Author: iz4wnp

ZUMSpot Nextion 3.5” Ham Radio Hotspot First Look
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ZUMSpot Nextion 3.5” Ham Radio Hotspot First Look

Antenna Antenna Dinamica 3el Yagi 6 to 40 meters February 15, 2015 No comments Price 2790  Euro See More Antenna Dinamica: Link     Read…

La joint venture Hitachi ABB Power Grids
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La joint venture Hitachi ABB Power Grids

ABB, azienda leader che offre soluzioni all’avanguardia nel settore dell’automazione industriale, del power e della smart energy, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo nella sua trasformazione…

Video Sanginavishta Mountains. From
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Video Sanginavishta Mountains. From

Video. Sanginavishta mountains, Tajikistan. Author – Nodir Tursun Zadeh, EY8MM., Video Sanginavishta Mountains. From, ,

V55HQ Namibia. From
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V55HQ Namibia. From

V55HQ Team will be active from Namibia in IARU HF Contest, 11 – 12 July 2020., V55HQ Namibia. From, ,

7S5A Boko Island. From
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7S5A Boko Island. From

SM4DDS will be active again as 7S5A from Boko Island, IOTA EU-177, Sweden, 19 – 24 July 2020., 7S5A Boko Island. From, ,

Regolatori Switching ad elevata efficienza
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Regolatori Switching ad elevata efficienza

Analizziamo in questo articolo le soluzioni integrate ad elevata efficienza per il condizionamento della potenza in applicazioni con elevata tensione di ingresso (fino a 65…

NEW – President Barry 2 CB Radio
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NEW – President Barry 2 CB Radio

President have announced an updated version of the President Barry, imaginatively titled the President Barry 2. With the cost expected to be similar to the…

Ruegen Island DL5KUD. From
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Ruegen Island DL5KUD. From

DL5KUD will be active again from Ruegen Island, IOTA EU-057, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020, as DL5KUD., Ruegen Island DL5KUD. From…

IH9YMC Pantelleria Island. From
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IH9YMC Pantelleria Island. From

Raf Vit, IH9YMC will be active from Pantelleria Island, IOTA AF – 018, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020., IH9YMC Pantelleria Island….

JW/LB1QI Svalbard. From
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JW/LB1QI Svalbard. From

Erwann, JW/LB1QI will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU – 026, 24 – 27 September 2020., JW/LB1QI Svalbard. From, ,

Xiegu XPA125B Ham Radio Amplifier
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Xiegu XPA125B Ham Radio Amplifier

The XPA125B amplifier has a gain of 13 dB making it the perfect amplifier for a 5 watt transmitter when 100 watt output is needed….

Progettiamo un portachiavi su OpenSCAD
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Progettiamo un portachiavi su OpenSCAD

La tecnologia delle stampanti 3D è tra le neonate del nostro secolo. Fino a qualche anno fa ci affascinava anche solo il pensiero di una…

Icom IC-705 Teardown
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Icom IC-705 Teardown

Video:YouTube/CQチャンネル!! Fancy a look inside the new Icom IC-705? Well, this video is well worth a watch!

Morecambe Bay Net Returns
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Morecambe Bay Net Returns

The COVID-19 situation has prevented many regular radio nets from taking place so it’s great to see them gradually returning to the air. In this…

Luna Amateur Radio Transponder: A Communications Platform on the Large European Lander to support communication and payload experiments
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Luna Amateur Radio Transponder: A Communications Platform on the Large European Lander to support communication and payload experiments

“We are proposing the LunART Communications Platform on the Large European Lander which will support direct communication with earth through amateur radio frequencies in the…

Icom IC-705 Hands On Review, HF/VHF/UHF [ English ]
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Icom IC-705 Hands On Review, HF/VHF/UHF [ English ]

News Luna Amateur Radio Transponder: A Communications Platform on the Large European Lander to support communication and payload experiments July 09, 2020 No comments “We…

IARUMS June newsletter now available
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IARUMS June newsletter now available

The latest IARU-R1 Monitoring System newsletter reports on the continuing interference on various frequencies in the 7 MHz band from Russian language propaganda broadcasts Over The Horizon…

Icom IC-705: Check out this video of a cabinet breakdown
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Icom IC-705: Check out this video of a cabinet breakdown

Antenna HF Mobile Autotune Whip Antenna 1.8-30 MHz 200W December 08, 2014 No comments Stealth 9310 antenna is a budget version within 9300-series Automatic Tuning…

ESA promote amateur radio in ISS SSTV video
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ESA promote amateur radio in ISS SSTV video

Antenna MULTIBAND H-POLE – VERTICAL WIRE ANTENNA FOR 160m – 10m by HB9MTN January 26, 2017 No comments “After several attempts to build a multiband…

Blockchain per l’Energy Industry
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Blockchain per l’Energy Industry

Con questo articolo poniamo l’attenzione sullo spettro di applicazioni e potenzialità della blockchain technology nell’ambito dell’industria energetica. L’obiettivo dell’implementazione di blockchain al settore energy è…

PMR446 Tests – Floureon FC200 and HB9CV Antenna
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PMR446 Tests – Floureon FC200 and HB9CV Antenna

Video:YouTube/26-CT-842 An interesting video showing the fun which can be had with a PMR446 radio…..

NEW – Yaesu FTM-300D Review/Demo
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NEW – Yaesu FTM-300D Review/Demo

Video:YouTube/HamRadioConcepts Taking a look at the new Digital/Analogue FTM-300D from Yaesu…

E2A Thailand. From
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E2A Thailand. From

E2A will be active from Thailand in IARU HF Contest, 11 – 12 July 2020., E2A Thailand. From, ,

VK5MAV/P West Island Granite Island. From
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VK5MAV/P West Island Granite Island. From

Andy, VK5MAV/P will be active from IOTA OC – 228, Australia in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020., VK5MAV/P West Island Granite Island….

DIY Weather Satellite Ground Station
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DIY Weather Satellite Ground Station

Sasha M6IOR and Sophie M6NYX have made available a Guide for the reception of NOAA satellite images using software defined radio on Windows or MacOS. The guide suggests…