Icom IC-705 Thank you for using ICOM products. Many customers have made reservations for the HF-430MHz all-mode 10W transceiver “IC-705”, which was scheduled to be…
Il protocollo I2C viene largamente utilizzato per differenti periferiche embedded. Il vero problema è che non è sempre facile effettuare debug: il protocollo I2C non…
L’idea degli smart contract nasce durante la fine degli anni 90 e consiste nella digitalizzazione di contratti veri e propri che vengono conservati in un…
International Space Station (ISS) Expedition 62 crew is readying its Soyuz MS-15 vehicle for an April 17 departure back to Earth. Expedition 62 members are NASA Flight…
“Looks at how HF radio signals are propagated via the ionosphere. Includes a description of NVIS propagation, and looks at VOACAP-based propagation prediction tools. This…
See What QST Has to Offer! QST is the monthly membership journal of ARRL. Each issue is your source for equipment reviews, technical tips, projects, news…
The FCC has granted temporary permission to wireless internet service providers (WISPs) in rural portions of 29 states and the US Virgin Islands to operate in the…
At the suggestion of Paul, ZL4TT, we applied to Radio Spectrum Management for, and have been granted, approval to treat the COVID-19 lockdown period as…
LT1567 e LT1568 sono due chip di Analog Devices che consentono di realizzare, con l’aggiunta di pochi componenti esterni, filtri attivi RC low-noise e high-frequency di diverso ordine, sia passa-basso sia passa-banda, con…
News Prepping for Ham Radio Operators & Beginners March 29, 2020 No comments Read more Monitoring Emergency Radio Frequencies and Scanning March 29, 2020 No…
“A question that keeps coming up is, “what frequencies should I monitor during an emergency?” We’re going to cover those frequencies today!” Review Requirements for…
The first remote all-online amateur radio Technician license exam was carried out in the United States on March 26, 2020 Marcel Stieber @AI6MS Tweeted: Yesterday…
Da sempre l’uomo ha utilizzato la sezione aurea nell’arte, in letteratura, in architettura, nel design e persino nella musica. La legge dei numeri e l’armonia…
News Coronavirus: Initiative to popularise Amateur Radio and Satellite activities March 28, 2020 No comments The West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP,…
The West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP, is offering students and others the opportunity to learn about amateur radio and satellites during…
Un certificato digitale è un documento elettronico che attesta l’associazione univoca tra una chiave pubblica e l’identità di un soggetto (una persona, una società, un…
Raspberry Pi ha senza dubbio migliaia di applicazioni e può diventare interessante per realizzare un’infinità di progetti. Si è soliti pensarlo a un semplice computer…
Il protocollo a conoscenza zero o dimostrazione a conoscenza zero è una tecnica largamente utilizzata nel mondo della crittografia. Tra le sue applicazioni più interessanti…
Haru, JA1XGI will be active as V6TOPG2020 from Federated States of Micronesia during June – September 2020., V6TOPG2020 Federated States of Micronesia. From DXNews.com, ,
Many individuals and groups organizing events for Field Day 2020 have been contacting ARRL for guidance on how to adapt their planned activities in this unprecedented time…
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