Mike Bryce’s article “”Battery Sizing for Portable Operation” offered valuable information, not only for the upcoming ARRL Field Day, but for portable operating generally. Thanks…
MFJ-994B, 600 Watt Intelli-TunerTM! automatic antenna tuner with new 10,000 VirtualAntennaTM Memories. Like MFJ-993B but handles 600 Watts SSB/CW, matches 12-800 Ohms. Does not have…
The June 6 – 7 COVID-19 “STAYHOME” Radio Communication Event was a “great success,” its sponsors said, with more than 6,000 participants worldwide. The number of logs…
To mark the June 15 centenary of the first live UK entertainment broadcast by Dame Nellie Melba, one of the Essex Steamettes created a Morse Code transmitter…
The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 Monitoring System (IARUMS) May newsletter reports the Russian-Ukrainian radio war, which had been raging for years at 7055 kHz LSB…
Cosa significa “riconoscere un oggetto”? Intuitivamente, significa separarlo da tutto il resto, significa poter dire “questa è una mela” e “questo è un tavolo”. Significa…
An ARISS educational school contact is planned with students at I.E.S. Pedro de Valdivia, Villanueva de la Serena, Spain, multi point telebridge via ON4ISS. A multi-point telebridge…
The FUNcube Team has announced the availability of FUNcube CubeSat satellite telemetry decoder software for the popular Raspberry Pi computer board. The original FUNcube telemetry…
Eccoci arrivati alla seconda parte del tutorial relativo alla costruzione di un mini quadricottero. Nella prima parte abbiamo visto i criteri e i consigli da…
Video:YouTube/Ringway Manchester PMR446 radio has proved to be very popular during lock-down here in the UK. In this video we see Lewis making 40 contacts…
Antenna Genius is a smart antenna switch that features 8 antennas to 1 radio. Designed for less demanding applications. LAN/WAN capability was a core design…
Antenna Unboxing the MyAntennas EFHW-80-10 End Fed Antenna June 15, 2020 No comments EFHW-8010-1K Multi-Band End Fed Half Wave Antenna This is an End-Fed Half-Wave…
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