Author: iz4wnp

Vibroplex Inrad Manufacturer Showcase
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Vibroplex Inrad Manufacturer Showcase

Vibroplex Scott, W4PA owner of Vibroplex and Inrad is here to talk to Tim, K3LR for this weeks episode of the DX Engineering Manufacturer showcase….

FCC Application Fee Proposal Proceeding is Open for Comments
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FCC Application Fee Proposal Proceeding is Open for Comments

Comments are being accepted on the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in MD Docket 20-270, which proposes application fees for radio amateurs. Formal deadlines for comments and…

Two super stations suffered enormous losses this August.
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Two super stations suffered enormous losses this August.

Two super stations suffered enormous losses this August.N0NI, Toni in Iowa:lost 1200 FT of tower (10) and 35 (!) antennas in weather phenomenon called “Derecho”….

ARRL and TAPR Virtual Online Digital Communications Conference (DCC)
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ARRL and TAPR Virtual Online Digital Communications Conference (DCC)

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2020 EDT UTC-4 PDT UTC-7 UTC PRESENTATION 9:00 6:00 13:00 Opening Remarks 9:15 6:15 13:15 HamSCI PSWS Overview/Status by Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF (University of Scranton) 9:30…

What is a Ham Radio Hotspot | Digital Voice Ham Radio
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What is a Ham Radio Hotspot | Digital Voice Ham Radio

Ham Radio Hotspot Antenna Status QUAD: 3 StQ 5, cubical quad 3 elements 5 band March 19, 2020 No comments      235,00 €  Read more 40 Meters…

Premessa al progetto agricolo
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Premessa al progetto agricolo

Il Progetto Agricolo si sviluppa in più parti. Naturalmente c’è l’aspetto informatico, sia hardware che software, ma serve anche una infrastruttura fisica: recipienti, valvole, tubi….

Sniffing su RS232: come si spiano le connessioni seriali
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Sniffing su RS232: come si spiano le connessioni seriali

Lo standard RS232 identifica una metodologia asincrona di comunicazione attraverso quelli che noi definiamo DTE, ovvero Data Terminal Equipment (che possono essere computer, stampanti ma…

Two Snake-Like Filaments & A Solar Storm | Space Weather News 09.02.2020
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Two Snake-Like Filaments & A Solar Storm | Space Weather News 09.02.2020

Space Weather News Antenna Antenna MULTI BEAMING remote Controller by OK2ZAW & DM5XX November 23, 2016 No comments   The MULTI BEAMING Open STACK controller…

End Fed Half-Wave Antennas – Tips and Tricks
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End Fed Half-Wave Antennas – Tips and Tricks

End Fed Half-Wave Antennas Antenna Broadband K4KIO Hex-Beam February 05, 2015 No comments  “KIO Broadband Hexagonal Beam Antenna This two element, five band, directional antenna…

ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated
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ISS 437.800 MHz cross band FM repeater activated

At 01:02 GMT on September 2 a cross band FM amateur radio repeater with a downlink on 437.800 MHz was activated on the International Space…

“New Elecraft K4s in production
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“New Elecraft K4s in production

K4 TRANSCEIVER We’re pleased to announce our new top of the line transceiver, the Elecraft K4. It combines the latest in direct-sampling technology with classic…

First Element of ARISS Next Generation (Next-Gen) Radio System Installed in ISS Columbus Module
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First Element of ARISS Next Generation (Next-Gen) Radio System Installed in ISS Columbus Module

September 2, 2020—The ARISS team is pleased to announce that set up and installation of the first element of our next generation radio system was…

Elektor ed Elettronica Open Source rinnovano la partnership
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Elektor ed Elettronica Open Source rinnovano la partnership

Siamo lieti di annunciare il rinnovo della collaborazione con il prestigioso magazine Elektor. Buone notizie per la nostra community che potrà leggere nuovi articoli di…

Firmware 2.0 #06 – Industry 4.0/Smart Projects
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Firmware 2.0 #06 – Industry 4.0/Smart Projects

E’ uscito il nuovo numero di Firmware 2.0 per i mesi di agosto e settembre. Il focus è dedicato al settore Industry 4.0/ Smart Projects….

Vega launch of three satellites with ham radio payloads
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Vega launch of three satellites with ham radio payloads

Christophe Mercier reports three satellites with amateur radio payloads will be on the Vega VV16 launch expected to take place in the early hours of September…

Calcolo della durata della batteria nelle applicazioni IoT
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Calcolo della durata della batteria nelle applicazioni IoT

Internet ha cambiato radicalmente il modo in cui progettiamo la maggior parte dei sistemi elettronici, in qualsiasi cosa, dalla segnaletica alle fermate degli autobus ai…

CB Antenna TX Shootout!
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CB Antenna TX Shootout!

Video:YouTube/104’s Outdoors Gary, 26CT104, is back with another CB antenna shootout….

Opek HCS-100 10/11m Antenna
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Opek HCS-100 10/11m Antenna

Video:YouTube/CB Todde Live Another look an the new 10/11m antenna from OPEK and even if you don’t understand the language you should be able to…

Video 4W6RR Timor Leste. From
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Video 4W6RR Timor Leste. From

Video 4W6RR Timor Leste DX Pedition 2017. Author – Roly Runciman, ZL1BQD., Video 4W6RR Timor Leste. From, ,

An In Depth Look At ICOM IC-705 HF VHF UHF QRP Transceiver
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An In Depth Look At ICOM IC-705 HF VHF UHF QRP Transceiver

Review Ham radio HF Go-Kit QRP contacts FT-817 emcomm SHTF doomsday December 18, 2016 No comments Here is a video about my go-kit with my…

The King of DX Marathons PY5EG OMS
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The King of DX Marathons PY5EG OMS

According to the rules, a station may be awarded only one of the four trophies in any one year, and may be awarded each of…

Solar Minimum Most Likely Occurred in December 2019
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Solar Minimum Most Likely Occurred in December 2019

Sunspot Index and Long-Term Solar Observations (SILSO) in Belgium said this month that the minimum between Solar Cycles 24 and 25 “most probably” took place…

New tinySA is here!
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New tinySA is here!

The tinySA is a small spectrum analyzer, primarily intended for 0.1MHz to 350MHz input but it has some nice other capabilities: Spectrum Analyzer with two…

Ham Radio EMP Kit, The Tactical Trash Can
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Ham Radio EMP Kit, The Tactical Trash Can

“Many believe the worst threat to our electronics is being damaged by an Electromagnetic Pulse. Today I show you how to prevent that damage and…

Progettazione dei DC/DC converter
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Progettazione dei DC/DC converter

Oggetto di questo nuovo appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload sarà la progettazione dei convertitori DC/DC. Si riducono sempre di più le tensioni di alimentazione…