motivazione, e l’aver ricevuto la scheda Arduino M0 PRO da Elettronica Open…

AU2JCB India. From
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AU2JCB India. From

AU2JCB is a special event call-sign to commemorate the birth date (30 NOV) and to pay homage and to tell about the great INDIAN scientist…

6O1OO Somalia. From
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6O1OO Somalia. From

Ali, EP3CQ will be active as 6O1OO from Somalia, 15 November 2020 – 15 January 2021., 6O1OO Somalia. From, ,

D60AB Comoros. From
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D60AB Comoros. From

Don, K6ZO will be active as D60AB from Comoro Islands, IOTA AF – 007., D60AB Comoros. From, ,

Sunspot region 2782
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Sunspot region 2782

Sunspot region 2782 which is located near the south-east limb produced a long duration C2.6 solar flare which peaked today at 19:11 UTC. C-class solar…

QCX-mini is coming soon!
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QCX-mini is coming soon!

QCX-mini is a response to quite a few comments on the new QCX+ kit, from people who want to take it out portable for SOTA operations…

Yaesu 817 QRP KIt
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Yaesu 817 QRP KIt

Yaesu 817 QRP KIt Antenna Multiband Delta Antenna – M0PLK May 04, 2015 No comments   Multiband Delta Antenna Closed loop antennas are always less…

Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC
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Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC

Watch This Before Buying A Xiegu GSOC Antenna Homemade 4M (70MHz) Delta Loop Antenna June 10, 2020 No comments Read more How To Use An…