Author: iz4wnp

Capacità del canale di comunicazione
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Capacità del canale di comunicazione

Un canale di comunicazione sia esso via radio o su cavo o quant’altro, è soggetto a disturbi,  rumore, ed altre problematiche come l’attenuazione che riducono…

Smart metering
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Smart metering

Gestire al meglio energia verde e risorse naturali: la chiave del nostro futuro! Parlare di energia verde, di fonti sostenibili e di economia più in…

TO3F FM/OQ3R Martinique. From
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TO3F FM/OQ3R Martinique. From

Marius, FM/OQ3R will be active from Martinique Island, IOTA NA – 107, 25 May – 6 June 2020., TO3F FM/OQ3R Martinique. From, ,

Q-31 Part 13 All Boxed Up
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Q-31 Part 13 All Boxed Up

Antenna HexBeam SP7IDX Technology assembly April 15, 2020 No comments Read more How to shorten your wire antenna without cutting it April 14, 2020 No…

Soviet Union (Russian) Military Radiotelegraph Key via Finland
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Soviet Union (Russian) Military Radiotelegraph Key via Finland

“Jouni Hiltunen, OH2GVD, sent me this old Soviet Union (Russia, for those of you too young to remember the cold war) military radiotelegraph key. Fascinating…

Amateur Radio Callsigns Explained
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Amateur Radio Callsigns Explained

Propagation A Stealthy Solar Storm and a Meteor Shower | Space Weather News 04.17.2020 April 17, 2020 No comments Read more New Solar Cycle Likely…

ARRL, AMSAT Seek Changes in FCC Orbital Debris Mitigation Proposals
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ARRL, AMSAT Seek Changes in FCC Orbital Debris Mitigation Proposals

K3ZJ, and AMSAT Executive Vice President Paul Stoetzer, N8HM, on April 8, discussed with senior FCC International Bureau staff by telephone the FCC’s draft Report &…

Standard dei dispositivi di protezione anti Covid-19: conoscerli per proteggersi in sicurezza
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Standard dei dispositivi di protezione anti Covid-19: conoscerli per proteggersi in sicurezza

A causa della pandemia da Covid-19 molte persone sono comprensibilmente preoccupate per la propria salute e sicurezza. Il tema della scelta delle mascherine è più…

Classic President Radios In Lockdown 2020
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Classic President Radios In Lockdown 2020

Video:YouTube/M0OGY Another very interesting video from Dave, M0OGY. This time he takes a look at some classic President CB Radios.

PMR446 UK National Event 19/04/2020
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PMR446 UK National Event 19/04/2020

One for the PMR guys and gals…. A special PMR event is planned for Sunday 19th April with stations all over the UK calling on…

Let’s talk about band scopes and identifying signals visually
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Let’s talk about band scopes and identifying signals visually

Review Survey of VHF/UHF FM or FM/Digital Radios April 15, 2020 No comments Read more Malahit-DSP & Afedri LAN-IQ “Head to Head” April 11, 2020…

RFID vs. NFC: differenze, similitudini, pro e contro
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RFID vs. NFC: differenze, similitudini, pro e contro

RFID ed NFC sono due sistemi di comunicazione senza fili ampiamente utilizzati e a basso costo. Hanno diversi punti in comune, così come differiscono per…

Alla scoperta dei moduli XBee3
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Alla scoperta dei moduli XBee3

Se vi è capitato di intraprendere ricerche su come il protocollo ZigBee può esservi di aiuto per una vostra applicazione, o avete sentito parlare dell’implementazione…

ANOTHER Floureon FC200 PMR446 Radio Review
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ANOTHER Floureon FC200 PMR446 Radio Review

Video:YouTube/Transmission1UK Isn’t it always the same, you wait 18 months for someone else to review a radio then two come along together…..(See previous post) This…

CW online il rimedio di ARI-Mestre
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CW online il rimedio di ARI-Mestre

Il coronavirus ha travolto tutto e tutti, portandosi via oltre che le migliaia di vittime e posti di lavoro, anche consuetudini che, per rimanere nel…

A Stealthy Solar Storm and a Meteor Shower | Space Weather News 04.17.2020
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A Stealthy Solar Storm and a Meteor Shower | Space Weather News 04.17.2020

News ARRL Announces New Benefits for Members April 16, 2020 No comments ARRL members will now receive digital access to four ARRL magazines beginning with their…

Il radar nelle applicazioni meteorologiche
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Il radar nelle applicazioni meteorologiche

La temperatura e le precipitazioni meteorologiche svolgono un ruolo importante nelle attività umane. Possono però avere un impatto negativo sulle infrastrutture di trasporto e distruggere…

Floureon FC200 PMR446 Review
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Floureon FC200 PMR446 Review

Video:YouTube/The Mic with Mike We took a look at these fantastic little PMR446 radios back in 2018 when they first appeared so it’s great to…

ARRL Announces New Benefits for Members
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ARRL Announces New Benefits for Members

ARRL members will now receive digital access to four ARRL magazines beginning with their latest issues. Joining QST and On the Air magazines on a digital platform will be the bimonthly…

Remotely Administered Amateur Exam Systems Showing Promise
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Remotely Administered Amateur Exam Systems Showing Promise

Facing a growing demand for amateur radio exam sessions in a time of social distancing and stay-at-home orders, sponsors of some Volunteer Examiner (VE) tAeams…

Band Optimised Log Periodic Dipole Array 14MHz to 30MHz – by G0KSC
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Band Optimised Log Periodic Dipole Array 14MHz to 30MHz – by G0KSC

BOLPA-10 A Super Wide Band, High Performance Log Periodic Dipole Array (LPDA) – 14MHz to 30MHz Optimised for all Ham Bands Just 7.7m long! All…

Internet of Things: quali soluzioni usare per il salvataggio dei dati?
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Internet of Things: quali soluzioni usare per il salvataggio dei dati?

Nei sistemi IoT, specialmente se raccogliamo moli considerevoli di dati, è necessario un sistema di archiviazione. Nel mercato attuale, esistono differenti soluzioni per ovviare a…

Le FPGA in virgola mobile nelle applicazioni radar
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Le FPGA in virgola mobile nelle applicazioni radar

I sistemi radar basano il loro funzionamento su un utilizzo esteso e massiccio di algoritmi di elaborazione del segnale, la cui implementazione è stata storicamente…

An amazing 3866.47 KM on 144MHz SSB between D4VHF and J69DS [ VIDEO]
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An amazing 3866.47 KM on 144MHz SSB between D4VHF and J69DS [ VIDEO]

An amazing 3866.47 KM on SSB between D4VHF and J69DS via #tropo on #2m #vhf band. Maybe a new mode world record? TNX @FransJr for…

Icom IC-R30 Digital/Analogue Wideband Communications Receiver
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Icom IC-R30 Digital/Analogue Wideband Communications Receiver

The IC-R30 is Icom’s latest wideband handheld receiver. Not only does it receive over a wide (0.1 to 3304.999 MHz) frequency range in AM, FM,…