Author: iz4wnp

49:1 End Fed Half Wave Multi-Band HF Antenna 80m – 10m
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49:1 End Fed Half Wave Multi-Band HF Antenna 80m – 10m

News Prepping for Ham Radio Operators & Beginners March 29, 2020 No comments Read more Monitoring Emergency Radio Frequencies and Scanning March 29, 2020 No…

Prepping for Ham Radio Operators & Beginners
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Prepping for Ham Radio Operators & Beginners

Antenna 49:1 End Fed Half Wave Multi-Band HF Antenna 80m – 10m March 29, 2020 No comments Read more HF Antenna In An HOA, Chameleon…

Monitoring Emergency Radio Frequencies and Scanning
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Monitoring Emergency Radio Frequencies and Scanning

“A question that keeps coming up is, “what frequencies should I monitor during an emergency?” We’re going to cover those frequencies today!” Review Requirements for…

USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam
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USA conducts first all-online ham radio exam

The first remote all-online amateur radio Technician license exam was carried out in the United States on March 26, 2020 Marcel Stieber @AI6MS Tweeted: Yesterday…

La sezione aurea affascina tutti
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La sezione aurea affascina tutti

Da sempre l’uomo ha utilizzato la sezione aurea nell’arte, in letteratura, in architettura, nel design e persino nella musica. La legge dei numeri e l’armonia…

Requirements for Technician Reference Station Home/Mobile Rig
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Requirements for Technician Reference Station Home/Mobile Rig

News Coronavirus: Initiative to popularise Amateur Radio and Satellite activities March 28, 2020 No comments The West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP,…

Coronavirus: Initiative to popularise Amateur Radio and Satellite activities
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Coronavirus: Initiative to popularise Amateur Radio and Satellite activities

The West India Zone Regional Coordinator for AMSAT-INDIA, Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP, is offering students and others the opportunity to learn about amateur radio and satellites during…

Cerificati digitali: a cosa servono
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Cerificati digitali: a cosa servono

Un certificato digitale è un documento elettronico che attesta l’associazione univoca tra una chiave pubblica e l’identità di un soggetto (una persona, una società, un…

ZeroPhone: lo smartphone basato su Raspberry Pi open source
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ZeroPhone: lo smartphone basato su Raspberry Pi open source

Raspberry Pi ha senza dubbio migliaia di applicazioni e può diventare interessante per realizzare un’infinità di progetti. Si è soliti pensarlo a un semplice computer…

Protocollo a conoscenza zero: come migliorare la privacy nella blockchain
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Protocollo a conoscenza zero: come migliorare la privacy nella blockchain

Il protocollo a conoscenza zero o dimostrazione a conoscenza zero è una tecnica largamente utilizzata nel mondo della crittografia. Tra le sue applicazioni più interessanti…

V6TOPG2020 Federated States of Micronesia. From
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V6TOPG2020 Federated States of Micronesia. From

Haru, JA1XGI will be active as V6TOPG2020 from Federated States of Micronesia during June – September 2020., V6TOPG2020 Federated States of Micronesia. From, ,

8Q7KB Meedhupparu Island Maldives. From
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8Q7KB Meedhupparu Island Maldives. From

Kazik, DL2SBY will be active as 8Q7KB from Meedhupparu Island, Maldives, IOTA AS – 013, 4 – 12 May 2020., 8Q7KB Meedhupparu Island Maldives. From…

HH2AA Haiti. From
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HH2AA Haiti. From

K0BBC will be active as HH2AA, from Haiti, IOTA NA – 096, in CQ WW WPX SSB Contest, 28 – 29 March 2020., HH2AA Haiti….

Field Day 2020 — A Time to Adapt
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Field Day 2020 — A Time to Adapt

Many individuals and groups organizing events for Field Day 2020 have been contacting ARRL for guidance on how to adapt their planned activities in this unprecedented time…

openSPOT3: First time setup
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openSPOT3: First time setup

Antenna HF Antenna In An HOA, Chameleon MPAS 2.0 Is Discrete!! March 22, 2020 No comments Chameleon MPAS 2.0 1.8-54 MHz Modular Portable Antenna System…

The K7RA Solar Update – CQ WPX SSB 2020
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The K7RA Solar Update – CQ WPX SSB 2020

We saw another week with no sunspots, which were last observed just briefly over two weeks ago on two days, March 8-9. reports that…

RFID per Blockchain
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RFID per Blockchain

Blockchain è un libro mastro digitale utilizzato per registrare un evento. L’evento può essere qualsiasi cosa: una transazione finanziaria, il trasferimento di un bene da…

AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning: quali le differenze?
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AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning: quali le differenze?

Intelligenza artificiale, machine learning e deep learning sono concetti che, pur avendo una radice comune, presentano delle differenze e dei confini ben marcati. L’intelligenza artificiale…

HF Go Bag
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HF Go Bag

“In this video I go over the Anti-Venom 24 Hour Assault Pack from DDT (Death Dealer Tactical) based in Arizona. For its size this bag…

Fire at the Belize Amateur Radio Club – V31MA
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Fire at the Belize Amateur Radio Club – V31MA

 DXW, about the BARC Headquarter Club – Contest – Event Station *  Marc, V31MA writes to report that, very sadly, the Belize Amateur Radio Club…

Unboxing the AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR/FM Mobile Radio
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Unboxing the AnyTone AT-D578UV III Pro DMR/FM Mobile Radio

AnyTone AT-D578UVIIIPRO Tri-Band Amateur DMR Mobile Radio with Bluetooth, GPS and BridgeCom University   Want the latest and greatest DMR radio? We are now taking…

Crittografia “LightWeight” per i sistemi embedded: quali tecniche usare?
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Crittografia “LightWeight” per i sistemi embedded: quali tecniche usare?

Sappiamo che i sistemi embedded non brillano per potere computazionale e memoria, al contrario sono molto limitati. In certe situazioni tuttavia, non possiamo fare a…

Cardano: la blockchain innovativa sviluppata a livello accademico
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Cardano: la blockchain innovativa sviluppata a livello accademico

Con il boom dello sviluppo nel campo blockchain sono nati innumerevoli progetti, tra questi uno dei più interessanti è sicuramente Cardano, una blockchain innovativa nata…

Coronal Hole #24 will be facing Earth this weekend.
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Coronal Hole #24 will be facing Earth this weekend.

Coronal Hole #24 will be facing Earth this weekend. A solar wind stream flowing from this zone could reach Earth beginning March 29th and could…

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We are very excited to offer this new mounting solution for the Kenwood TM-D710. It will also work with Kenwood TM-D700A TM-D700E TM-D710E. There are…