Author: iz4wnp

North West Net – Garden Lockdown
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North West Net – Garden Lockdown

Video:YouTube/26CTX2500 Settle down for over 2 hours of the North West Net which took place on 29th April 2020.  It’s great to see that even…

DIY Satellite Antenna DU1AU
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DIY Satellite Antenna DU1AU

A satellite antenna can be made from 3 mm copper or aluminum elements, PVC boom, and some parts you may already have at home. To…

Why I LOVE my Antenna Wire Measuring Counter!
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Why I LOVE my Antenna Wire Measuring Counter!

This is an amazing machine made by “Sam” in the USA. I thank him for hand-assembling these. I have two now – and Sam is…

Martin introduces two products from the BHi Range
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Martin introduces two products from the BHi Range

20W Modular Audio Power Amplifier  – Parametric Equaliser  – Optional BHi Dual Channel DSP Noise Cancelling and Bluetooth technology. Flexible, intuitive and easy equalisation  for…

FCC allows remote testing!?!
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FCC allows remote testing!?!

“Norm Goodkin K6YXH visits with David W0DHG and talks about getting up and running to do remote testing for Amateur Radio Licenses. Norm mentioned that…

Tecnologia MEMS: che cos’è?
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Tecnologia MEMS: che cos’è?

Il mondo dell’elettronica ha subito un processo di miniaturizzazione veramente elevato. Se paragoniamo le dimensioni attuali dei circuiti a quelli di 20 anni fa, c’è…

Contest Vinci la lampadina WiFi multicolor: i Vincitori
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Contest Vinci la lampadina WiFi multicolor: i Vincitori

Eccoci giunti al termine di questo avvincente Contest. Ringraziamo i nostri lettori che hanno partecipato, invitandoli a continuare ad essere parte attiva della community di…

Firmware 2.0 #03 – Wireless/RF
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Firmware 2.0 #03 – Wireless/RF

E’ uscito il quarto numero di Firmware 2.0. Il focus di questo mese è dedicato al settore Wireless/RF. All’interno troverete articoli tecnici su guida alle…

Video 5K0K San Andres DX Pedition. From
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Video 5K0K San Andres DX Pedition. From

Video 5K0K San Andres Island DX Pedition 2019., Video 5K0K San Andres DX Pedition. From, ,

5K0K San Andres Island. From
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5K0K San Andres Island. From

5K0K Team will be active from San Andres Island, IOTA NA – 033, 15 – 30 October 2019., 5K0K San Andres Island. From, ,

With sadness we report Marc’s death, ON5OT – OT5A
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With sadness we report Marc’s death, ON5OT – OT5A

With sadness we report Marc’s death, ON5OT. Marc was one of the driving forces behind the contest station OT5A in Lier. His knowledge and drive…

FCC Adopts a New Official Seal in Anticipation of Relocation
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FCC Adopts a New Official Seal in Anticipation of Relocation

In anticipation of its upcoming move, the FCC has adopted a new FCC seal. The redesigned seal is the product of an agency-wide contest that…

Free sample Radcom Magazine
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Free sample Radcom Magazine

Read May 2020 RadCom completely for free—just tap or click the cover below Why not join the RSGB? As well as the print and online…

Guida alle modulazioni parte III: le modulazioni impulsive
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Guida alle modulazioni parte III: le modulazioni impulsive

Dopo aver trattato le modulazioni analogiche di portante analogica e quelle numeriche di portante analogica, concludiamo la trilogia di articoli dedicati agli schemi di modulazione,…

FCC is crystal clear: Remote ham radio licensing exams are absolutely permitted
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FCC is crystal clear: Remote ham radio licensing exams are absolutely permitted

In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, amateur radio VECs in the US have been experimenting with remote testing sessions–meaning, administering ham radio license exams…

MFJ 828 Digital SWR / Wattmeter
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MFJ 828 Digital SWR / Wattmeter

VHF An amazing 3866.47 KM on 144MHz SSB between D4VHF and J69DS [ VIDEO] April 15, 2020 No comments An amazing 3866.47 KM on SSB…

Beyond Exams resources launched by the RSGB
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Beyond Exams resources launched by the RSGB

Beyond Exams (BE) is a group of resources brought together by the RSGB Learning Team with the aim of encouraging participation and highlighting the diversity…

SteppIR CrankIR Portable Antenna Review
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SteppIR CrankIR Portable Antenna Review

News FCC is crystal clear: Remote ham radio licensing exams are absolutely permitted April 30, 2020 No comments In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic,…

DOAAF-85 (RS-44) amateur radio transponder activated
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DOAAF-85 (RS-44) amateur radio transponder activated

The amateur radio linear transponder (SSB/CW) payload on the Russian satellite DOSAAF-85 (RS-44) has been activated. Dmitry Pashkov R4UAB reports: The satellite is named after the…

ESP32-Cam: una time-lapse camera da soli 6$
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ESP32-Cam: una time-lapse camera da soli 6$

ESP32 nelle sue varianti, incluso ESPErtino ormai le conosciamo. Sappiamo bene pro e contro di queste schede, ma ce n’è una nuova che include un…

Guida alle modulazioni parte II: le modulazioni numeriche
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Guida alle modulazioni parte II: le modulazioni numeriche

Prosegue la nostra carrellata sugli schemi di modulazione, iniziata con il primo articolo focalizzato sulle modulazioni analogiche di portante analogica. In questo articolo, invece, vedremo…

Reference Station Power Distribution West Mountain Radio 4006U
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Reference Station Power Distribution West Mountain Radio 4006U

The RIGrunner 4006U can deliver up to 40 amps total through 6 outlets and includes a dual USB socket for charging all your portable devices…

Valutazioni dei rischi per il successo dell’IoT a lungo termine
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Valutazioni dei rischi per il successo dell’IoT a lungo termine

Combinando sensori periferici, gateway e risorse cloud, le applicazioni Internet of Things (IoT) stanno diventando obiettivi senza precedenti a causa del numero di potenziali superfici…

Floureon FC200 BNC Modification
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Floureon FC200 BNC Modification

Video:YouTube/David Chamberlain Something interesting that I’m sure many people have wondered about. How do you fit an external antenna to your Floureon FC200 PMR radio?…

Buon compleanno 425 DX News!
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Buon compleanno 425 DX News!

425 DX News (dal 2005 il Bollettino DX dell’ARI) trae origine da un gruppo di radioamatori del triangolo Milano-Genova-Torino che negli Anni Ottanta del secolo…