Author: iz4wnp

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Antenna Drone Antenna May 19, 2020 No comments “Let’s see if my new DJI Mavic Mini can lift a long wire to be used as…

New RSGB Online exam remote invigilation FAQ
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New RSGB Online exam remote invigilation FAQ

New RSGB Online exam remote invigilation FAQ The RSGB have released a new version of the Online exam remote invigilation FAQ PDF which covers the…

Amazing opening on 144 MHz from Cape Verde Islands to Poland
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Amazing opening on 144 MHz from Cape Verde Islands to Poland

On Friday the 29th of May 2020, there was an extensive Sporadic-E opening across Europe which reached as high as 144 MHz allowing stations across the continent to…

Come creare un oscilloscopio da una scheda audio
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Come creare un oscilloscopio da una scheda audio

È un modo parecchio strano per “farsi da sè” un oscilloscopio: eppure si può fare. Oscilloscopi e schede audio condividono differenti componenti, ma nella fattispecie…

Safety Tutor System con Arduino
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Safety Tutor System con Arduino

L’obiettivo dell’articolo è mostrare come sia possibile realizzare un Safety Tutor System, un rilevatore di velocità media, utilizzando Arduino UNO ed una coppia di sensori…

Teoria e applicazioni dei sensori magnetici digitali
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Teoria e applicazioni dei sensori magnetici digitali

I sensori magnetici rivestono una importanza fondamentale in numerose applicazioni nei settori dell’elettronica di consumo, automotive, industriale e robotica. Assenza di parti meccaniche in movimento,…

Temporary Rule Waivers Announced for 2020 ARRL Field Day
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Temporary Rule Waivers Announced for 2020 ARRL Field Day

With one month to go before 2020 ARRL Field Day, June 27 – 28, the ARRL Programs and Services Committee (PSC) has adopted two temporary rule…

Fldigi v4.1.13 now available
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Fldigi v4.1.13 now available

The hard-working development team led by W1HKJ have announced the release of Fldigi v4.1.13.  This maintaneance release of Fldigi brings several bug fixes, performance improvements and several new features…..

CQ WPX Contest CW : May 30 – 31
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CQ WPX Contest CW : May 30 – 31

Photo by PY3VK –  QTH ZX5J – PT5J – PP5JR 2020 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest SSB: March 28-29, 2020 CW: May 30-31, 2020 Starts: 0000…

K3LR Antenna Project
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K3LR Antenna Project

Antenna X-Quad antennas for 2m and 70cm September 25, 2017 No comments Photo: EA5FUZ The X-Quad is an improved design of the well known multi…

Abbree Foldable Tactical Military Antennas – 18.5″, 28.5″ & 42.5″ Comparison!
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Abbree Foldable Tactical Military Antennas – 18.5″, 28.5″ & 42.5″ Comparison!

Antenna Drone Antenna May 19, 2020 No comments “Let’s see if my new DJI Mavic Mini can lift a long wire to be used as…

Come usare i batteri per memorizzare informazioni
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Come usare i batteri per memorizzare informazioni

Oggigiorno siamo abituati a vedere sistemi di memorizzazione basati su dischi magnetici, elettromeccanici o elettronici. Eppure, tramite diverse ricerche, stanno nascendo nuovi sistemi per memorizzare…

La compensazione dei sensori di temperatura
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La compensazione dei sensori di temperatura

Chiunque utilizzi sensori o trasduttori di diverso genere ha senz’altro verificato quanto la loro precisione venga condizionata dalle variazioni termiche; ha anche constatato come la…

One Radio Amateur Aboard Historic SpaceX Launch
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One Radio Amateur Aboard Historic SpaceX Launch

If all goes according to plan, NASA astronauts Bob Behnken, KE5GGX, and Doug Hurley will make US space history today [May 27], as human spaceflight…

Hurricane Exercise Carried Out in Southeastern US
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Hurricane Exercise Carried Out in Southeastern US

A pre-hurricane season exercise was carried out on May 16 for radio amateurs and the National Weather Service (NWS) in the southeastern US. The scenario…

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Professional VHF UHF Radio: Dual band, dual watch, dual standby, up to 128 channels. Equipped with an 8.9-inch long antenna, this solid 5W radio can reach…

Ham Radio REMOTE Testing with W5YI – Get Your License NOW!
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Ham Radio REMOTE Testing with W5YI – Get Your License NOW!

Antenna Drone Antenna May 19, 2020 No comments “Let’s see if my new DJI Mavic Mini can lift a long wire to be used as…

AM and Single Sideband Signal Spectra
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AM and Single Sideband Signal Spectra

Equipment HF Mini Whip Active Antenna 10Khz – 30 MHz May 25, 2020 No comments Read more Rotator Genius – 4O3A May 24, 2020 No…

Standard USB4 e che significato ha per il vostro progetto
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Standard USB4 e che significato ha per il vostro progetto

Di recente, potreste aver notato che USB4 inizia a comparire in articoli tecnici o post sui social media e avrete pensato: “oh, fantastico, un’altra nuova…

OH0Z Aland Islands. From
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OH0Z Aland Islands. From

OH0Z Team will be active from from Aland Islands, IOTA EU – 002, in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 29 – 30 May 2020., OH0Z…

Comet ATLAS Crosses Solar Orbiter & A Virgin SWAN | Space Weather News 05.26.2020
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Comet ATLAS Crosses Solar Orbiter & A Virgin SWAN | Space Weather News 05.26.2020

Antenna All-Band 80-10 Meter End-Fed Half-wave Antennas – MFJ 1982,1984 April 03, 2017 No comments Cover all HF bands with one single wire and no…

Connettività 4G Raspberry Pi: Cellular IoT Application Shield
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Connettività 4G Raspberry Pi: Cellular IoT Application Shield

Raspberry Pi, essendo un computer a tutti gli effetti, possiamo connetterlo a Internet tramite l’uso del Wi-Fi. Se le reti wireless non bastassero, possiamo usare…

I sensori capacitivi
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I sensori capacitivi

Volessimo fare un viaggio nel vasto e rigoglioso mondo dei sensori, incontreremmo animali di tutti i tipi. Troveremmo molti dispositivi integrati che fanno ciò che…

K5KUA Galveston Island. From
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K5KUA Galveston Island. From

K5KUA will be active again from Galveston Island, IOTA NA-143, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 25 – 26 July 2020, as K5KUA., K5KUA Galveston Island. From…

3V8SS Tunisia. From
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3V8SS Tunisia. From

Ashraf, KF5EYY will be active as 3V8SS from Tunisia in CQ WW WPX CW Contest, 30 – 31 May 2020., 3V8SS Tunisia. From, ,