Author: iz4wnp

Motore trifase e controllo FOC: soluzione a portata di micro
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Motore trifase e controllo FOC: soluzione a portata di micro

Il controllo e l’azionamento delle parti in movimento è da sempre stata una delle branche più accattivanti a cui un appassionato di elettronica possa avvicinarsi….

HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From
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HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From

HD8R DX Friends Team planning to be active from San Cristobal Island, Galapagos Islands, IOTA SA – 004., HD8R San Cristobal Island Galapagos Islands. From…

Conoscere i satelliti amatoriali
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Conoscere i satelliti amatoriali

Questo riferimento definitivo è stato scritto per il nuovo operatore satellitare da Gould Smith, WA4SXM, ma include discussioni per l’operatore esperto che desidera rivedere le…

Serata Live QO-100 Es’hail-2 for beginners
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Serata Live QO-100 Es’hail-2 for beginners

Continuano le nostre serate LIVE dedicate al mondo dei satelliti. Venerdì 19 giugno alle ore 21 potrete seguire in diretta streaming una serata in collaborazione…

Ecco la radio da..carta di credito
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Ecco la radio da..carta di credito

È possibile creare una radio che non ha bisogno di elettricità. Questo concetto si conosce come radio a cristalli, o radio a galena, per il…

Tris di Sezioni per Dante
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Tris di Sezioni per Dante

La Sezione ARI Firenze si è unita nella gestione del diploma alla Sezione di Ravenna, che ne è la promotrice, oltre alla Sezione di Verona,…

Super Antenna MP1
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Super Antenna MP1

Software The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online June 14, 2020 No comments This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place…

The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online
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The 2020 Software Defined Radio Academy will be held online

This year’s Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place as an online conference. Because of the great number of contributions, we are spanning the conference…

Indian radio amateur starts petition for licence change
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Indian radio amateur starts petition for licence change

Rohit Bokade VU3OIR has started a petition requesting a change to the Amateur Radio licence in India to permit all grades of licence to use the amateur radio…

EV High Power Density da Swindon Powertrain
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EV High Power Density da Swindon Powertrain

Swindon Powertrain, azienda fondata nel 1971 e leader nella progettazione e produzione di motori ad alte prestazioni e componenti stradali e da corsa, ha annunciato…

Computer Vision 1.01 – Filtraggi
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Computer Vision 1.01 – Filtraggi

I robot sono tra noi e questa è la realtà già da un pò di tempo a questa parte. Tuttavia, per chi è cresciuto con…

Yaesu Reveals the FTM-300DR Dual Band Mobile Radio
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Yaesu Reveals the FTM-300DR Dual Band Mobile Radio

    The new FTM-300DR provides stable and reliable 50W RF power output. As in recent YAESU mobile transceivers, the FTM-300DR is also equipped with…

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In a post to the WSJT-X email group today, Joe Taylor K1JT hinted at some ongoing experimentation of a new digital mode with sub-modes. His…

Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx System
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Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx System

  1 – Low cost 10Ghz EME Rx – The LNBF 2 – Modifying the LNBF 3 – Tuning the LNBF 4 – Pictures and…

[DIY] Come aggiungere una webcam e il controllo remoto al vostro robot
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[DIY] Come aggiungere una webcam e il controllo remoto al vostro robot

Gli appassionati di robotica sanno quanto sia importante aggiungere una funzionalità particolare quale una webcam a un piccolo robot o auto radiocomandata, con la possibilità…

XieGu’s new GSOC for the G90
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XieGu’s new GSOC for the G90

VHF Amazing opening on 144 MHz from Cape Verde Islands to Poland May 30, 2020 No comments On Friday the 29th of May 2020, there was…

Impedance, Basic Description For Ham Radio With Jim Heath W6LG YouTube Elmer
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Impedance, Basic Description For Ham Radio With Jim Heath W6LG YouTube Elmer

News IARU Submits Paper on Increasing Noise from Digital Devices June 11, 2020 No comments International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) specialists Tore…

IARU Submits Paper on Increasing Noise from Digital Devices
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IARU Submits Paper on Increasing Noise from Digital Devices

International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) specialists Tore Worren, LA9QL, and Martin Sach, G8KDF, have submitted a paper to the International Special Committee…

Power management con il modulo Rigado serie R41Z
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Power management con il modulo Rigado serie R41Z

Per i dispositivi che possono essere utilizzati nell’ambito della tecnologia IoT, la possibilità di poter ottenere connessioni wireless low power è uno dei principali obiettivi…

TF/SP7VC TF/SQ7OYL Iceland. From
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TF/SP7VC TF/SQ7OYL Iceland. From

TF/SP7VC and TF/SQ7OYL will be active from Iceland, 24 July – 13 August 2020., TF/SP7VC TF/SQ7OYL Iceland. From, ,

WWSA GACW Contest Rules.
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WWSA GACW Contest Rules.

WWSA GACW I – Dates Second weekend of June of every year. From Saturday 15.00 UTC until Sunday 15.00 UTC. 24 hours period. II –…

How To Direction Find Radio Stations With The Internet!
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How To Direction Find Radio Stations With The Internet!

Is there a station that you really want to discover where they are transmitting from? has a solution. By using multiple receivers in tandom…

Homemade 4M (70MHz) Delta Loop Antenna
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Homemade 4M (70MHz) Delta Loop Antenna

App – Mobile SatSat for IOS version 1.4.11 has been released May 22, 2020 No comments SatSat, by Fabrice Aneche is a satellite tracking software,…

AO-73 now in full-time transponder mode
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AO-73 now in full-time transponder mode

After some eight months in continuous sunlight, AO-73 (FUNcube-1) has now started to see some eclipses during each orbit. The telemetry received has shown that the spacecraft…

15 Canadian CubeSats to launch from 2021
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15 Canadian CubeSats to launch from 2021

Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) report 15 CubeSat satellites are being built by students in Canada, all are expected to carry amateur radio payloads. The…