Video:YouTube/Mower Junkie There can’t be many CB radio shops left these days but here’s a fine example! Some serious wallet damaging gear to be had…..
Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) volunteers will take part in the Department of Defense (DOD) Communications Exercise 20-4, starting on October 3 and concluding on…
In questo articolo per la rubrica Firmware Reload faremo una introduzione alle caratteristiche della serie SWITCHER di National. Sempre più applicazioni richiedono oggi il progetto di…
È ora disponibile presso Farnell la gamma completa di sensori di temperatura, pressione, flusso e livello di ultima generazione Omega, nonché trasduttori, prodotti di automazione…
Portable Solar Power, Samlex Foldable Solar Panel, Off-Grid Emergency Electricity The Samlex 135 watt portable solar panel with included charge controller will provide plenty of…
Molti organi del corpo umano utilizzano l’elettricità per funzionare. Cuore, nervi e cervello inviano e ricevono milioni di impulsi elettrici che ne garantiscono il normale…
The CHA MPAS LITE is the little brother of the CHA MPAS 2.0 – the most popular Modular Portable Antenna System in the WORLD! The Modular Portable Antenna System (MPAS) is a concept allowing…
The FCC has granted ARRL’s request for a temporary waiver to permit amateur data transmissions at a higher symbol rate than currently permitted by section…
In questo articolo per la rubrica Firmware Reload analizziamo un’applicazione con microprocessori AVR ATmega32M1 per motori DC brushless. I motori brushless sono idealmente derivati dai…
The World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) is a competition between two-person teams of amateur radio operators testing their skills to make contacts with other Amateur…
The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) just stood down from another extended session — 71 hours of continuous operation — for Hurricane Paulette and Hurricane Sally….
The Engineering Model, the first development model, of the NANOMIRAX / CRON-1 nanosatellite carried out its environmental testing campaign at the Integration and Testing Laboratory…
Abbiamo introdotto il paradigma Software Defined Radio, evidenziandone i vantaggi rispetto ai classici approcci hardware-based, come maggiore adattabilità, costi ridotti e scalabilità. Abbiamo anche accennato…
Northern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator Karl Martin, K4HBN, is requesting that stations not directly involved in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) response to Hurricane…
The IP730D series is an innovative hybrid IP radio with licensed professional radio mode for local and nationwide communications. Antenna MonoBeam HF Multibander MB16 10-15-20…
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