Author: iz4wnp

ISS SSTV October 4-8 on 145.800 MHz FM
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ISS SSTV October 4-8 on 145.800 MHz FM

An ARISS Slow Scan TV (SSTV) event is scheduled from the International Space Station (ISS) for October 4-8 The event is scheduled to begin on October…

Criteri per la progettazione dei led driver
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Criteri per la progettazione dei led driver

I diodi a emissione luminosa (LED) sono componenti optoelettronici allo stato solido la cui diffusione è in continua crescita. Pur presentando caratteristiche superiori rispetto ai…

VQ9T Diego Garcia Island Chagos Islands. From
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VQ9T Diego Garcia Island Chagos Islands. From

Bob will be active as VQ9T from Diego Garcia Island, IOTA AF – 006, Chagos Islands, (not VQ9ET as announced earlier)., VQ9T Diego Garcia Island…

Video EF8R CQ WW DX CW 2019. From
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Video EF8R CQ WW DX CW 2019. From

Video about Magic Mountain EF8R – Winner of the CQ WW CW 2019 Multi Multi., Video EF8R CQ WW DX CW 2019. From, ,

Architettura LoRaWAN
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Architettura LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN è una rete con struttura stella di stelle (star of stars topology) senza capacità di instradamento fra i nodi. Il gateway è il centro…

Firmware 2.0 #07 – Test & Measurements
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Firmware 2.0 #07 – Test & Measurements

E’ uscito il nuovo numero della rivista tecnica Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Test & Measurements/Makers Laboratory. All’interno troverete…

Lab599 Discovery TX-500 HF 6m
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Lab599 Discovery TX-500 HF 6m

“Hello Operators. In todays video we take the Lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP Ham Radio to the field for an off grid review of this new…

Get Ready for the 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction!
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Get Ready for the 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction!

The 15th Annual ARRL Online Auction will open for an “early bird” preview and registration on Thursday, October 8, and will open for bidding at 10 AM…

Rete LoRaWAN
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Rete LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN è una rete Low Power LAN (LPWAN) che adotta il protocollo fisico LoRa per connettere in modo wireless dispositivi IoT. Si tratta di una…

True Touch di Cypress (Infineon Technologies) IV Generazione
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True Touch di Cypress (Infineon Technologies) IV Generazione

Migliore riduzione del rumore, maggiore accuratezza e linearità, supporto per multi-touch e mouseovering nei dispositivi True Touch Gen4. Soluzioni touch-screen sono presenti oggi in quasi…

WIN A Yaesu FT-891 and Power Supply
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WIN A Yaesu FT-891 and Power Supply

  The guys over at CHARLIE TANGO have an amazing Christmas raffle where you stand a chance of winning a brand new Yaesu FT-891 and…

Special Pricing on ARRL 5Band WAS and Triple Play WAS Award-Plaque Applications
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Special Pricing on ARRL 5Band WAS and Triple Play WAS Award-Plaque Applications

Beginning October 1, ARRL will offer a 10% discount on all applications for 5Band Worked All States (5B WAS) wall plaques and Triple Play (TPA)…

Chirp Spread Spectrum
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Chirp Spread Spectrum

La modulazione CSS consiste in una variazione lineare in frequenza, denominata chirp, che spazia nell’intera banda assegnata al canale (tipicamente 125, 250 o 500 KHz)…

Realizziamo un software per Raspberry che calcola il proprio bioritmo
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Realizziamo un software per Raspberry che calcola il proprio bioritmo

I bioritmi si basano su fattori ciclici dell’uomo. Essi si collocano tra la scienza e la fantasia umana, tuttavia, sono moltissime le persone che si…

Space Station Repeater 29/09/2020 (Yaesu FT-4X)
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Space Station Repeater 29/09/2020 (Yaesu FT-4X)

A short clip of the Amateur Radio repeater on board the International Space Station as heard on my Yaesu FT-4X Handheld radio. 

HF Station Grounding and Microcontroller Projects are Next ARRL Webinar Topics
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HF Station Grounding and Microcontroller Projects are Next ARRL Webinar Topics

Two well-known ham radio authors and speakers will share their expertise with members in October during ARRL Learning Network webinars. ARRL Contributing Editor Ward Silver, N0AX, will…

Slow-Scan Television Transmissions from ISS Planned – September 30
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Slow-Scan Television Transmissions from ISS Planned – September 30

A Moscow Aviation Institute MAI-75 slow-scan television (SSTV) experiment event is planned for Wednesday, September 30, from 1305 UTC to 1845 UTC, and Thursday, October…

Best Handheld Ham Radio TRI BAND for 2020 – Tri Band Radio Comparison
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Best Handheld Ham Radio TRI BAND for 2020 – Tri Band Radio Comparison

Antenna 20′ DX Flagpole Antenna | OCF HF Vertical Dipole | 3.5 to 50 MHz No Radials, Stealth, Portable October 03, 2018 No comments OCF…

Former Dayton Hamvention Venue Hara Arena is Being Demolished
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Former Dayton Hamvention Venue Hara Arena is Being Demolished

Hara Arena, the former venue for Dayton Hamvention® and myriad sports, entertainment, and other presentations over the years, will soon be history. In the wake of…

Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite Launches Delayed
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Chinese Amateur Radio Satellite Launches Delayed

CAMSAT says the CAS-7A launch has been postponed until next May, and CAS-5A until next June. “Because of COVID-19, many things have been delayed,” CAMSAT’s…

Il protocollo LoRa
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Il protocollo LoRa

LoRa (Long Range) è un protocollo che definisce il livello fisico di connessioni radio. Ispirato da una tecnologia radar sviluppata alla fine degli anni 40,…

Otto resistori in cerca di un DAC
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Otto resistori in cerca di un DAC

C’è un mostro che si annida sotto i letti di molti ingegneri, e il suo nome è Porting Del Codice. E’ una creatura che può…

New WSJT candidate release features FST4
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New WSJT candidate release features FST4

Candidate releases are intended for beta testers, WSJT-X 2.3.0-rc1 offers the new modes FST4 and FST4W designed for use on the LF and MF bands…

AO-27 satellite celebrates 27 years in space
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AO-27 satellite celebrates 27 years in space

Stephan Greene KS1G reports the AMRAD-Oscar 27 (AO-27) satellite has celebrated 27 years in orbit On the AMSAT Bulletin Board he writes: Happy 27th birthday to…

Regolatori per applicazioni Automotive
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Regolatori per applicazioni Automotive

Questo articolo affronta il problema di ottenere una regolazione di tensione ottimale per l’elettronica in ambito automotive, trattando le due questioni principali dei sovraccarichi e…