Author: iz4wnp

NanoVNA V2 Plus4
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NanoVNA V2 Plus4

4GHz second generation NanoVNA vector network analyzer, our own design. The V2 Plus4 is the latest hardware version with 4″ display, aluminum case, higher dynamic…

AB1OC Wins the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award
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AB1OC Wins the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the October 2020 QST Cover Plaque award is “Ham Bootcamp: Getting Hams On the Air” by Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. The QST Cover Plaque Award —…

ARRL Comments in Orbital Debris Mitigation Proceeding
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ARRL Comments in Orbital Debris Mitigation Proceeding

In comments to the FCC, ARRL targeted two specific areas of concern regarding a Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FNPRM) in IB Docket 18-313 — mitigation of…

2021 Edition of The ARRL Handbook and New Microcontroller Projects Book Available
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2021 Edition of The ARRL Handbook and New Microcontroller Projects Book Available

It’s here! The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications for 2021 — your complete guide to radio experimentation, discovery, and innovation — now is available. The Handbook is written by radio…

Multiple Balloons Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Launched
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Multiple Balloons Carrying Ham Radio Payloads Launched

Eleven schools across the US launched helium-filled balloons carrying amateur radio payloads on October 9. The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum live-streamed the multiple launches. The balloons…

Il futuro dell’osservazione astronomica: le Ottiche Adattive
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Il futuro dell’osservazione astronomica: le Ottiche Adattive

Nell’epoca dei grandi telescopi spaziali ha ancora senso costruire gigantesche strutture sulla Terra per osservare lo spazio? Sappiamo bene che il cielo è volubile, il…

TO9W Saint Martin. From
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TO9W Saint Martin. From

TO9W Team will be active from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA – 105 in December 2019., TO9W Saint Martin. From, ,

JX2US Jan Mayen. From
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JX2US Jan Mayen. From

Erik, LA2US will be active as JX2US from Jan Mayen Island, IOTA EU – 022, October 2020 – March 2021., JX2US Jan Mayen. From,…

IARU Administrative Council Addresses Wide-Ranging Agenda in Virtual Meeting
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IARU Administrative Council Addresses Wide-Ranging Agenda in Virtual Meeting

The International Amateur Radio Union Administrative Council (AC) met in a virtual session on October 8 – 10. Consisting of the three IARU international officers…

Amateur Radio Special Joint Activation
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Amateur Radio Special Joint Activation

Amateur Radio Special Joint Activation In celebration of the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement Between the UAE and the State of Israel. Activation will start October…

Icom IC-705 Unboxing and Menu Demo – HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver
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Icom IC-705 Unboxing and Menu Demo – HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver

Icom IC-705 Unboxing and Menu Demo – HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver Antenna XR3-NV | HIGH PERFORMANCE 14 ELEMENT 20 / 15 / 10 METER MULTI-MONO…

Contact between Japanese ham radio experience stations
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Contact between Japanese ham radio experience stations

What is believed to be the Japan’s first contact between two unlicensed people using amateur radio took place on October 11 between Experience Stations 8J1YAB/1 and 8J3YAA/3 A…

Caricatore wireless per batterie agli ioni di litio per dispositivi indossabili dotato di convertitore DC/DC step-down integrato
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Caricatore wireless per batterie agli ioni di litio per dispositivi indossabili dotato di convertitore DC/DC step-down integrato

L’LTC4126 è un caricatore per batterie ad alte prestazioni agli ioni di litio (Li-Ion) wireless da 7,5 mA, dotato di un convertitore DC/DC senza induttore…

JW8FTA Svalbard. From
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JW8FTA Svalbard. From

Bill, LA8FTA is currently active as JW8FTA from Longyearbyen, Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026., JW8FTA Svalbard. From, ,

Best Ham Radios To Buy When Starting Out. VHF/UHF/HF
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Best Ham Radios To Buy When Starting Out. VHF/UHF/HF

Antenna UltraLight Magnetic Loop Antenna – NEW Original Packaging! July 23, 2020 No comments Read more The $4.00 Ham Radio Satellite Antenna April 26, 2015…

Sale of amateur radio AMPRnet TCP/IP addresses raised 8 million
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Sale of amateur radio AMPRnet TCP/IP addresses raised $108 million

The President of Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) has announced they received $108 million from Amazon for 4 million amateur radio TCP/IP addresses Since its…

Trasmissione dati high-speed
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Trasmissione dati high-speed

Analizziamo in questo articolo come utilizzare i blocchi ISERDES ed OSERDES delle Spartan-6 per la realizzazione di applicazioni seriali source-synchronous fino a 1080 Mbps. Spartan-6 è la…

TX0T Tatakoto Atoll. From
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TX0T Tatakoto Atoll. From

Cezar, VE3LYC inform, that he will be active as TX0T from Tatakoto Atoll, IOTA OC – 298, French Polynesia, 29 October – 5 November…

1000 Miglia per un Diploma
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1000 Miglia per un Diploma

La Sezione A.R.I. di Brescia, unica autorizzata da 1000 Miglia s.r.l. all’utilizzo del brand, in collaborazione con le Sezioni A.R.I. di Roma, di Parma, di…

Radioastronomi unitevi!
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Radioastronomi unitevi!

IARA – Italian Amateur Radio Astronomy e Programma Nazionale di Ricerca Radioastronomia UAI sono lieti di annunciare ICARA 2020, l’Italian Congress of Amateur Radio Astronomy…

Guanto indossabile per tradurre la lingua dei segni in parole
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Guanto indossabile per tradurre la lingua dei segni in parole

I dispositivi indossabili, noti anche come “wearable devices” consentono la rilevazione e il monitoraggio di parametri vitali, ragion per cui il loro utilizzo è molto…

Messaggi scorrevoli a matrice di LED
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Messaggi scorrevoli a matrice di LED

Un pannello a LED dalle dimensioni 52 per 17 centimetri composto da 256 LED ultra luminosi di colore verde smeraldo, consente di visualizzare scritte scorrevoli…

PROCOMM PT99 £109.95
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PROCOMM PT99 £109.95

  Another antenna and possible Antron 99 replacement – The PROCOMM PT99 Available from PJBOX here in the UK, priced at £109.95  LINK: CLICK HERE…

La tecnologia microLED per i display del futuro
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La tecnologia microLED per i display del futuro

Dopo uno sviluppo durato oltre quindici anni, l’innovativa tecnologia basata sui microLED sembra avere già raggiunto il grado di maturità necessario per competere, e probabilmente superare, la…

Video W3LPL History of Transoceanic Radio Communications. From
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Video W3LPL History of Transoceanic Radio Communications. From

Presentation covers radio technology development from the Maxwell's mathematical description of electromagnetic waves in 1860-1865, Hertz's development of a crude spark transmitter and spark receiver…