Author: iz4wnp

TP4056: il circuito universale di ricarica e alimentazione per le batterie LiPo
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TP4056: il circuito universale di ricarica e alimentazione per le batterie LiPo

Un dilemma che interessa tutti coloro che vogliono realizzare un progetto elettronico portatile è senza dubbio l’alimentazione. In commercio abbiamo differenti soluzioni che possono fare…

PCB ART – Guida definitiva alla scelta dell’Antenna
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PCB ART – Guida definitiva alla scelta dell’Antenna

Come tutte le sfide progettuali, la progettazione di schede integrate è veramente molto ambiziosa. Richiede grande controllo di tutte le variabili in gioco ed un…

ARI -Varese in prova regionale
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ARI -Varese in prova regionale

Mercoledì 8 aprile prova regionale Essendo impossibile per il momento, per effetto delle misure legate alla pandemia, svolgere l’abituale prova nazionale mensile in collegamento con…

IQ0AK iin versione DAI
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IQ0AK iin versione DAI

La Sezione ARI Porto Torres attiverà la Chiesa di San Basilio Magno sita nel Comune di Sennori (Sassari) referenza DAI SD0260. Inizio operazioni dalle 8:00 UTC del…

Solar Power at KE0OG
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Solar Power at KE0OG

App – Mobile Look4Sat: Radio satellite tracker – APP February 10, 2020 No comments Ham radio and weather satellite tracker and passes predictor inspired by…

AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Unboxing
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AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Unboxing

Recent Posts Solar Power at KE0OG April 06, 2020 No comments Read more AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Unboxing April 06, 2020 No comments Read more Radio Contesting…

Radio Contesting Journey – HF, VHF, Roving
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Radio Contesting Journey – HF, VHF, Roving

by Jim Wilson My contesting began as so many of my journeys begin – a simple entry with a great deal of discovery and learning along…

JAPAN News – 160/80m band changes
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JAPAN News – 160/80m band changes

Yoshi, JG7AMD, reports that there are changes coming on 160/80m for JA operators. He states, “On March 11th, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications…

Power Supply – Layout ed EMI
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Power Supply – Layout ed EMI

Il Layout di un PCB è fondamentale in ogni progetto circuitale che riguardi gli alimentatori. Interferenze elettromagnetiche (EMI) e comportamento termico sono i fattori principali…

Preppers and Ham Radio Operators Not so Crazy in the Age of the Coronavirus
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Preppers and Ham Radio Operators Not so Crazy in the Age of the Coronavirus

By  Ham Radio Prepper  –As the world is swept up into 24/7 coronavirus hysteria, people who once mocked preppers and ham radio operators are starting…

Brazil holds 430 and 1240 MHz consultation
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Brazil holds 430 and 1240 MHz consultation

A public consultation is being held in Brazil concerning both the 430 MHz and 1240 MHz Amateur Radio bands. On March 23, the National Telecommunications…

Ham Radio Shack Convenience Items and Tools
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Ham Radio Shack Convenience Items and Tools

Antenna Chameleon EmComm III Portable End Fed Antenna Review April 02, 2020 No comments     The EMCOMM III Portable antenna is a portable High…

Amateur Radio Association of Nebraska 3D print face shields for healthcare workers
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Amateur Radio Association of Nebraska 3D print face shields for healthcare workers

HASTINGS, Neb. (KSNB) – With a national shortage of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers, people are doing what they can to fulfill the orders….

Applicazioni generali del “problema inverso di Ising”: una introduzione
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Applicazioni generali del “problema inverso di Ising”: una introduzione

I problemi statistici inversi sorgono quando c’è la necessità di inferire i parametri di un modello matematico a partire dai dati osservabili disponibili. Il problema…

E6AM Niue Island. From
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E6AM Niue Island. From

E6AM Team will be active from Niue Island, IOTA OC – 040, 28 September – 17 October 2020., E6AM Niue Island. From, ,

A35GC Tonga. From
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A35GC Tonga. From

A35GC Team will be active from Tonga, 19 October – 2 November 2020., A35GC Tonga. From, ,

Ham Radio Test Online! Follow Ups and Progress Reports –
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Ham Radio Test Online! Follow Ups and Progress Reports –

 Antenna Chameleon EmComm III Portable End Fed Antenna Review April 02, 2020 No comments     The EMCOMM III Portable antenna is a portable…

Bluetooth: 5 modi per creare una connessione sicura
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Bluetooth: 5 modi per creare una connessione sicura

Il protocollo Bluetooth viene largamente utilizzato in differenti progetti che vanno ben oltre l’uso comune di periferiche semplici. In diversi casi, può essere addirittura utilizzato…

Guida alle modulazioni: le modulazioni analogiche
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Guida alle modulazioni: le modulazioni analogiche

La modulazione è l’operazione intermedia tra la sorgente d’informazione ed il canale trasmissivo all’interno di un sistema di comunicazione. Con questo articolo diamo il via…

Midland Alan 48 Pro at Nevada
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Midland Alan 48 Pro at Nevada

Now in stock at Nevada is the new Midland Alan 48 Pro. Price: £109.95 LINK Features : Band modes : AM / FM Output power…

Le sfide del settore Wireless/RF – Intervista a Roger Nichols e Frederic Weiller, Ingegneri @ Keysight Technologies Inc.
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Le sfide del settore Wireless/RF – Intervista a Roger Nichols e Frederic Weiller, Ingegneri @ Keysight Technologies Inc.

Oggi parliamo con Roger Nichols, Program Manager 5G di Keysight Technologies Inc., che ci spiegherà quali sono le sfide della tecnologia RF e le prospettive…

3D2CR QSL Status. From
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3D2CR QSL Status. From

We must report that currently, the Polish Post Office, still does not process any in and outbound international mail., 3D2CR QSL Status. From, ,

V47JA Saint Kitts Island. From
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V47JA Saint Kitts Island. From

W5JON will be active again from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA-104, 11 June – 2 July 2020, as V47JA., V47JA Saint Kitts Island. From,…

Chameleon EmComm III Portable End Fed Antenna Review
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Chameleon EmComm III Portable End Fed Antenna Review

    The EMCOMM III Portable antenna is a portable High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for short to long range portable and man-pack HF…

Ailunce HS2 HF VHF UHF SDR Transceiver
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Ailunce HS2 HF VHF UHF SDR Transceiver

Ailunce HS2 is an ultra-portable full-frequency full-mode SDR radio. The HAM-BOX mobile app we developed allows the mobile phone to easily control and play radio stations….