L’articolo affronta lo sviluppo di un’applicazione “pick and place” per un robot manipolatore in ambiente MATLAB/Simulink, uno dei problemi classici nella smart manufacturing. L’articolo mostra…
The US Postal Service (USPS) has temporarily suspended international mail acceptance for items addressed to certain destinations due to service impacts related to the COVID-19…
The ARRL Contest Program has released some Frequently Asked Questions related to the Field Day temporary rule waivers. On May 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee…
Nel corso degli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a un crescente interesse nei confronti dei quadricotteri radiocomandati, con un proliferare di siti, forum e risorse Internet…
The July issue of Digital QST is now available for viewing on your desktop or laptop. Click here to view the issue. It is also available for reading on…
Un’invisibile rete, realizzata senza fili, ci consente di trasferire informazioni e dati all’interno di vasti spazi senza impiegare grandi potenze di trasmissione. Basate principalmente sullo standard IEEE 802.11…
**Turn on English subtitles** Full credit to Nichiei Radio of Japan, thank you! Icom IC-705 News Icom IC-705 Unboxing & Operation From A Japanese Retailer…
Logic updated, should work with any AD sample rate. Gain menu corrected, extraneous entries removed. Works with 822x which must be in single channel mode….
** Available Late May 2020 ** The new FTM-300DR provides stable and reliable 50W RF power output. As in recent YAESU mobile transceivers, the FTM-300DR is also…
Benvenuti ad un altro appuntamento con la rubrica Firmware Reload. In questo articolo parliamo di CodeWarrior di Freescale (NXP), che costituisce uno dei più conosciuti…
Going forward, the US arm of the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station International working group will be known as ARISS-USA, an independent organization. ARISS…
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) partner ISS Above inventor Liam Kennedy, KN6EQU, of Pasadena, California, has been declared the winner of a…
È indubbio il forte, ma nel contempo controverso, legame esistente tra Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) e robotica. Infatti, possiamo dire di essere tutti concordi nell’affermare che…
Grad student Kristina Collins, KD8OXT, in Cleveland, Ohio, is looking for radio amateurs and shortwave listeners — particularly in Africa and Asia — to help…
WSJT-X version 2.2.0 is now in general availability release, after a short stint in beta (or release candidate) status. WSJT-X version 2.2 offers 10 different protocols or modes…
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