Author: iz4wnp

Ailunce HS2
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Ailunce HS2

HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. Receive frequency coverage 300K~1.6GHZ. HS2 adopts a full keyboard design, built-in Bluetooth module, sound card module and…

Un driver per LED
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Un driver per LED

In questo articolo verrà esaminata la realizzazione driver per LED a corrente elevata step-down sincrono, da 60 V. Il significato del concetto di “LED ad…

2m Activity Weekend
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2m Activity Weekend

  Self explanatory notice about an upcoming activity weekend here in the UK. The event takes place on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August on…

Controllo motore di nuova generazione
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Controllo motore di nuova generazione

InstaSPIN-FOC è l’innovativa tecnologia per il controllo dei motori introdotta da Texas Instruments. Disponibile su diversi microcontrollori della famiglia C2000 Piccolo, questa soluzione rivoluzionaria consente…

Personal English Trainer – Assistente Vocale AI
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Personal English Trainer – Assistente Vocale AI

Questo progetto può essere un valido aiuto per la preparazione ad esami linguistici, dove gli studenti possono essere formati interagendo con Snips AI. Spesso quando…

OX3LX Aasiaat Island Greenland. From
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OX3LX Aasiaat Island Greenland. From

Bo, OZ1DJJ will be active again as OX3LX from Aasiaat Island, IOTA NA – 134, Greenland, 24 August – 20 September 2020., OX3LX Aasiaat Island…

YN5AO Nicaragua. From
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YN5AO Nicaragua. From

Robert, DL7VOA will be active as YN5AO from Nicaragua, 21 November – 5 December 2020., YN5AO Nicaragua. From, ,

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Antenna Antenna Yagi 17 elements 4 bands – GPX Antennas February 15, 2020 No comments Frequency: 7, 14, 21, 28 MHz Number of elements: 7…

HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review
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HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review

Because frequency allocations and amateur radio operating interests vary in different parts of the world, the development of band plans – voluntary guidelines on the…

I sistemi di visione diventano più intelligenti
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I sistemi di visione diventano più intelligenti

I sistemi embedded stanno ora facendo un uso più massiccio delle tecnologie di elaborazione delle immagini digitali per aumentare la produttività, incrementare le prestazioni e…

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DX vertical antenna for low-bands 80/160NEW Height 22 meters.10m alluminium tube, 12m fiberglass mastThis new version uses a fiberglass tubehigh quality 12 meters.This allows to…

RFinder Cloud Memories – Backing Up and Loading | RFinder Android DMR Radio
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RFinder Cloud Memories – Backing Up and Loading | RFinder Android DMR Radio

Antenna 7 EL. DELTA LOOP “THE CLAW” October 18, 2016 No comments 7 elements full size arranged on a single boom, divided into 2 parts…

Visione artificiale embedded
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Visione artificiale embedded

Benvenuti a un altro appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. Una novità per i sistemi di visione embedded: finalmente è possibile sviluppare applicazioni real-time di…

US Department of Defense to Share 3450 – 3550 MHz with 5G Commercial Operations
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US Department of Defense to Share 3450 – 3550 MHz with 5G Commercial Operations

The FCC will auction sharing rights to the upper 50 MHz of the 3300 – 3500 MHz secondary amateur radio allocation to commercial 5G interests…

SDRuno 1.4 has now been fully released
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SDRuno 1.4 has now been fully released

LATEST STABLE VERSION OF SDRUNO IS 1.4 (12th August 2020) Release Notes: Release notes for all versions of SDRuno can be found by clicking here Known…

Lab599 TX-500 Deep Dive & My Review
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Lab599 TX-500 Deep Dive & My Review

Review Radioddity GA-510 10-Watt Handheld Review January 24, 2020 No comments ➤ UP TO 8 MILES RANGE: A further and more impressive communication range comes…

Tiristore MOSFET a doppio anodo
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Tiristore MOSFET a doppio anodo

I tiristori e i triac agiscono come interruttori di carico e sono caratterizzati da un’alta caduta di tensione tra catodo e anodo nello stato “aperto”….

5Z4VJ Nairobi Kenya. From
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5Z4VJ Nairobi Kenya. From

Andy, 5Z4/G3AB is receive 5Z4VJ call and will be active from Nairobi, Kenya., 5Z4VJ Nairobi Kenya. From, ,

Arecibo Observatory Reflector Dish Damaged after Cable Snaps
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Arecibo Observatory Reflector Dish Damaged after Cable Snaps

An auxiliary cable that helps to support a metal platform above the Arecibo Observatory radio telescope’s reflector dish in Puerto Rico snapped in the early…

A new active region (AR2771) belonging to Cycle 25
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A new active region (AR2771) belonging to Cycle 25

Antenna Sea Water Antenna December 11, 2014 No comments   The US Navy has created a device which turns a jet of sea water into…

Grid and Prefix Award Program Announces Digital Awards Program
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Grid and Prefix Award Program Announces Digital Awards Program

The Grid and Prefix Award Program (GAPA) has announced the establishment of a comprehensive Digital Awards Program. Awards are available for radio amateurs and shortwave…

Icom ID-52A/E debuts ! [ ICOM VIDEO ]
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Icom ID-52A/E debuts ! [ ICOM VIDEO ]

ICOM ID-52A /E, Icom new Dual Band Handheld will come soon. Equipment SSB-Electronic GmbH 9300 February 01, 2020 No comments Perseus SDR 10 kHz to…

Soluzioni per il monitoraggio della temperatura
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Soluzioni per il monitoraggio della temperatura

Nell’ambito della progettazione elettronica, così come nelle applicazioni industriali e medicali, gli ingegneri devono affrontare alcune importanti sfide, quali l’aumento delle prestazioni, l’aggiunta di funzionalità…

Spiderbeam Fibreglass Masts for Small Gardens and Portable Use
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Spiderbeam Fibreglass Masts for Small Gardens and Portable Use

Antenna 10 Element Triple Monobander 80/40/20m – OptiBeam January 01, 2015 No comments   OptiBeam           OB804020   10 Element Triple…

Three Bright Regions & A Storm Generator | Solar Storm Forecast
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Three Bright Regions & A Storm Generator | Solar Storm Forecast

Antenna How a Beverage Antenna Works August 13, 2016 No comments Read more M2 DRIVEN ELEMENT SCHEMATIC & TROUBLE SHOOTING October 28, 2015 No comments…