Author: iz4wnp

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The receiver works according to the double superhet principle and is designed for the frequency range from 40 kHz to 30 MHz. It is characterized…

CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program
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CQ WW SSB/CW 2020 Online Scoring Trophy program and our sponsor Icom America Inc.  are establishing a special award program to encourage the use of scoreboards during international contests. We are currently announcing four…

VisAir QRP
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VisAir QRP

VisAir QRP Antenna Fixing a brand new Cushcraft A3S beam antenna December 15, 2018 No comments Cushcraft A3S  Three Element Beam – 10, 15 &…

The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone
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The Classic Astatic D-104 Microphone

Let’s take a quick look at the classic Astatic D-104 microphone! Antenna QST Antenna Design Competition Submission Deadline Looms August 01, 2018 No comments The…

A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News
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A Snake-like Filament Erupts while a Solar Storm Rages | Space Weather News

This week our Sun continues its upward climb in activity with multiple new bright regions on the Earth-facing disk, including a new sunspot region (region…

Scopriamo la Spresense Extension Board della SONY
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Scopriamo la Spresense Extension Board della SONY

Dopo aver dato uno sguardo d’insieme alla Spresense Main Board della Sony, in questo articolo andiamo a scoprire le potenzialità della relativa Extension Board. Si…

RSGB Radio Communication Handbook
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RSGB Radio Communication Handbook

14th Edition Edited by Mike Browne, G3DIH This new edition of the RSGB Radio Communication Handbook has as always been updated and re-written so that…

How to Solder a Wire
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How to Solder a Wire

How to Solder a Wire Antenna AIM 4170D Antenna / Lab RF Analyzer December 08, 2014 No comments   The AIM 4170D antenna analyzer measures…

Grounding and Bonding Redux
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Grounding and Bonding Redux

Grounding and Bonding Redux Antenna 2 Meter & 70 Centimeter Mobile Halo Antenna Project January 13, 2015 No comments “I have wanted to try 2…

My portable RV antenna farm
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My portable RV antenna farm

My portable RV antenna farm Antenna 3 Element Yagi Antenna with 30/40 Loop Dipole Adder – SteppIR December 28, 2019 No comments 16 ft boom;…

Convertire i segnali al giusto livello analogico
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Convertire i segnali al giusto livello analogico

Uno degli ostacoli più frequenti che si incontrano durante la progettazione è la necessità di adattare il livello logico di segnali digitali. Quando si tratta di convertire segnali da…

Convertitori a basso rumore Texas Instruments per progetti ad alta precisione
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Convertitori a basso rumore Texas Instruments per progetti ad alta precisione

Texas Instruments ha presentato una nuova famiglia di regolatori switching DC/DC a basso rumore con compensazione a nucleo di ferrite integrata, che garantiscono ai progettisti…

Build a Homebrew Gainmaster (Again)
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Build a Homebrew Gainmaster (Again)

Video:YouTube/Mike-M0MSN Ever fancied making your very own Gainmaster CB/10m antenna? Well take a look at this excellent video from Mike, M0MSN….

8Q7CQ Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7CQ Maldive Islands. From

Nobby, G0VJG will be active again as 8Q7CQ from Reethi Faru, Filaidhoo Island, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013, 14 – 29 January 2021., 8Q7CQ…

I nuovi MB95F430 di Fujitsu
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I nuovi MB95F430 di Fujitsu

La nuova serie di microprocessori Fujitsu MB95F430 a 8 bit appartiene alla famiglia F2MC-8FX, concepita per impieghi generali. Lo scorso anno Fujitsu Semiconductor Europe (FSEU)…

Lavorare nell’elettronica: come farsi trovare?
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Lavorare nell’elettronica: come farsi trovare?

Trovare lavoro, soprattutto in periodi difficili come quello attuale, non solo è di per sé già un lavoro ma richiede anche l’uso degli strumenti giusti….

Georgia 4L0A. From
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Georgia 4L0A. From

Gia, 4L4WW will be active from Georgia in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020, as 4L0A., Georgia 4L0A. From, ,

2021 Hamvention Award Nominations Open on November 1
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2021 Hamvention Award Nominations Open on November 1

Nominations for the 2021 Hamvention Awards will open on November 1. Hamvention will grant awards in the categories of technical achievement, special achievement, amateur radio operator of…

HPA100: un amplificatore HiFi controllato tramite smartphone
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HPA100: un amplificatore HiFi controllato tramite smartphone

In questo articolo viene presentato un amplificatore stereo HiFi senza i classici controlli sul pannello frontale perché gestito completamente mediante uno smartphone. Un’App dedicata, sviluppata con…

39 Years of Legal CB!
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39 Years of Legal CB!

Video:YouTube/104’s World Gary looks forward to the anniversary of legal CB radio in the UK on 2nd November 2020…

Azores Islands CR2X. From
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Azores Islands CR2X. From

Martti, OH2BH will be active from Azores Islands, IOTA EU – 003, in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020, as CR2X.,…

KP2B US Virgin Islands. From
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KP2B US Virgin Islands. From

Jaime, WP3A will be active as KP2B from Saint Croix, US Virgin Islands, IOTA NA – 106 in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 –…

DT8A King Se Jong base. From
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DT8A King Se Jong base. From

DS4NMJ will be active again as DT8A from the Korean Antarctic base King Se-Jong on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, IOTA AN-010, in 2021.,…

8Q7RM Kandolhu Island Maldives. From
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8Q7RM Kandolhu Island Maldives. From

Remo, HB9SHD will be active as 8Q7RM from Kandolhu Island, Maldives, IOTA AS – 013, 2 – 29 November 2020., 8Q7RM Kandolhu Island Maldives. From…

Soundcards and the SignaLink USB
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Soundcards and the SignaLink USB

Soundcards and the SignaLink USB  Antenna 2.4 GHz Dual Feed Helix Antenna For QO100 July 29, 2020 No comments Read more Heavy Duty InnovAntennas Quad…