Author: iz4wnp

Energy Harvesting
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Energy Harvesting

L’application note AN588 di Silicon Labs ci mostra come sia possibile realizzare una soluzione completa nel campo dell’energy harvesting utilizzando il microcontrollore a basso assorbimento…

ADALM PLUTO Frequency Expansion Modification Plus CPU Cores
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ADALM PLUTO Frequency Expansion Modification Plus CPU Cores

“Here we take a look at the ADALM-PLUTO frequency expansion modification to give us 70 MHz through to 6GHz. Mine actually went as low as…

Yaesu Cyber Expo: FTDX101 – It’s All in the Touch
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Yaesu Cyber Expo: FTDX101 – It’s All in the Touch

“In this presentation from the Yaesu Cyber Expo Tim Factor KT7F discuss some of the feature and shows how easy it is to use the…

Nuova fotocamera Raspberry Pi da 12.3 Megapixel
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Nuova fotocamera Raspberry Pi da 12.3 Megapixel

E’ notizia recente che la Raspberry Pi Foundation, organizzazione no profit del Regno Unito, ha lanciato un nuovo prodotto. Si tratta di un modulo fotocamera…

Yaesu FTM-300D – More Information
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Yaesu FTM-300D – More Information

Yaesu have released more information about their upcoming radio, the FTM-300D… (Click images to enlarge)

Fake Nagoya NA-771 – What’s Inside?
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Fake Nagoya NA-771 – What’s Inside?

Video:YouTube/fredintheshed1 Ever wondered what’s inside that cheap ‘Nagoya 771’ antenna you bought off eBay? In this video Fred will take one apart and compare it…

President Bill CB Radio Servicing & Adjustment
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President Bill CB Radio Servicing & Adjustment

Videos:YouTube/UK CB radio servicing A couple of interesting videos from UK CB Radio Servicing showing the ‘Hidden Menu’ adjustments and then a test of the…

IC-705 International Availability and Manual ( Japonese )
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IC-705 International Availability and Manual ( Japonese )

Icom Inc. will begin to ship the IC-705, a new all mode portable transceiver covering HF, VHF and UHF, for the Japan domestic market from…

VDSL interference reporting
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VDSL interference reporting

In many areas of the UK, all of the HF amateur bands up to and including 20m are being blighted by interference from VDSL (Very…

QRP Labs new QCX+ QRP CW/WSPR transceiver kit
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QRP Labs new QCX+ QRP CW/WSPR transceiver kit

QRP Labs has just announced the QCX+ which as the name implies is an upgraded version of the very popular QCX line of transceivers To…

Come costruire un sensore touch capacitivo
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Come costruire un sensore touch capacitivo

I sensori touch capacitivi fanno parte della nostra realtà quotidiana da diverso tempo. Il loro funzionamento sfrutta un aspetto molto curioso di noi esseri umani….

NanoPi Neo Air: la scheda compatta per l’IoT
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NanoPi Neo Air: la scheda compatta per l’IoT

La board NanoPi Neo Air, logica evoluzione del modello NanoPi Neo a cui sono state aggiunte le funzionalità WiFi e Bluetooth BLE, è una scheda…

Video ZL8BQD ZL8AMO ZL8AAS ZL0AJW/8 Kermadec Islands. From
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Video ZL8BQD ZL8AMO ZL8AAS ZL0AJW/8 Kermadec Islands. From

Video ZL8BQD, ZL8AMO, ZL8AAS, ZL0AJW/8 Kermadec Islands Author – Roly, ZL1BQD., Video ZL8BQD ZL8AMO ZL8AAS ZL0AJW/8 Kermadec Islands. From, ,

7Q7AO Malawi. From
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7Q7AO Malawi. From

Pista, HA5AO will be active as 7Q7AO from Malawi, during September – October 2020., 7Q7AO Malawi. From, ,

Tecniche di layout per regolatori switching
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Tecniche di layout per regolatori switching

In questo articolo si forniranno le basi per progettare correttamente e con buoni risultati il layout di un regolatore switching, con attenzione all’inserimento dei componenti,…

Homebrew Gainmaster Antenna
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Homebrew Gainmaster Antenna

Video:YouTube/hollyend01 We’ve featured the homebrew Gainmaster on the blog before but here’s a couple of new videos made by Mike M0MSN showing his take on…

Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Predicted “Above Average” Atlantic Hurricane Season
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Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Predicted “Above Average” Atlantic Hurricane Season

Extended-range forecasts for the 2020 Atlantic Basin hurricane season anticipate above-normal activity, although a low-pressure system now off the coast of Florida could get a jump on…

ARRL Announces New Life 70+ Membership
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ARRL Announces New Life 70+ Membership

The ARRL Board of Directors recently voted to create a special Life Membership opportunity for individuals who are at least 70 years old. Starting on…

The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 1921
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The Great Geomagnetic Storm of May 1921

 99 years ago this week, people around the world woke up to some unusual headlines. “Telegraph Service Prostrated, Comet Not to Blame” — declared the…

ARISS to Attempt Second Test of New Multipoint Telebridge Contact System
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ARISS to Attempt Second Test of New Multipoint Telebridge Contact System

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is hoping to refine its new “multipoint telebridge” system for handling scheduled ham radio contacts between International…

ARRL Seeks Clarification of Amended Amateur Service RF Safety Rules
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ARRL Seeks Clarification of Amended Amateur Service RF Safety Rules

ARRL has filed a Petition for Clarification addressing two issues arising from amended FCC RF safety rules that go into effect on June 1 for the Amateur…

PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero
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PiSugar battery: lo shield con batteria per Raspberry Pi Zero

PiSugar battery è uno shield realizzato per Raspberry Pi Zero. Il suo scopo? Offrire un sistema di alimentazione e ricarica per Raspberry Pi Zero in…

Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino
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Costruiamo un copritermosifone in legno con visualizzazione della temperatura con ESPertino

Lo scopo dell’articolo è soprattutto di tipo didattico. La sua finalità principale è quella di fare conoscenza con il termometro di ESPertino, già in dotazione…

XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From
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XP2I OX/OZ2I Greenland. From

Henning, OX/OZ2I will be active as XP2I from Greenland, IOTA NA – 018 in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 28 – 29 November 2020., XP2I…

DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From
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DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From

DG5LAC will be active from Amrum Island, IOTA EU-042, 18 – 24 May 2020, as DG5LAC/P., DG5LAC/P Amrum Island. From, ,