Author: iz4wnp

Considerazioni di design per un’antenna NFC
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Considerazioni di design per un’antenna NFC

NFC (Near Field Communication) è una tecnologia wireless e contactless particolarmente indicata per applicazioni quali pagamenti e trasferimento dati tra dispositivi mobile. Nel corso dell’articolo…

8Q7QR Male Maldive Islands. From
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8Q7QR Male Maldive Islands. From

Yusuke, JJ1DQR will be active as 8Q7QR from Male, Maldive Islands, IOTA AS – 013., 8Q7QR Male Maldive Islands. From, ,

New! LAN-IQ SDR (Stand-alone SDR)
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New! LAN-IQ SDR (Stand-alone SDR)

LAN-IQ SDR Features Stand Alone Software Defined Radio   ● 30 kHz to 1700.00MHz continuous frequency range ● Direct sampling ● DDC – Digital Down-Conversion…

Le comunicazioni radio di nuova generazione: il Software Defined Radio
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Le comunicazioni radio di nuova generazione: il Software Defined Radio

La rapida evoluzione dei sistemi di comunicazione radio, tradizionalmente implementati mediante dispositivi hardware, ha portato allo sviluppo di una serie di tecnologie che, da un lato, garantiscono…

ZZ8P Poldros Island. From
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ZZ8P Poldros Island. From

Radio Amateurs from Brazil will be active as ZZ8P from Poldros Island (Ilha dos Poldros), IOTA SA – 072 14 – 18 January 2017., ZZ8P…

DRM Monitoring Receiver RF-SE
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DRM Monitoring Receiver RF-SE

RF-SE is a professional DRM30/AM/SSB monitoring and measurement receiver, which is available in different models depending on the desired application. Basic Features Fully compliant with…

Hamvention QSO Party Set for Saturday, May 16
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Hamvention QSO Party Set for Saturday, May 16

The Hamvention QSO Party, a sort of virtual Dayton Hamvention®, will take place on the HF bands on May 16, which would be the Saturday of…

Icom IC-9700 Firmware Update (Version 1.23)
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Icom IC-9700 Firmware Update (Version 1.23)

Icom IC-9700 Icom Inc. has released a firmware update for the IC-9700 VHF/UHF/1200 MHz SDR Transceiver. The following improvements have been made: Changes from Version…

Highest-ever resolution images of the Sun unveiled for first time by British researchers
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Highest-ever resolution images of the Sun unveiled for first time by British researchers

These incredible images show the Sun in “ultra high resolution” for the first time. British researchers have collaborated with NASA to unveil the images, the highest-ever resolution….

Historic first Trans-Atlantic contact made on 432 MHz – Tues 7th April 2020
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Historic first Trans-Atlantic contact made on 432 MHz – Tues 7th April 2020

On Tuesday the 7th of April 2020, a remarkable contact was made on the FT8 digital mode on 432 MHz between D4VHF on the Cape Verde…

Batterie usate: un’alternativa per riciclarle
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Batterie usate: un’alternativa per riciclarle

Chi fra di noi non ha una montagna di cellulari o altri piccoli dispositivi elettronici in casa a fare la muffa? Nei prossimi anni, il…

L’applicazione delle fibre ottiche nei sistemi di controllo degli aerei
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L’applicazione delle fibre ottiche nei sistemi di controllo degli aerei

Gli indiscutibili ed ormai consolidati vantaggi dell’applicazione della tecnologia delle fibre ottiche incentivano sempre più l’incremento di settori di impiego di questi formidabili e moderni…

TU5PCT Ivory Coast Story. From
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TU5PCT Ivory Coast Story. From

Ivory Coast (French République de Côte d’Ivoire) is a country in West Africa. Its neighbors are Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia and Mali., TU5PCT Ivory Coast…

RI1ANM Mirny Station Antarctica. From
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RI1ANM Mirny Station Antarctica. From

Alexander, RX3ABI will be active from Mirny Station, Antarctica until early 2021., RI1ANM Mirny Station Antarctica. From, ,

Introduction to SmartSDR for iOS
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Introduction to SmartSDR for iOS

Welcome to SmartSDR for iOS written by Marcus DL8MRE. This is an introduction video that allows you full control and access of your Flex 6000…

Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Postponed
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Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Postponed

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 response and mitigation actions, the 2020 Armed Forces Day (AFD) Crossband Test scheduled for Saturday, May 9, has been postponed….

Shark HF Hamsticks, American Made, Review And Testing
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Shark HF Hamsticks, American Made, Review And Testing

Equipment The XieGu GSOC remote controller for the XIEGU G90 HF April 07, 2020 No comments   Read more Ham Radio Shack Convenience Items and…

RSGB 2020 HF contest survey findings
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RSGB 2020 HF contest survey findings

The RSGB HF Contest Committee (HFCC) has just completed a survey, which was open to all, to help determine its strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic….

Another Look at the4 Alpha-Delta DX-EE Antenna
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Another Look at the4 Alpha-Delta DX-EE Antenna

Review Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Postponed April 08, 2020 No comments Due to the ongoing COVID-19 response and mitigation actions, the 2020 Armed…

Utilizzo di antenne array nella rete 5G
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Utilizzo di antenne array nella rete 5G

La rete mobile di quinta generazione (5G) promette di rivoluzionare l’intero settore delle comunicazioni wireless, con importanti innovazioni in grado di guidare l’espansione economica attraverso…

COVID-19 and radio amateurs in IARU-R2
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COVID-19 and radio amateurs in IARU-R2

After the COVID-19 pandemic began, up to April 2, 2020 the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has reported 247,473 confirmed cases and 5,600 deaths in…

New TQSL Version 2.5.2 Provides Better LoTW Rover Support, Other Improvements
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New TQSL Version 2.5.2 Provides Better LoTW Rover Support, Other Improvements

The latest version of TrustedQSL (TQSL), version 2.5.2, offers improved Logbook of The World (LoTW) support for operations from several locations, as well as the ability to…

New Bright Signs of Cycle 25
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New Bright Signs of Cycle 25

Review Solar Power at KE0OG April 06, 2020 No comments Read more AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Unboxing April 06, 2020 No comments Read more Requirements for Technician…

World Amateur Radio Day on April 18 Celebrates 95th Anniversary of the IARU
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World Amateur Radio Day on April 18 Celebrates 95th Anniversary of the IARU

Saturday, April 19, is World Amateur Radio Day (WARD), this year marking the 95th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU). Around the world,…

Android APP – Morse Trainer for Ham Radio
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Android APP – Morse Trainer for Ham Radio

Learn or improve Morse code with Morse Trainer. Now with Farnsworth speed and Koch method. If you are a ham radio (amateur radio) operator or…