Author: iz4wnp

7Q6M Malawi. From
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7Q6M Malawi. From

Dan, K6ZO will be active again as 7Q6M from Malawi, until Mid December 2020., 7Q6M Malawi. From, ,

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ELECRAFT K4 K4 MANUAL RELEASE Download the “Introduction to the Elecraft K4” manual here. HIGH-PERFORMANCE DIRECT-SAMPLING SDR Our new K4 doesn’t just harness the latest technology: it blends…

FCC Orders Amateur Access to 3.5 GHz Band to “Sunset”
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FCC Orders Amateur Access to 3.5 GHz Band to “Sunset”

Despite vigorous and continuing opposition from ARRL and others, the FCC has ordered the “sunsetting” of the 3.3 – 3.5-GHz amateur radio secondary spectrum allocation….

Small Garden Vertical HF Antenna Installation
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Small Garden Vertical HF Antenna Installation

Vertical HF Antenna Installation Antenna Multiband Delta Antenna – M0PLK May 04, 2015 No comments   Multiband Delta Antenna Closed loop antennas are always less…

The Xeigu G90 QRP Transceiver on CW
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The Xeigu G90 QRP Transceiver on CW

The Xeigu G90 QRP Transceiver on CW Antenna SteppIR UrbanBeam Yagi antenna March 30, 2017 No comments “We’re champions of the little pistol,” says Mike…

Solar Physicist Predicts a Slightly Better Solar Cycle 25
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Solar Physicist Predicts a Slightly Better Solar Cycle 25

Solar physicist Leif Svalgaard of the W.W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory at Stanford University has predicted a maximum sunspot number of 128 ±10, slightly better than Solar…

Misura del fattore di velocità di un cavo coassiale
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Misura del fattore di velocità di un cavo coassiale

Ho un cavo semirigido con diametro di circa 4 mm e l’idea di farci una antenna collineare per i 868MHz. Il problema è che non…

Costruiamo una utile Docking Station per ESPertino
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Costruiamo una utile Docking Station per ESPertino

Quante volte gli sviluppatori e i progettisti hanno dovuto collegare pulsanti, interruttori, diodi LED, potenziometri, termometri, sensori vari, lampade di potenza e altro alla propria…

Hurricane Delta Prompts Activations of Hurricane Watch Net, WX4NHC, SATERN
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Hurricane Delta Prompts Activations of Hurricane Watch Net, WX4NHC, SATERN

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN), WX4NHC at the National Hurricane Center (NHC), and The Salvation Army’s SATERN have announced activations for Hurricane Delta, the latest Atlantic storm. The HWN…

Tutti i colori dell’astrofotografia digitale
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Tutti i colori dell’astrofotografia digitale

In questo articolo tratteremo i principi base della fotografia digitale; prima di cominciare a lavorare sulle immagini è necessario conoscere alcune nozioni fondamentali delle immagini…

NP4Z Puerto Rico. From
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NP4Z Puerto Rico. From

Felipe Hernandez, NP4Z will be active from Puerto Rico, IOTA NA – 099, in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 24 – 25 October 2020., NP4Z…

Two More Astronauts Earn Amateur Radio Licenses
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Two More Astronauts Earn Amateur Radio Licenses

Although the lockdown of Johnson Space Center (JSC) postponed amateur radio training and licensing over the past 7 months, NASA ISS Ham Project Coordinator Kenneth…

A Bright Region Leaves & Solar Storm Wanes with a Mini-Storm Kiss | Solar Storm Forecast 10.06.2020
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A Bright Region Leaves & Solar Storm Wanes with a Mini-Storm Kiss | Solar Storm Forecast 10.06.2020

Antenna Introducing the SteppOut Vertical High-performance 1/4-wave HF Antenna From 14 to 30 Mhz By Bill, AA4BQ August 05, 2015 No comments From price to…

L’innovativa piattaforma Cloud MQTT di Seeweb per l’IoT
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L’innovativa piattaforma Cloud MQTT di Seeweb per l’IoT

L’Internet of Things (IoT), ovvero la rete di dispositivi fisici, che garantisce agli oggetti interconnessione e interscambio di dati, è già realtà tangibile e sta…

ARISS to Celebrate 20 Years of Ham Radio on the International Space Station
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ARISS to Celebrate 20 Years of Ham Radio on the International Space Station

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) will soon celebrate 20 years of continuous ham radio operations on the International Space Station (ISS). NASA…

ARRL National Convention and Orlando Hamcation® Postponed to February 2022
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ARRL National Convention and Orlando Hamcation® Postponed to February 2022

ARRL and the Orlando Amateur Radio Club (OARC) have announced that the ARRL National Convention and Orlando HamCation® — which was to host the convention —…

Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android
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Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android

Portable RTL – SDR Software Defined Radio with Android Antenna Which connector for my antenna should I get? SO-239 or N Female September 03, 2017…

Revised IARU Region 2 Band Plan Now Available
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Revised IARU Region 2 Band Plan Now Available

The 2020 revision of the IARU R2 Band Plan is now available at This includes the change approved at the General Assembly meetings in Lima in October 2019…

Reti di controllo aperte
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Reti di controllo aperte

I continui progressi tecnologici hanno determinato un progressivo abbandono dei sistemi di controllo centralizzato a favore di quelli distribuiti. Nel primo caso, una rete di sensori…

Video VK0HI VK0CW Heard Island. From
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Video VK0HI VK0CW Heard Island. From

Video VK0HI VK0CW Hear Island 1983 DX Pedition., Video VK0HI VK0CW Heard Island. From, ,

9G5FI Ghana. From
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9G5FI Ghana. From

Thomas, DL2RMC is currently active as 9G5FI from Ghana., 9G5FI Ghana. From, ,

Icom IC 705 10 Features in 10 Minutes
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Icom IC 705 10 Features in 10 Minutes

Icom IC 705 10 Features in 10 Minutes Antenna Log Periodic Antennas – “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast. Listen…and learn! January 03, 2019 No…

King Vajiralongkorn receives ham radio callsign HS10A
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King Vajiralongkorn receives ham radio callsign HS10A

NBTC and RAST presented the amateur radio callsign HS10A to His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn and provided equipment at a ceremony in the Dusit Palace, Bangkok   Thailand’s…

Progettare custodie stampate in 3D per PCB
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Progettare custodie stampate in 3D per PCB

Molti di voi già conosceranno la suite KiCad, il potente software open source utilizzato dai progettisti elettronici e dai makers per il design degli schemi…

NanoVNA comparison measuring a duplexer – NanoVNA-H4 and SAA-2N
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NanoVNA comparison measuring a duplexer – NanoVNA-H4 and SAA-2N

“Is the NanoVNA suitable to measure/adjust a typical antenna duplexer? This video compares the NanoVNA-H4 and the SAA-2N VNAs with a professional VNA (Tektronix TTR506A)….