Author: iz4wnp

ARRL Seeks Changes in FCC Proposal to Delete 3.4 GHz Amateur Band
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ARRL Seeks Changes in FCC Proposal to Delete 3.4 GHz Amateur Band

ARRL met via telephone with FCC staff members this week to emphasize its opposition to the FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in Docket 19-348 to delete…

La nuova serie di oscilloscopi digitali TBS1000C
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La nuova serie di oscilloscopi digitali TBS1000C

La nuova serie TBS1000C è stata concepita per venire incontro alle esigenze del settore educational, delle community di makers e hobbisti, oltre che dei progettisti…

D4Z Sao Vicente Island Cabo Verde Cape Verde. From
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D4Z Sao Vicente Island Cabo Verde Cape Verde. From

Piotr, SQ9D will be active from Sao Vicente Island, IOTA AF-086, Cabo Verde (Cape Verde) 28 – 29 October 2017 as D4Z., D4Z Sao Vicente…

HP3SS Panama. From
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HP3SS Panama. From

Robby, VY2SS is living in Panama since October 2015 and active now as HP3SS., HP3SS Panama. From, ,

Come spedire dati da Arduino a Excel e viceversa
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Come spedire dati da Arduino a Excel e viceversa

E’ possibile inviare dati ed elaborazioni da Arduino direttamente su un foglio elettronico di Excel? La risposta è si, a patto di utilizzare un Add-on…

Elektor: Un grande orologio a display LED, Wi-Fi e lettura della temperatura
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Elektor: Un grande orologio a display LED, Wi-Fi e lettura della temperatura

L’orologio proposto dispone di display da 4 pollici di altezza. L’orario è prelevato da Internet tramite ESP32 e prevede sensori remoti. Le piccole schede con…

Hams Help Find Kids by Monitoring FRS Radios
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Hams Help Find Kids by Monitoring FRS Radios

Late on the afternoon of September 16, the police department in Post Falls, Idaho, received a 911 call that two juveniles — ages 9 and…

Abbree Foldable CS Tactical Antenna
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Abbree Foldable CS Tactical Antenna

“I was looking for an antenna to throw in my camping kit to give the portable radio a little more range. Typically campsites and backwoods…

International Telecommunication Union Releases 2020 ITU Radio Regulations
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International Telecommunication Union Releases 2020 ITU Radio Regulations

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has published the 2020 ITU Radio Regulations — the international treaty governing the global use of RF spectrum and satellite orbits. The publication…

Atmel Studio IDE
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Atmel Studio IDE

Riuso della proprietà intellettuale e progettazione collaborativa, semplificazione della portabilità tra architetture diverse, funzioni avanzate di editing, debugging e simulazione, espandibilità custom e incremento dell’efficienza…

JW4O Svalbard. From
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JW4O Svalbard. From

JW4O Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026, 8 – 12 October 2020., JW4O Svalbard. From, ,

8P2K Barbados. From
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8P2K Barbados. From

Dean, 8P6SH will be active as 8P2K from Barbados,IOTA NA – 021 in CQ WW DX RTTY, 26 – 27 September 2020., 8P2K Barbados. From…

New mode FST4 –  WSJT-X
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New mode FST4 – WSJT-X

Steve Franke, K9AN; Bill Somerville, G4WJS; and Joe Taylor, K1JT Version 2.3 of WSJT-X introduces a new family of digital modes we designate FST41. These…

The soon to be released GSOC from XieGu
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The soon to be released GSOC from XieGu

Review Ultimate Raspberry Pi Build | Ham Radio November 27, 2019 No comments Read more Emergency Grid Down Communications Winter Edition January 19, 2019 No…

Motorola APX NEXT XE – Focused in the Extreme
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Motorola APX NEXT XE – Focused in the Extreme

Focused in the extreme. The demands of a call require you to adapt and overcome all obstacles. When your focus on the call is threatened,…

80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain
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80th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain

Special Event Station GB80BOB 1st September to 28th September 2020 The Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society (RAFARS) will be operating a Special Event Station…

AIRSPY – SDR Software Download Update
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AIRSPY – SDR Software Download Update

Windows SDR Software Package (Change log)This package contains:SDR# (SDRSharp) x86 revision 1756 2991c02 (2020-09-23) – The best free SDR software for Airspy and RTL-SDR dongles!Airspy R2/Mini Calibration…

Strumenti Spice per la Simulazione di Circuiti Analogici e Digitali
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Strumenti Spice per la Simulazione di Circuiti Analogici e Digitali

Non molti anni fa, gli appassionati progettisti di circuiti elettronici scrivevano su un foglio di carta lo schema elettrico del circuito da realizzare. Successivamente, prima…

T6AA T6A Kabul Afghanistan. From
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T6AA T6A Kabul Afghanistan. From

Robert, S53R will be active as T6AA and T6A from Kabul, Afghanistan starting September 2019., T6AA T6A Kabul Afghanistan. From, ,

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FT8 HEAVYWEIGHTS is an unofficial FT8 Special Event which… can be consideredsimply an FT8 Sked meet, it was first conceptualized in December 2019 a week…

Venerable AO-7 Satellite Approaching a Return to Full Solar Illumination
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Venerable AO-7 Satellite Approaching a Return to Full Solar Illumination

AMSAT-OSCAR 7 (AO-7), the oldest amateur radio satellite still in operation, is nearing a return to full illumination by the sun, which should take place…

Bridgecom Systems REVEALS the Skybridge Hotspot | EASY Pi-star Setup
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Bridgecom Systems REVEALS the Skybridge Hotspot | EASY Pi-star Setup

Skybridge Hotspot | – High Power -> 10mW  – 1.3″ OLED Screen – See your contacts and connection info! – Cross-Mode capabilities with other digital…

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RigExpert AA-650 ZOOM: UNBOXING RIGEXPERT AA-650 ZOOM SPECIFICATIONS Frequency range: 0.1 to 650 MHz Frequency entry: 1 kHz resolution Measurement for 25, 50, 75 and 100-Ohm systems SWR…

ICOM IC-705 In Full Sunlight
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ICOM IC-705 In Full Sunlight

ICOM IC-705 In Full Sunlight Antenna New AAS-300 3-way antenna splitter September 24, 2015 No comments AAS-300 3-way Antennasplitter up to 300 MHz The AAS-300…

Progettare audio mixer professionali per ogni scenario
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Progettare audio mixer professionali per ogni scenario

Molte persone amano ascoltare la musica. Sia che stiano ascoltando registrazioni o performance dal vivo, l’esperienza ha quasi certamente beneficiato di un tecnico del suono…