Author: iz4wnp

K0BAK Wins the May QST Cover Plaque Award
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K0BAK Wins the May QST Cover Plaque Award

Peter Kobak, K0BAK’s, article “Canadian NPOTA Maritimes Rove” detailed his adventures while operating in several parks in the Canadian Maritime provinces. QST Cover Plaque Awards are…

Estensione a 2.4 GHz senza compromettere le prestazioni in un mondo connesso
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Estensione a 2.4 GHz senza compromettere le prestazioni in un mondo connesso

In un mondo nel quale praticamente tutto è connesso, i progettisti sono sempre alla ricerca di nuovi modi per abilitare la tecnologia wireless senza compromettere…

KL7/KC1KUG Fire Island Alaska. From
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KL7/KC1KUG Fire Island Alaska. From

Bryden, KC1KUG will be active as KL7/KC1KUG from Fire Island, IOTA NA – 158, Alaska, 2 – 27 June 2020., KL7/KC1KUG Fire Island Alaska. From…

New super power aplifier with BLF189XRB from 1mW to up to 1500W 50Vdc on all the FM Broadcast band.
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New super power aplifier with BLF189XRB from 1mW to up to 1500W 50Vdc on all the FM Broadcast band.

Recent Posts New super power aplifier with BLF189XRB from 1mW to up to 1500W 50Vdc on all the FM Broadcast band. May 21, 2020 No…

ARISS Multipoint Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio Concept Proving Successful
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ARISS Multipoint Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio Concept Proving Successful

Judging by the outcome of two tests so far, the new Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) Multipoint Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio…

Top 6 Tips For Digital HF , WSJT-X, FT8, JS8CALL
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Top 6 Tips For Digital HF , WSJT-X, FT8, JS8CALL

News ARISS Multipoint Telebridge Contact via Amateur Radio Concept Proving Successful May 21, 2020 No comments Judging by the outcome of two tests so far,…

ICOM  IC-705 SDR transceiver Update
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ICOM IC-705 SDR transceiver Update

IC-705 HF/VHF/UHF Mobile Transceiver – Coming Soon! The new portable HF/VHF/UHF IC-705 has many great features such as SDR platform, internal battery, GPS, Bluetooth and…

Rete 3G e Arduino: quale shield utilizzare
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Rete 3G e Arduino: quale shield utilizzare

Esistono diversi shield in commercio per dare ad Arduino connettività 3G. Non solo: spesso c’è anche la necessità di mettergli a disposizione telefonate ed SMS,…

Nano 33 BLE Sense: la scheda Arduino nata per l’AI
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Nano 33 BLE Sense: la scheda Arduino nata per l’AI

Arduino non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni: si tratta della piattaforma di prototipazione rapida maggiormente diffusa e apprezzata dai makers. A distanza di alcuni anni…

New Icom IC-705 Price Revealed
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New Icom IC-705 Price Revealed

So after many months of waiting the UK price of the new Icom IC-705 has been revealed… £1299 will get you one of these radios…

An Introduction to the AMSAT GOLF Program
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An Introduction to the AMSAT GOLF Program

Expected launches: TBD.  GOLF-TEE NET 1Q 2021.  GOLF-1 NET 4Q 2021 Originally, The FOX program consisted of two basic components.  Fox-1 was conceived as a “starter” project consisting…

Riconoscimento automatico dei colori con ESPertino
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Riconoscimento automatico dei colori con ESPertino

Utilizzando un sensore ottico ad elevata integrazione, la scheda ESPertino può essere trasformata in un sistema per il riconoscimento automatico dei colori, diventando un efficace…

CB Radio Skip 19/05/2020
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CB Radio Skip 19/05/2020

Some brilliant conditions here in the UK today with contacts from all along the South Coast heard up here in the North East! On a…

Drone Antenna
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Drone Antenna

“Let’s see if my new DJI Mavic Mini can lift a long wire to be used as an antenna for amateur radio! Not a practical…

PCB fai da te: come crearli
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PCB fai da te: come crearli

I PCB sono stati la chiave di volta nella miniaturizzazione dei circuiti elettronici. Lo sono tutt’ora, a dire il vero, e per fortuna i prezzi…

I microfoni Mems e le loro configurazioni beamforming
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I microfoni Mems e le loro configurazioni beamforming

Sempre più dispositivi che vengono progettati oggi, dagli indossabili agli assistenti domestici, hanno la necessità di “ascoltare” il loro ambiente circostante. Il microfono corretto consente…

PMR446 DX Contact England to France
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PMR446 DX Contact England to France

Video:YouTube/On The Mic With Mike Some good conditions on PMR446 today as you will see in this short video showing a contact between England and…

10m Repeaters 18/05/2020
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10m Repeaters 18/05/2020

Some great conditions on the 10m band today….

KL7RRC Adak Island Alaska. From
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KL7RRC Adak Island Alaska. From

KL7RRC Team will be active from Adak Island, IOTA NA – 039, 11 – 18 September 2020., KL7RRC Adak Island Alaska. From, ,

KL7RRC/P Kiska Island Alaska. From
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KL7RRC/P Kiska Island Alaska. From

KL7RRC/P Team will be active from Kiska Island, IOTA NA – 070, 5 – 10 September 2020., KL7RRC/P Kiska Island Alaska. From, ,

FP/KV1J Miquelon Island. From
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FP/KV1J Miquelon Island. From

Eric, FP/KV1J will be again active from Miquelon Island, IOTA NA-032, September-October 2020., FP/KV1J Miquelon Island. From, ,

ARI International DX Contest 2020
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ARI International DX Contest 2020

Claimed Scores Please report any issues to hfcontest.ari(at) Per visualizzare i risultati completi cliccare qui

SDRplay spectrum analyser for RSPdx released
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SDRplay spectrum analyser for RSPdx released

Steve Andrew has released version 1.1 of his Windows Spectrum Analyser software which has been upgraded to support the RSPdx. This popular software turns the…

ICOM IC-705 [ Japanese Video ]
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ICOM IC-705 [ Japanese Video ]

Start at 0: 052 s Review ADALM PLUTO Frequency Expansion Modification Plus CPU Cores May 17, 2020 No comments “Here we take a look at…

Happy birthday!  Alda, PP5ASN – 100 Years
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Happy birthday! Alda, PP5ASN – 100 Years

Today, May 18, 2020, is a very special day. Exactly 100 years ago, Alda Schlemm Niemeyer was born in Joinville, SC, who would later adopt the…