Author: iz4wnp

Stepper motor controller nell’MB91460
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Stepper motor controller nell’MB91460

La nuova linea di microprocessori Fujitsu a 32 bit nata per applicazioni automotive e industriali, grazie alla ricca dotazione di periferiche, consente il facile raggiungimento…

Wireless Bluetooth mic for Yaesu mobile radios FT-7900R/100DR etc
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Wireless Bluetooth mic for Yaesu mobile radios FT-7900R/100DR etc

Yaesu mobile Yaesu Mobile Radio Please check our new bluetooth speaker mic VGC BMH-68, it’s a very perfect replacement for the MH-48 serial wire speaker…

Eric’s presentation on the Elecraft K4 –  QSO Today Virtual Ham EXPO
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Eric’s presentation on the Elecraft K4 – QSO Today Virtual Ham EXPO

Elecraft K4  ” “Congratulations to the QSO Today Virtual Ham EXPO Team! A very successful event that was a lot of fun for all of…

Apartment, Attic, HOA and Small Spaces Ham Radio Antennas
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Apartment, Attic, HOA and Small Spaces Ham Radio Antennas

Antenna The 2 Meter Coffee Can Antenna May 06, 2015 No comments   The 2 meter coffee can antenna is easy to make and you’ll…

Ionospheric radio propagation, Skywaves, Skip Distance, & Skip Zone are key aspects
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Ionospheric radio propagation, Skywaves, Skip Distance, & Skip Zone are key aspects

Understanding the way in which HF radio signals actually propagate can help the effects of ionospheric propagation to be used to its best. Skywaves, skip…

Microsat APRS Voyager + GPS-RS232
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Microsat APRS Voyager + GPS-RS232

APRS Tracker/TNC With 7W Transceiver With External GPS Antenna Configuration software for Windows (STABLE firmware): APRS Voyager Configurator v1.08 (installer): download APRS Voyager Configurator v1.08 (zip…

Protocollo I2C: semplicità e potenza
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Protocollo I2C: semplicità e potenza

Il protocollo I2C (I-quadro-C o I-due-C) è stato realizzato dalla Philips nel lontano 1982, e rilasciato come protocollo dopo circa dieci anni di utilizzo come…

Vacanze per voi e per noi
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Vacanze per voi e per noi

Desideriamo informarvi che gli uffici della Segreteria ARI ed Ediradioresteranno chiusi per ferie dal 3 al 21 Agosto. Nello stesso periodo anche il nostro webmaster…

Icom Reveals the ID-52A/E Dual Band DSTAR Radio | New DSTAR Radio Announced!
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Icom Reveals the ID-52A/E Dual Band DSTAR Radio | New DSTAR Radio Announced!

Review Unboxing the AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR/FM Mobile Radio March 26, 2020 No comments AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile Radio with Bluetooth, GPS…

Distance Assistant: il sistema innovativo di Amazon per garantire il distanziamento sociale nei magazzini
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Distance Assistant: il sistema innovativo di Amazon per garantire il distanziamento sociale nei magazzini

Il noto colosso Amazon ha deciso di utilizzare display basati sull’Intelligenza Artificiale per imporre il distanziamento sociale tra i dipendenti all’interno dei magazzini. Tutte le…

HC2AO Ecuador. From
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HC2AO Ecuador. From

Alexey, UA4WAE will be active from Ecuador in WAE DC CW Contest, 8 – 9 August 2020, as HC2AO., HC2AO Ecuador. From, ,

Data Analysis ed Intelligenza Artificiale in Python: interpretare dati reali con Numpy, Pandas e Scikit-Learn
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Data Analysis ed Intelligenza Artificiale in Python: interpretare dati reali con Numpy, Pandas e Scikit-Learn

Analizzare ed interpretare i dati che provengono dai processi reali è una tematica di grande interesse. Questi dati ormai fanno parte della nostra vita di tutti i…

Yaesu FT-65R Unboxing, Review | Baofeng Killer?
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Yaesu FT-65R Unboxing, Review | Baofeng Killer?

Antenna How to perfectly clean wires in minutes! by NH7ZE July 26, 2016 No comments Here is an old ham radio operators trick for cleaning…

Computer Vision 1.03 – Features extraction
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Computer Vision 1.03 – Features extraction

Per una persona, “riconoscere un oggetto” è un processo così automatico che, se dovessimo chiedere a qualcuno “come si fa”, probabilmente dovrebbe pensarci un pò…

Meet Up with ARRL Virtually August 7 – 9 at QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo
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Meet Up with ARRL Virtually August 7 – 9 at QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo

ARRL will be a virtual exhibitor at the all-online QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo, Friday – Sunday, August 7 – 9. ARRL staffer Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R…

Yaesu FTDX-101D Review with Ham Radio Outlet
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Yaesu FTDX-101D Review with Ham Radio Outlet

Antenna Ground Plane Antennas [ “ARRL The Doctor is In” podcast ] December 20, 2018 No comments Ground Plane Antennas “Ground Plane Antennas” is the…

Rotating Tower For Ham Radio 30 Feet Tall At Jim W6LG’s House And Can Be Used For Emergency Comms
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Rotating Tower For Ham Radio 30 Feet Tall At Jim W6LG’s House And Can Be Used For Emergency Comms

“Jim Heath W6LG shows his newly installed antenna and tower at his residence. The tower has a maximum height of 30 feet as restricted by…

ARRL Board Confers Awards and Recognitions
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ARRL Board Confers Awards and Recognitions

Meeting in virtual session July 17 – 18, the ARRL Board of Directors conferred three major awards. The Hiram Percy Maxim Award The ARRL Board…

Sfida alla temporizzazione nelle applicazioni di robotica e macchine utensili a più assi
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Sfida alla temporizzazione nelle applicazioni di robotica e macchine utensili a più assi

Le applicazioni di robotica industriale e macchine utensili comportano il movimento preciso e coordinato di più assi nello spazio, al fine di svolgere un determinato…

Icom IC-705 Live Stream Announcement!
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Icom IC-705 Live Stream Announcement!

Review Elecraft K4 Updates from Orlando Hamcation 2020 February 09, 2020 No comments HIGH-PERFORMANCE DIRECT-SAMPLING SDR Our new K4 doesn’t just harness the latest technology:…

Radio Amateur Takes Part in Historic First Commercial Human Spaceflight to ISS
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Radio Amateur Takes Part in Historic First Commercial Human Spaceflight to ISS

Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, was one of two NASA astronauts who made spaceflight history over the weekend. Behnken and Doug Hurley were the first astronauts since…

Xiegu GSOC also supports mouse & keyboard operating
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Xiegu GSOC also supports mouse & keyboard operating

1) The presale works for the US only. Radios will be sent from China with DHL free express shipping. 2) For EU countries, please be…

Dentro un computer quantistico: Il qubit
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Dentro un computer quantistico: Il qubit

Si dice che il mondo è bello perché è vario, ed è sicuramente così. Sembra, però, che ci sia almeno una cosa, nel mondo, senza…

PMR446 What’s Legal? – OFFICIAL ANSWER!!!!
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PMR446 What’s Legal? – OFFICIAL ANSWER!!!!

Further to my previous article on 29th June (LINK) we now have an OFFICIAL answer to the question…. Is it legal to use external antennas on…

Hurricane Watch Net Reactivates as Hurricane Warning Posted for the Carolinas
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Hurricane Watch Net Reactivates as Hurricane Warning Posted for the Carolinas

With the National Hurricane Center (NHC) expecting Tropical Storm Isaias to become a hurricane again later today and make landfall this evening, the Hurricane Watch…