Author: iz4wnp

CB Anniversary Net – Fred In The Shed!
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CB Anniversary Net – Fred In The Shed!

Video:YouTube/Fred In The Shed Fred In The Shed and the gang celebrate 39 years of legal UK CB Radio in style on 2nd November 2020……..

Universal Ham Radio Remote. Open source remote radio control.
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Universal Ham Radio Remote. Open source remote radio control.

Universal Ham Radio Remote. Open source remote radio control. Antenna MFJ-1835 Cobweb assembly by two beginners June 08, 2017 No comments Danielle’s back!! This time…

Progettiamo i nostri filtri con FilterPro della Texas Instruments
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Progettiamo i nostri filtri con FilterPro della Texas Instruments

Scopriamo assieme un software davvero notevole, prodotto dalla Texas Instruments. Si tratta di FilterPro, un programma semplice e potente al tempo stesso che consente di…

CB Radio Anniversary TONIGHT!
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CB Radio Anniversary TONIGHT!

  Tonight is the night! From 7pm (Local Time) stations all across the UK will take to the air on channel 39 UKFM (27.98125Mhz) to…

Shortwave Listening with your HF Transceiver
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Shortwave Listening with your HF Transceiver

Shortwave Listening with your HF Transceiver  Antenna Which is better: Vertical or Dipole? November 16, 2017 No comments Vertical or dipole? Which is better for…

How to Read Crossed-Needle SWR/Watt Meters
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How to Read Crossed-Needle SWR/Watt Meters

How to Read Crossed-Needle SWR/Watt Meters  Antenna Alpine Mobile Antenna Model 100S December 10, 2014 No comments   Alpine Mobile Antenna Model 100S Basic model…

Xiegu GSOC in depth review
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Xiegu GSOC in depth review

A first look at the NEW Xiegu GSOC. Taking a deep dive at all the features. The Xiegu GSOC is a universal controller product used…

The New Yaesu FTDX10 [ UPDATE ]
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The New Yaesu FTDX10 [ UPDATE ]

Yaesu FTDX10 YaesuUSA · Yaesu The Radio Show – FTDX10 New Yaesu compact HF and 50 MHz 100W SDR Transceiver available in December 2020.Functionalities of the top…

Firmware 2.0 #08 – Led Lighting/Optoelectronics – Wearable
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Firmware 2.0 #08 – Led Lighting/Optoelectronics – Wearable

E’ uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Led Lighting/Optoelectronics – Wearable. Il magazine contiene articoli…

Costruiamo un filtro efficiente per acquario con soli 12 euro
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Costruiamo un filtro efficiente per acquario con soli 12 euro

Chi a casa ha un acquario con dei pesci o delle piccole tartarughe, sa come sia importante tenere pulita e limpida l’acqua. I negozi di…

Parch Antenna per 868 MHz
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Parch Antenna per 868 MHz

L’allegato documento descrive la progettazione e realizzazione di una MicroStrip Antenna (Patch Antenna) per la frequenza di 868 MHz. I dispositivi funzionanti su tale frequenza…

Micro a 8 bit con logica configurabile
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Micro a 8 bit con logica configurabile

In questo articolo analizziamo caratteristiche e prestazioni dei microcontrollori PIC10F32X e PIC1XF150X di Microchip. Sempre più sistemi richiedono oggi la necessità di estendere un’architettura standard…

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  Yaesu have announced a new radio which is due December 2020 – The Yaesu FT-DX10. It’s an SDR (Software Defined Radio) and covers the…

9G2DX Ghana. From
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9G2DX Ghana. From

9G2DX Ghana. Radio Amateurs members of Accra Amateur Radio Club, AARC, 9G2DX active from Abelemkpe, Accra, Ghana., 9G2DX Ghana. From, ,

The New FTDX10 Compact HF/50MHz 100W SDR
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The New FTDX10 Compact HF/50MHz 100W SDR

The New FTDX10 Compact HF/50MHz 100W SDR NEWSFLASH ! ML&S are pleased to announce a new radio from Yaesu ! The all new compact Yaesu…

OS Writing [2]: Chiedetelo con gentilezza
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OS Writing [2]: Chiedetelo con gentilezza

Quindi, in soldoni, un sistema operativo è un programma che gira, all’insaputa di tutti gli altri programmi, e che gestisce il loro funzionamento. Fondamentalmente, un…

39 Years of UK CB Radio
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39 Years of UK CB Radio

Video:YouTube/Fred In The Shed A great video from the one and only ‘Fred In The Shed’ who looks forward to the 39th Anniversary of legal…

1000 modi per realizzare un lampeggiatore
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1000 modi per realizzare un lampeggiatore

I lampeggiatori esistono da quando esiste l’elettronica. L’uomo ha sempre cercato di realizzare dei segnalatori luminosi che destassero l’attenzione di un avvertimento a distanza. Contrariamente…

VP8HAL HF0ANT Antarctica. From
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VP8HAL HF0ANT Antarctica. From

Seba, SQ1SGB is planning to be active again as VP8HAL from Antarctica in December 2020 – January 2021., VP8HAL HF0ANT Antarctica. From, ,

Video – IG9MO – Lampedusa Island. From
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Video – IG9MO – Lampedusa Island. From

Video IG9MO Lampedusa Island, IOTA AF – 019, 2019 DX Pedition. Author – Augusto Baldoni, IK4RQJ., Video – IG9MO – Lampedusa Island. From, ,

Radio Amateurs in Western Pennsylvania to Commemorate KDKA Broadcasting Centennial
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Radio Amateurs in Western Pennsylvania to Commemorate KDKA Broadcasting Centennial

  Pittsburgh radio station KDKA will celebrate 100 years of radio broadcasting in November, and Pennsylvania radio amateurs will honor that milestone in a multi-station…

A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna.
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A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna.

A Super-Duper Tiny 3D-Printed HF Radio Antenna. Antenna Sky Ham Radio End Fed Antenna , Resonant 40 – 20 – 10 December 30, 2014 No…

New Zealand Radio Amateurs Lose Access to 60 Meters
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New Zealand Radio Amateurs Lose Access to 60 Meters

Radio amateurs in New Zealand no longer have access to 60 meters, effective on October 24. Use of the band by radio amateurs in New…

ARRL urges members to strongly oppose FCC’s aplication fees proposal
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ARRL urges members to strongly oppose FCC’s aplication fees proposal

In a special edition of the ARRL Letter issued October 27 the League is urging its members to oppose the FCC proposal to charge a…

Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready
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Sensore di temperatura stabile in Packaging Wearable-Ready

Gli smartphone e i monitor indossabili di oggi, come smartwatch e cinturini per il fitness, consentono alle persone di acquisire sempre più dati che riguardano…