Author: iz4wnp

Mounting a Portable Mast
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Mounting a Portable Mast

Review Xiegu G90 Unboxing July 07, 2020 No comments G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture with built-in auto…

Next RSGB IOTA Contest: 25-26 July 2020
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Next RSGB IOTA Contest: 25-26 July 2020

The RSGB IOTA Contest, using the Islands on the Air concept, was created in 1993. This is now a major international event, attracting thousands of…

UWE-4 News: Successful first demonstration of orbit control on a 1U CubeSat
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UWE-4 News: Successful first demonstration of orbit control on a 1U CubeSat

The University Wuerzburg Experimental Satellite 4 (UWE-4) successfully used its propulsion system in order to conduct orbit control. The 1U CubeSat, developed and built at…

Strutturare un sistema di gestione batterie
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Strutturare un sistema di gestione batterie

Analizziamo in questo articolo alcune indicazioni per organizzare il flusso di progettazione di un sistema di alimentazione a batterie tenendo conto dei numerosi fattori in…

Lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP Ham Radio Review
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Lab599 Discovery TX-500 QRP Ham Radio Review

  GENERAL FEATURES 160-6-meter ham bands; General ‘receive’ coverage 0.5 – 56.0 MHz; All modes: SSB, CW, DIG, AM, FM; High-performance 32-bit floating-point DSP; Current…

New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers
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New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers

“New RigExpert Green ZOOM Family of the antenna & cable analyzers Dear RigExpert Followers, We are glad to present you a New RigExpert Green ZOOM…

Super Battery Booster MFJ-4416C
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Super Battery Booster MFJ-4416C

Today`s compact 100-watt HF rigs are designed to operate from about 12-16 volts, with output signal distortion, output power problems, and transceiver reset often occurring…

How to use Frequency Scanner to Search UHF MilAir in 2.3 seconds in SDR# using AirSpy R2
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How to use Frequency Scanner to Search UHF MilAir in 2.3 seconds in SDR# using AirSpy R2

    VHF 1240-1300 MHz discussed at CEPT SE 40 meeting July 14, 2020 No comments The 69th meeting of CEPT ECC Working Group SE-40,…

Radio Amateurs Help Air Ambulance
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Radio Amateurs Help Air Ambulance

Peru’s Radio Club Peruano (RCP) reports that Guillermo Guerra, OA4DTU/XQ3SA, and the Peruvian Relief Net assisted an air ambulance en route to Easter Island on…

Il Bluetooth diventa Low Energy
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Il Bluetooth diventa Low Energy

In questo articolo faremo una introduzione alla specifica Bluetooth Low Energy ed alle soluzioni OEM di ConnectBlue. L’adozione di tecnologie wireless nelle applicazioni di healthcare, fitness, sicurezza…

CB Antenna Shootout
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CB Antenna Shootout

Video:YouTube/104’s Outdoors With CB antennas, the longer the better is the the general rule, but top loading can make a difference. So here we have…

R6AF/P RU6DX/P Sudzhuk Island. From
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R6AF/P RU6DX/P Sudzhuk Island. From

RU6DX/P will be active again from Sudzhuk Island, IOTA EU – 185 in RSGB IOTA Contest, 27 – 28 July 2019., R6AF/P RU6DX/P Sudzhuk Island….

OSCAR Satellite QSO Party 1 Aug – 22 Sept
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OSCAR Satellite QSO Party 1 Aug – 22 Sept

The objective of the AMSAT-UK OSCAR Satellite QSO Party is to encourage all radio amateurs around the world to get on the air and make contacts via…

Shakesphere INFL8-HAM Inflatable Dual Band Antenna – Sota – Emergency – Portable
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Shakesphere INFL8-HAM Inflatable Dual Band Antenna – Sota – Emergency – Portable

Antenna Ground Radial Wire For Vertical – Ham Radio Antenna August 15, 2015 No comments   In this video I show the ground radial wire…

JARL Announces “Canceling” of “Ham Fair 2020”
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JARL Announces “Canceling” of “Ham Fair 2020”

The Japan Amateur Radio Federation (JARL) will hold the Amateur Radio Festival Organizing Committee on July 16, 2020, at Tokyo Big Sight on Saturday, October…

EMC Basics
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EMC Basics

In questo articolo indichiamo una serie di precauzioni di base per migliorare la compatibilità elettromagnetica delle apparecchiature progettate. Tutti abbiamo ben presenti le antenne TV, e radio…

XW2DX Laos. From
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XW2DX Laos. From

Mike, XW2DX ex UA0XB is currently active as XW2DX from Vientiane, Laos., XW2DX Laos. From, ,

SpaceX: l’ambizioso progetto di Elon Musk
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SpaceX: l’ambizioso progetto di Elon Musk

Il settore dell’esplorazione spaziale è in continua evoluzione. SpaceX ora può inviare esseri umani nello spazio, necessita solo di un mercato di riferimento. Il lancio della…

CR3W Madeira. From
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CR3W Madeira. From

Paul, DL5CW will be active as CR3W or CT9/DL5CW from Madeira Island, IOTA AF – 014 in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020.,…

SUPER VERTICAL 8 ULTRA   HF 4-6-10-11*-12-15-17-20-30-4
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SUPER VERTICAL 8 ULTRA HF 4-6-10-11*-12-15-17-20-30-4

     Vertical-Array is proud to present the vertical 8-bands HF 8 “SV 8 ” antenna. The SV8 working in HF for  4-6-10-11-12-15-17-20-30-40 meter The…

NEW Log4OM Quick Look
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NEW Log4OM Quick Look

Antenna Comet GP-15 Tri-Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antennas GP-15 January 14, 2015 No comments Comet GP-15 Tri-Band VHF/UHF Base Vertical Antennas provide good gain figures…

La ripida ascesa del Raspberry Pi: dal Maker PC al Computer Industriale
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La ripida ascesa del Raspberry Pi: dal Maker PC al Computer Industriale

Con uno Starter Kit per Raspberry Pi di livello industrial, Kontron pone le basi per l’uso industriale e commerciale della piattaforma Raspberry Pi in aziende…

Introducing the IC-705 QRP [ ICOM Official Video ]
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Introducing the IC-705 QRP [ ICOM Official Video ]

Antenna GB 8elm70cm+6elm 144MHz Quad September 17, 2015 No comments 8elm70cm+6elm144MHz Quad Details GB 8elm70cm+6elm144MHz Quad for mounting Horizontal or Vertical Turning: 1,20m (4ft) Boom:2,05m…

Radio Club of America Announces 2020 Award Recipients and Fellows
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Radio Club of America Announces 2020 Award Recipients and Fellows

The Radio Club of America (RCA) has announced its 2020 award recipients and fellows, several of whom are radio amateurs. Recipients and fellows will be…

Nature Communications Article Features LO-94, First Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Spacecraft.
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Nature Communications Article Features LO-94, First Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Spacecraft.

Nature Communications Article Features LO-94, First Lunar-Orbiting Ham Radio Spacecraft A July 9 Nature Communications article, “Design and flight results of the VHF/UHF communication system of Longjiang lunar microsatellites,”…