Author: iz4wnp

Solar Cycle 25 Is Here. NASA, NOAA Scientists Explain What That Means
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Solar Cycle 25 Is Here. NASA, NOAA Scientists Explain What That Means

This split image shows the difference between an active Sun during solar maximum (on the left, captured in April 2014) and a quiet Sun during…

Our Sun Has Bad Aim with Storms to the East & West | Solar Storm Forecast 09.15.2020
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Our Sun Has Bad Aim with Storms to the East & West | Solar Storm Forecast 09.15.2020

Antenna Antenna Yagi 17 elements 4 bands – GPX Antennas February 15, 2020 No comments Frequency: 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz Number of elements: 7…

5-MHz Interoperability Channels Designated for Wildfires and Hurricane Sally Response
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5-MHz Interoperability Channels Designated for Wildfires and Hurricane Sally Response

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced that two 60-meter channels have been made available, as necessary, for interoperability between US Government stations and US amateur radio…

Marconi Day Award
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Marconi Day Award

Marconi Day Award The Calabria DX Team has once again organized Marconi Day and Award for the second year. The following accredited stations of various associations will…

How I designed the Nebula eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Commander Antenna
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How I designed the Nebula eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Commander Antenna

eXtreme Multiband 18m DX Antenna 18el 6bander – GXP Antenas – 40/20/17/15/12/10 March 29, 2016 No comments GXP Antenas 18el  6bander Bands      40/20/17/15/12/10 Gain…

Rilevamento degli oggetti con TensorFlow sul Raspberry Pi
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Rilevamento degli oggetti con TensorFlow sul Raspberry Pi

Il rilevamento degli oggetti (object detection o semplicemente OD) rappresenta una delle principali applicazioni dell’intelligenza artificiale, con impieghi sia a livello di machine che di deep…

YI9WS Iraq. From
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YI9WS Iraq. From

Giorgio, YI/IU5HWS is receive new call YI9WS and will be active from Baghdad, Iraq, until 20 January 2021.., YI9WS Iraq. From, ,

VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From
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VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From

Jeff, VP9/N1SNB will be active from Bermuda, IOTA NA – 005, 21 – 26 October 2020., VP9/N1SNB Bermuda. From, ,

Attention Turns to Tropical Storm Sally after Hurricane Paulette Hits Bermuda
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Attention Turns to Tropical Storm Sally after Hurricane Paulette Hits Bermuda

The Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) said this morning that it will continue to gather any reports from Bermuda in the wake of Hurricane Paulette, which…

ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS
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ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS

ICOM IC 705 Raspberry Pi Setup WITH GPS Antenna 5 Elements wire yagi for 80m November 11, 2019 No comments There were a lot of…

Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator
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Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator

Xiegu G90 HF Ham Radio Go Box/Solar Generator Antenna Successful Wire Antennas November 09, 2015 No comments Successful Wire Antennas Edited by Ian Poole, G3YWX…

The repeter antenna of the ISS
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The repeter antenna of the ISS

The repeter antenna of the ISS Source: URE Antenna What is a Bi-Cone Antenna ? June 15, 2015 No comments Bi-Cone Antenna he Bi-Cone Antenna…

The radio amateur’s solar cells interfere – despite all measures
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The radio amateur’s solar cells interfere – despite all measures

Of course, Anders Ljunggren was prepared for some radio interference when he installed solar cells at his villa this year. – But I would never…

Generazione di alta tensione
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Generazione di alta tensione

I tubi Nixie sono ormai passati di moda ma trovano ancora applicazione nelle lampade fluorescenti a basso assorbimento. Analizziamo in questo articolo come utilizzare la…

Farnell dispone del nuovo modulo Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy di Panasonic
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Farnell dispone del nuovo modulo Bluetooth 5.0 Low Energy di Panasonic

Farnell dispone del modulo Bluetooth a bassa energia serie PAN1780 con sensibilità del ricevitore di -95dBm ideale per dispositivi IIoT e applicazioni Smart Home. Farnell…

VR2XAN Peng Chau Island Hong Kong. From
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VR2XAN Peng Chau Island Hong Kong. From

Alberto, IV3TAN will be active as VR2XAN from Peng Chau Island, Hong Kong, IOTA AS – 006, in WAE DC SSB Contest, 12 – 13…

Monitoraggio della corrente USB per evitare sovraccarichi
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Monitoraggio della corrente USB per evitare sovraccarichi

Ecco una protezione intelligente per porte USB, per evitare problemi di sovraccarico. L’idea di questo progetto è nata durante la sperimentazione di alcuni circuiti alimentati…

CB Radio Handheld Comparison
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CB Radio Handheld Comparison

Video:YouTube/Paul McGee M0WNU A nice comparison video between 3 CB radio handhelds…..

Tips And Guidance For New Amateur Radio Licencees
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Tips And Guidance For New Amateur Radio Licencees

Video:YouTube/Ham Radio VLOG by M0XMX New to the world of Amateur Radio? Well here’s a brilliant video from Mike (M0XMX) with some very helpful tips…

Altimetro barometrico: fondamenti di progettazione
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Altimetro barometrico: fondamenti di progettazione

L’altimetro è uno strumento che gli appassionati di aviazione, gli escursionisti e gli amanti della tecnologia in generale conoscono molto bene. L’altimetro consente, infatti, di…

Brazil Proposes to End Amateur Radio Exams
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Brazil Proposes to End Amateur Radio Exams

The Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) has proposed to end amateur radio certificate exams for all classes, replacing the current system with free access to the initial…

University in Poland will Launch Balloon with VLF Transmitter On Board
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University in Poland will Launch Balloon with VLF Transmitter On Board

A balloon experiment by Warsaw University of Technology is planned to lift off on September 12, carrying a unique very-low-frequency (VLF) 210-meter long fully-airborne antenna…

RigExpert Stick 230 Antenna Analyzer Review & Operation
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RigExpert Stick 230 Antenna Analyzer Review & Operation

Antenna Analyzer Antenna VK5SFA Wins the April QST Cover Plaque Award April 09, 2019 No comments The winning article for the April 2019 QST Cover Plaque award…

Preparations Continue for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023
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Preparations Continue for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023

As preparations for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23) go forward, the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) continues its efforts to protect amateur and amateur-satellite allocations….

Ham Radio Wireless Network Camera Detects Washington Wildfire
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Ham Radio Wireless Network Camera Detects Washington Wildfire

Nigel Vander Houwen, K7NVH, reported on September 8 that some HamWAN users in the Puget Sound region of Washington who were viewing the network’s camera feeds, spotted…